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Recently the reliably Left-wing rag The Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece that wrestled with a question no one in history ever thought to ask themselves until our own time, when it has become a common refrain among young generations: Is it morally right to bring children into a world so fraught with dangerous uncertainty?
“Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question” is an excerpt from a new book by Jade S. Sasser, an associate professor in the – wait for it – Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies at UC Riverside. The book is called Climate Anxiety and the Kid Question: Deciding Whether to Have Children in an Uncertain Future.
Yes, climate anxiety is a thing. Psychotherapist Natacha Duke describes it thusly: “Also known as ‘eco-anxiety,’ ‘eco-guilt’ and ‘eco-grief,’ climate anxiety is characterized by a chronic fear of environmental doom that’s often paralyzing and debilitating.” It is one of the most effective and widespread psyops of our time, having traumatized an entire couple of generations into believing that we must take immediate, radical action to completely dismantle the capitalist, systemically racist, heteronormative, fossil-fueled power structures and exploitative mentality that purportedly have driven us to the brink of planetary annihilation.
The Times excerpt centers on a series of interviews Sasser conducted in 2021 and 2022 with millennials and members of Generation Z, “all of them people of color. Some of them identify as queer… which shapes their sensitivity to discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.” All were college-educated, most having taken environmental studies classes. At least two of them have degrees in sustainability, whatever that means.
“American society feels more socially and politically polarized than ever,” Sasser begins, and it’s hard to argue with her. She wonders, “Is it right to bring another person into that?”
Among her interview subjects is Bobby, 22, whose degree in sustainability studies scored him a job in a restaurant where he is “unhappily employed.” He is open to adopting an already existing kid but not having one of his own. “The environment is really the deciding factor for me,” he tells Sasser.
Victoria, who also got a degree in sustainability, has “always questioned bringing people into an environment [where] so much is going on politically, socially, health-wise, all of that.” She worries about the future of healthcare access and “wealth inequality.”
A 22-year-old named Elena declares, “Me being interested in environmental policy cemented my decision to not have kids.” Her environmental studies classes prompted her to feel that “having kids is definitely not a sustainable thing to do… I don’t want them to grow up and have to leave their home because of sea level rise. Or be worried because of really weird weather patterns.”
She continues: “I know that things aren’t going to get better. So why would I want to put a child through that? Even when my sister gave birth to my nephew, I was like, Why? They’re gonna go through so much.”
Mexican American Juliana, 23, just graduated from art school. She and her friends – “mainly composed of queer and transgender, anti-establishment artists” – don’t want children. Again, environmental concerns are at the heart of their rejection of kids.
A Native American woman named Melanie, 26, wants children but “with all of the things we see going on in the world, it seems unfair to bring someone into all of this against their will.” She adds, “With climate change, we’re the driving force of things breaking down, but then also, the planet’s going to do what the planet’s going to do… So… it almost feels, like, kind of shameful to want to have children.”
A significant part of the damage done by the environmental hysteria cranked up in college classes and in our cultural messaging is this hopelessness, guilt, and anxiety it engenders in young people who have little real-world experience and who are especially susceptible to the gas-lighting of virtue-signaling celebrities and far-Left activists posing as educators. Climate-change fear-mongers like Al “The electricity to heat my Olympic-size swimming pool would power six homes for a year” Gore have been predicting imminent apocalypse for more than half a century.
This hysteria is part of a toxic “safetyism” infecting our culture. Safetyism, as defined in Lukianoff and Haidt’s book The Coddling of the American Mind, is “the cult of safety–an obsession with eliminating threats (both real and imagined) to the point at which people become unwilling to make reasonable trade-offs demanded by other practical and moral concerns.” Add to that the guilt that we are hurtling toward an environmental doom which we believe we brought on ourselves, and the tragic result is the end of hope, the loss of an optimism that the future will be better for our children, and the self-loathing sense that the planet can only be saved if our destructive species commits suicide.
Yes, the world is fraught with danger of innumerable kinds – but it always has been. People have always been at the mercy of natural disasters and harsh weather conditions, not to mention disease, famine, conquering armies, and just plain poverty, which was the dominant condition for humankind for all of history until our own time. In short, there has never been a time when things didn’t look bad.
