Water finds its own level. So does sludge water in the swamp.
Biden is preparing to name Cindy McCain to a coveted ambassador post in Western Europe in what would be his administration’s first Republican appointee to a Senate-confirmed position.
Fact check: Cindy McCain isn’t a Republican. She’s the spouse of a deceased Republican. That makes her as much of a Republican as Arianna Huffington or John Kerry’s wife.
Also lobbying to give more money to the UN is hardly a “coveted” post. Supporters clamor to be the ambassador to the UN, Germany, or Rome.
Who clamors for this gig?
McCain is undergoing vetting to be nominated for U.S. ambassador to the U.N. World Food Programme
Lots of vetting involved, I’m sure. This isn’t an ambassadorship in anything but name. I presume that this is the role formerly held by Kip Tom, under Trump, for the multiple food missions in Rome.
Anyway, it’s a perfect job for Cindy McCain, a rich liberal lady who wants to play philanthropist and will come in handy when lobbying Senate Republicans to give more money to the UN.
What’s a better reward for betraying Americans than more betrayals of Americans?
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