[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2013/10/chris-noth-6.jpg)Add another actor to the list. Chris Noth, currently starring in “The Good Wife,” played Detective Mike Logan on “Law & Order” and “Law & Order: Criminal Intent,” and “Mr. Big” on “Sex and the City.” Noth has now outed himself — as yet another liberal. Worse, his moronic anti-GOP, anti-tea party comments put him into the category of “brain dead” Hollywood liberal, to use an expression from playwright David Mamet.
Noth, unhappy with the partial government shutdown, tweeted this thoughtful analysis: “Highest level of racism was shown yesterday when Republicans forced a shutdown of our government. Mostly because our President is black.” Naturally, he weighed on the tea party: “Every tea party member should be horsewhipped.” Get it? Opposition to Obamacare … is racist!
Mamet, in 2008, wrote an article for the “Village Voice” called “Why I Am No Longer a Brain-Dead Liberal.” He described his conversion from the typical Noth-like Hollywood mindset:
“As a child of the ‘60s, I accepted as an article of faith that government is corrupt, that business is exploitative and that people are generally good at heart. These cherished precepts had, over the years, become ingrained as increasingly impracticable prejudices. Why do I say impracticable? Because although I still held these beliefs, I no longer applied them in my life. … I began reading not only the economics of Thomas Sowell (our greatest contemporary philosopher) but Milton Friedman, Paul Johnson and Shelby Steele, and a host of conservative writers, and found that I agreed with them: A free-market understanding of the world meshes more perfectly with my experience than that idealistic vision I called liberalism.”
Noth confidently displayed his bigotry toward Republicans and the tea party because he knows that where he works most people think just like that — or they’re are smart enough to shut up if they don’t.
Ben Shapiro, attorney and talk show host, wrote “Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV.” Conservative actors, writers, producers and staffers, Shapiro writes, are blatantly discriminated against: “The television industry is … ideologically xenophobic. Most conservatives in Hollywood don’t work today, at least not openly. That’s not because conservatives are untalented or unqualified or incapable of empathy, as many on the left ridiculously contend. It’s because liberals employ a mirror form of McCarthyism on a large scale.”
In fairness to Noth, many Americans feel hostility toward Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Tex., and the House Republicans, and blame them for the partial shutdown. But Ted Cruz led the charge “mostly because our President is black”?!
Since 1976, there have been 17 “shutdowns” — not counting the latest — for a total of 110 days. In 15 of these cases, Democrats controlled the House. Were the Dems “hostage takers,” “terrorists” and “anarchists”?
The shutdown was about Obamacare. Teamsters head James Hoffa, an Obamacare supporter, wrote a letter to Obama in which he said that Obamacare threatened the 40-hour workweek. Warren Buffett agreed that Obamacare should be “scrapped,” and he warned of our healthcare market becoming “less and less competitive.” Did they criticize Obamacare “mostly because our President is black”?
Noth believes Republican/tea party opposition to Obama is rooted in racism. How many of his Hollywood homies back Obama _because _he is black? Did Noth tweet about fellow actor Samuel L. Jackson? Jackson explained why he supported the then-Senator from Illinois in 2008: “I voted for Barack because he was black. ‘Cuz that’s why other folks vote for other people — because they look like them.”
Since Noth is concerned about “racism,” one wonders how he feels about a recent poll that asked Hispanic, black and whites this question: As between Hispanics, blacks and whites, which group is most racist? More Americans (37 percent) believe most blacks are racist, versus 15 percent saying most whites are racist and 17 percent believing Hispanics are racist. Even blacks consider blacks the most racist. Thirty-one percent of blacks, according to the poll, said blacks are the most racist, 24 percent said whites and 15 percent said Hispanics. Mr. Noth, does this mean that blacks’ hostility toward President George W. Bush was “mostly because our President was white”?
Polls have long asked Americans if they would vote for a black person for president. In 1960, about 40 percent said yes. By 1980, 80 percent said yes. More recently, in a 2006 Times/Bloomberg poll, 97 percent said yes. But more Democrats (at 4 percent) than Republicans (at 3 percent) ruled out voting for a black candidate.
Reckless charges of racism are standard operating procedure for the Hollywood left. But the election and re-election of the first black president presents a challenge. When the evidence demonstrates the declining significance of race, how can leftists continue to complain about its alleged significance? Answer: expand the definition of “racism.” At one time, hostility toward a race made one a racist. Today, mere opposition to a policy — providing a black president is on the other side — makes one not only a racist, but one in need of a “horsewhipping.”
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