Why did anyone bring children into those circumstances? Because prior to our own time, even if you were born into royalty, everyone accepted the reality that life was hard and dangerous and unfair and always would be. At the risk of romanticizing it too much: hope and faith made life worth living, and children generally were seen as a blessing; people didn’t agonize over whether their offspring would be bad for the planet or whether they might have to deal with “really weird weather patterns.” Life today is still hard and dangerous and unfair, but not nearly so much as even in the recent past. Thanks to technological and medical advances, as well as civilizational stability in the West, there has never been a safer time in history to have children than today.
No, today is different! panicked young people with sustainability degrees would argue. Things aren’t just normal-bad; they’re super-bad, and not in the James Brown way! We’re facing the manmade end of the world! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Greta Thunberg say we have less than ten years left! Or is that “fewer” than ten years…? The point is, we don’t have much time! Bringing more children into that doomsday scenario is cruel to them and will only increase our carbon footprint and hasten the end!
This kind of panic is mushrooming into a human tragedy of enormous proportions in terms of the number of young people who will never become mothers and fathers. It is not just a personal tragedy, but a civilizational one, as the Western world – America included – is already suffering an unprecedented drop in the birth rate.
I firmly believe people who don’t want children shouldn’t have them, even though I also believe many of those people will end up regretting that choice. I was childless until unusually late in life; prior to that I was largely just thoughtlessly indifferent to the idea of kids and family. But I wised up just at the time I fortuitously met the woman who would become my wife, and realized that if I never had children I would regret it deeply. We now have five kids and it’s impossible to express what a joyful transformation they have wrought on my life, a transformation I could not have imagined beforehand. I believe also that in their small way, over the course of their lives my children will carry that joyful transformation to others and out into the world at large.
Do I worry about their future in this uncertain world? Of course. As the saying goes, having children is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. But if you want to make the world a better place, you cannot do better in the long run than to give birth to the next generation and raise it to be and to do better than yours.
Environmental alarmism is stealing that hope and optimism and joy from an entire generation.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
At the risk of sounding like an environmental alarmist aka a communist aka an Atheist:
Our species and our civilization do face an existential crisis.
It’s just not anything featured by the Left, and it’s usually dismissed by most conservatives:
And that threat is the Left itself.
Never mind deadly jabs that could sterilize our species – if not kill us all in real-time with some sci-fi style zombie apocalypse. Never mind nuclear war. Never mind transferring 90% of our industry to China and leaving just enough of a tech base to satisfy a bunch of sex perverts. Never mind burning 10,000 years of coal to make a few EV’s for a technically ignorant public.
No. Even if we can defeat all of the Left’s insane plans that endanger us and the planet. We face a demographic problem we haven’t faced – ever.
The declining birthrate and declining population growth threatens civilization. It’s not that there’s going to be too few people. It’s that the people willing and capable of running civilization will be minorities who will soon be subject to all sorts of discrimination from Islam and communism to tribalism and racism.
It’s not “idiocracy” – as this is not the wonderful Atheists who now run the world so well being defeated by low IQ Christians breeding too many pedophile-phobes who demand city parks that are safe for geese.
No. It’s the fact that the Christians and Jews who built everything good on the planet will be a persecuted minority under a tyranny that literally does not care if our species reproduces itself.
What we need to figure out – before it’s too late – is that we will all be ‘angry white men’ who cannot prevent the dangerous atheists running the show from wiping us all out.
Planet Earth will soon see whether life is an accident in an endless universe … or a complex video game of a higher intelligence.
If the atheist’s hypothesis is correct, we can kiss the Earth goodbye.
The UN is sitting above it all laughing at us.
there you go – where it all stems from – turning people into mad monkey sheep because they have turned their backs on YHVH Creator Father and HIS Son and Savior Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua Messiah — We went to catalytic convertor, made whaling illegal and will continue with entrepreneurs like Elon Musk who took over USA’s Space Exploration from government NASA and of course our own POTUS 45 and 47 Donald J. Trump who is an entrepreneur and that is the only way to fix things – not government bureaucracy
Fat Al started all this lunacy and the UN and all the elitist URBAN Zombies with no braincells fell for it hook, line and sinker. Anybody with any 8th grade science education knows that all the greenery on this planet uses Photosynthesis to convert CO2 to O2. Nobody, absolutely nobody has done any research to find out what carbon capture will do to effect the process. But all those idiots do not care about that they have bought the bill of codes.
