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People need to realize the Left is using the alleged “existential” threat of global warming to wage war against liberty, against the Western world’s (not China’s) economy, and against joy.
The automobile, that magnificent enhancement to human freedom and joy, is a target of the Left. The idea that individuals should be able to go where they want when they want in their own car is anathema to the Left — it provides way too much individual liberty. Ideally, almost no one should own a car. We should all aspire to live in a high-rise apartment building in a major metropolis and use public transportation, ride bicycles or walk. If for some reason we have to travel a longer distance, let us say to conservative relatives who selfishly own their own homes in the suburbs, we can use public transportation; and if none is available, we can use Uber or Lyft.
Even the family, one of life’s greatest sources of joy and meaning, is a target of the climate change activists. They believe that there are way too many people in the world. Kids are carbon-emitting machines. So, an increasing number of women, including married women, are choosing not to have children. They don’t see how they can justify bringing children into a world in which they will be roasted to death. And frequently their progressive parents (the would-be grandparents) agree with them. As I wrote in a previous column, based on the many comments of New York Times readers on an opinion piece written by a woman who has decided not to have children because of global warming, many readers wrote that despite the fact that they long for grandchildren, they support their child’s decision to go childless.
Now we have another joy of life that progressives are targeting in the name of combating global warming: Christmas gifts. Many progressives have long opposed giving Christmas gifts in the name of combating “consumerism” (to be fair, some religious conservatives share that ascetic view). But climate change will soon constitute the greater moral reason.
In the Daily Mail this week, a woman wrote an article making this case.
“Last year,” she wrote, “surrounded by wrapping paper and abandoned gifts, I suggested to my husband Chris that next time we shouldn’t buy anything — for each other or the children.
“Not buying anything for my husband is trivial because he can buy for himself. But not buying presents for our two girls, aged six and three, is a trickier proposition…
“We’re increasingly aware of the global impact of our purchases. Everything we buy the kids will go into landfill…
“With the planet on fire and plastics everywhere it seems like we are at a moment of reckoning and have been for some time…
“I’ve forced this rule on the family, telling my mother, in-laws and the brothers and sisters not to buy the girls anything.
“My sister was appalled and very cross that she will be thought of as the mean old aunt. Just because I want to strip the joy out of Christmas, why should she have to?”
This woman’s article encapsulates much of the darkness the Left represents and creates.
First is the war on joy. Part of the joy of Christmas, especially for children, is receiving gifts. To deny this is to deny reality. This can be verified by asking any adult to describe the joy they experienced as a child looking under the Christmas tree for their gifts.
Second, it is a war on altruism. Gift-giving may be animated by a number of factors, but one fact is undeniable: Giving people gifts is an altruistic act. If people stop doing so — whether to combat “consumerism” or to combat global warming — they are ending one of the most widespread expressions of altruism in our society.
Third, children are the primary targets of this nonsense. Progressives seem to have a particular animus for children. They wage war on children’s innocence with early “sex education,” with LGBTQ activism in elementary school, and by promoting drag queen “story hours” beginning at age 5; by their closing schools for nearly two years for no valid reason; by depriving children of God, religion and patriotism; by their irrationally frightening children about their future (they will essentially be burned alive); and now by depriving children of Christmas gifts and, presumably, birthday gifts (they, too, add to landfills).
Fourth, the woman who wrote this article has no qualms about imposing her beliefs on everyone else. It is not enough for her to tell her husband not to give her 6- and 3-year-old daughters Christmas gifts. She has ordered the girls’ grandparents, aunts and uncles not to do so: “I’ve forced this rule on the family.”
Fifth, progressive reasoning is not only morally defective, but also factually defective. If no one in the United Kingdom gave a single Christmas gift, nothing would be accomplished with regard to global warming. But a whole society would be deprived of a major joy of life, and the country’s economy would take a major hit.
Just remember this rule of life: Everything the Left touches, it destroys.
If there’s too many people on the planet they ain’t being born in the western world, we all know who cannot control themselves and live within their means and we know which continents have become corrupt shite holes sucking in western wealth for a hundred years and getting no better.
But it’s racism to mention it.
Merry Christmas Dennis.
Bang on… you will never hear progressives lamenting those cultures who are popping out babies like rabbits.
Global Warming is, and has always been, a hoax. Any change in temperatures has almost nothing to do with human activities. The sun is the major driver of our climate.
Con artists such as Al Gore and John Kerry know this, but they’re gaining money and power from the scam.
Look, the communists want World Socialist, no-borders, Government, and the fraud of man-made global warming (climate change) is simply the catalyst, the vehicle they are using to achieve it. They milked the Covid Plandemic as much as they could for this end. It’s the reason for the huge push to disarm American citizens, and the western world via the ‘Small Arms Treaty’.
The followers of this movement are everything from mentally ill to profoundly ignorant, but the elite leaders know exactly what they’re doing. It is no accident. They have caused this mass migration from 3rd world countries into western countries to occur. Obama, a documented Marxist Revolutionary, told fellow member of the communist club at Occidental College that the United States had to be destroyed by a violent revolution as had happened in China and Russia. Obama advocated for a civilian army as strong as the nation’s military, He said he was going to ‘fundamentally transform’ America. In his acceptance speech in 2008 he remarked after thanking the crowd, almost to himself: it’s been a long time coming. What had been a long time coming? He had never run for the presidency before, he hadn’t labored long and hard for it. He virtually came out of nowhere. What he meant was that finally a communist was at the head of American government. Are Antifa and BLM his civilian army. What’s with buying up millions upon millions of ammunition. What’s with the 87,000 new armed IRS agents? What’s with radicalizing and weaponizing the FBI and CIA against average Americans? When you stop and think about it, most of this anti-Americanism kicked off with Obama coming on the scene..
To set the record straight one more time; there are not now, nor have there ever been “too many people” on the planet. More importantly, fertility rates are crashing everywhere, even in the third world. The world population is at or near peak now. Anything being used to combat population growth (abortion, or climate “change” or coal in the stocking for Christmas) is just an excuse for cruelty. That’s what leftists want.
That’s who they are.
Fertility rates are crashing now due to the elites messing with chemicals in our water system. Has been going on for decades. All the fear mongering in the world will result in a deep divide, which we can already see for ourselves. Only God can save America now. No matter what the left does, they will NOT be successful in ousting God. Even if we need to utilize catacombs as in ancient times, God will be with us, without question. Bring Jesus Christ back to our land. This is the only way we will prosper again. Talk with God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, your guardian angel, any and all the saints. God is very patient; he is just waiting for us to turn to Him.
Today’s progressives are like the old Prohibitionists. They know better than you what’s good for you, and will ram it up your sphincter with glee, because it makes them feel good about themselves, and makes you feel that you’re trapped in a world of stupid.
What I find tragic is that these eco-zealots actually believe that their ludicrous efforts are making a difference. But it’s really just some sort of virtue signaling aimed at themselves to show others of their noble goodness. .
Who bred these nitwits??? Yes, not giving your kids Christmas presents will sure motivate those Chinese to clean up thier air. While you’re at it, stop farting and exhailing, just for good measure. Sheesh…
Ecopaths can bitch about everyone else being “morally” inferior, while they throw thousands of plastic Starbucks cups in the landfills.
I would like to see a a big snowstorm strand some Climate Activists in their homes without Power for few hours so they can know what its like without the electricity their so used to