Yes, plants need carbon for cellular growth. They retain the carbon and expel the oxygen from CO2. Without plants we would all die. The people who want to reduce carbon are mentally retarded. ALL LIFE ON PLANET EARTH IS CARBON BASED.
Ah! It is the revenge of Goreloser.
Hello Dan, You got right to the point when you said “Planet Earth will soon see whether life is an accident in an endless universe … or a complex video game of a higher intelligence.”
Yes. Because 2,000 years ago, our Creator, the God of Abraham, had these words written down: He said that he would “bring to ruin those ruining the earth”. Revelation 11:18
Back then, when that promise was written down, would it have seemed possible that we could bring a whole planet to ruin, let alone the only one we have to live on?
And have you ever thought about the prophecy at Daniel 2:44 and of the rescue it promises?
I rather think the “ruin” foretold in the bible is not the destruction of the physical planet the present crop of alarmists are touting, but rather the spiritual ruin brought about the rejection of God’s Son.
…and what is your opinion about gravity?
Hello Tionico. Yes, of course God will not destroy this lovely planet. As Psalm 37:29 promises: “The righteous will possess the earth and they will live forever on it”.
I am hoping to live forever on this splendid planet, which floats like a blue and white jewel in an awe-inspiring, ever expanding universe. I hope you will. I hope we all will. But it would be a bit difficult to do so if there was no earth to live on…
It is the wicked unjust system of things on the earth that will be destroyed, along with all the unrepentantly wicked and violent. Please consider this from Proverbs: It tells us to “follow the way of good people, And stay on the paths of the righteous, For only the upright will reside in the earth, And the blameless will remain in it. As for the wicked, they will be cut off from the earth, And the treacherous will be torn away from it/” Proverbs 2:20-22
The wicked will be cut off from the earth. The blameless will remain. And the lost paradise will be restored earthwide. There is more happiness ahead for us right here on the earth than we can now imagine, if we will only listen to our Creator now.
Yeah, somehow I rather doubt that many people in the Muslim ummah are thinking about not having kids. Just read Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
The earth will be fine. It’s humans who are going to go extinct and we’re doing it to ourselves. Moreover, it has absolutely nothing to do with the fictional “climate change.”
What do I mean? Simple. Humans are dying off because we no longer eat real food. Instead, we eat a lot of ultra-processed foods which nutritionally speaking, is not food at all and ultimately, deadly. The human body was not designed to consume/process ultra-processed foods. As a species, we’re dying, killing ourselves, but no one wants to admit it. It’s akin to an obese people wolfing down a box of glaze donuts while proclaiming that their aren’t fat; just big boned. Uh-huh, sure!
So-called climate is a canard that the left has bought into that’s backed by the food industry to get use to eat more ultra-processed foods to assure that we all get sick. Then they hand us off to the pharmaceutical industrial to assure that our premature deaths is painless and comfortable as possible. (FYI: pharmaceutical companies aren’t in the business of curing anyone of anything. There’s no profit in a cure!)
Alas, the globalists know all this because they’ve planned it all along. It’s a methodical way to quietly depopulate the planet without the majority of people being any wiser about what’s happening.
Insidious and nefarious as it is, it’s utterly brilliant in its inception and how it’s being methodically carried out.
Sorry for being long-winded but it was necessary. There’s plenty more to say on the matter.
Rob A, Yes, thank you for bringing this up. Highly refined, processed, inflammatory foods are new in the human diet, as are ubiquitous hormonally disruptive plastics now found in all life on earth. Many of my patients finally got it right by going on the Biblical diet or similar, which eliminated refined foods. Their health improved as a result.
We, in the US and much of the Western World, subjected to a corporate run economy, are unfortunately a long distance from Adam Smith and even further from Cotton Mather.
Perhaps we need to not only apply MAGA, and MAHA–make America healthy again, across the nation, but MEGA–make economics great again, but in doing so, we will need to MMAA.–Make morality acceptable again–to truly restore this nation.
Agreed! As I often tell anyone who cares to listen, unless you’re genetically predisposed to some disorder or disease, most health problems today are self inflicted.
For example diabetes, Alzheimer’s (type-3 diabetes), NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease), Obesity, and a sundry of metabolic disorders are all self inflicted via chronic carbohydrate toxicity syndrome and long term over-consumption of sugar.
(The average American consumes 100+ lbs of sugar/year).
Sugar is also known by at least 61 different names. Some are even touted as “healthy” (e.g., agave syrup–mostly fructose) because they’re low on the glycemic index. Nothing could be further from the truth. You’re liver vehemently disagrees with that notion!
All sugars (e.g., sucrose, fructose, or carbs (glucose molecules)) provoke an insulin response. Because Americans consume so much of it, more that 90% of all American, to a great or lesser degree, suffer from insulin resistance. Add in ultra-process foods and all the chronic health issues are further exacerbated.
Moreover, food industry biochemists learned how to synthesize ghrelin.(the “hunger hormone”) decades ago and begin adding it to ultra-processed foods in earnest in the late 70 and early 80s. Ever wonder why you can’t eat just one potato chip or one Oreo cookie of one french fry? Now you know. MacDonald’s puts some 19 different chemicals in their french fries.
The problem(s) is so bad today that children as young as 5 years old are now being diagnosed with type-2 diabetes which use to be known as adult onset diabetes. How often do you see a young child with a soda pop in one hand and a donut or a bag of Doritos in the other. hand?
The sky is falling❗
The sky is falling❗
Two downvotes! ???
Unemployed whores with nothing to do is my best guess.
Every time you see a a bunch of those Climate Change nutcases your looking at Useful Idiots Al Gore Leonardo DiCaprio and Greta Thunberg at the top of Useful Idiots and groups of Useful Idiots from Greenpeace NRDC Friends of t he Earth, EDF and what else
Great needs to get laid.
I hear tell Al Gore is currently available …
Great Greta needs to get laid. If not by Al Gore, perhaps by the putz who programmed auto-correct/auto-replace.
Sheesh *
Pfffftttt “`
Why is it that the useful idiots all tend to be wealthy?
Well, as the old standup comic Shelly Berman once said, “I know many liars doing very well, these days.”
Off course! Hollyweird is full of well paid liars. But the legal profession…. They’re the professional liars! They spend years perfecting the art of convincing people that a lie is the truth and the truth is a lie.
Proof? Politicians. It’s no small wonder that most politicians are also lawyers. What’s more, politicians are more than practiced liars, they’re also highly skilled bullsh*t artists.
The best bullsh*t artists anywhere on the planet are politicians, especially American politicians, who manage to get elected again and again and again.
If they are that stupid by all means let them remove themselves from the gene pool.
While they’re at it, why don’t they immediately reduce their CO2 footprint to zero by ceasing to respire.
They won’t do that because that’s a real “solution” to their mental psychosis (aka, climate change.) Fact: Climate change means nothing to the dead!
” But if you want to make the world a better place, you cannot do better in the long run than to give birth to the next generation and raise it to be and to do better than yours.”
Always opposite day with the socialists troughing slop for power. Everything can be corroded, dehumanized and seen only through their lense of hatred, malaise, envy and hopelessness. The Goth kids never matured enough to realize how dull their childish thoughts were/are and how repulsive it is that they couldn’t evolve past being children.
Outstanding Mr. Tapson. The orcs must really fear you, but they don’t know they can’t catch commonsense, even if it is beautifully worded
To put it succinctly, the world becomes a better place whenever a libtard is eliminate from the human gene pool. In short, I call it “addition by subtraction.”
Reminds me of a sarcastic comment I posted on a cold winter day…
To all global warming alarmists, the temperature will rise 25 degrees celsius in 6 months and the world will come to an end. So, stop burning fossil fuels to keep warm!
To everyone else, summer is coming.
And in the desert regions it rises from below zero to 30 degrees plus every single day.
The Living Years
Mike + The Mechanics
Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door
I know that I’m a prisoner
To all my father held so dear
I know that I’m a hostage
To all his hopes and fears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years
Oh, crumpled bits of paper
Filled with imperfect thought
Stilted conversations
I’m afraid that’s all we’ve got
You say you just don’t see it
He says it’s perfect sense
You just can’t get agreement
In this present tense
We all talk a different language
Talking in defense
(Say it loud) Say it loud (Say it clear) oh, say it clear
(You can listen as well as you hear)
(It’s too late) It’s too late (when we die) Oh, when we die
(To admit we don’t see eye to eye)
So we open up a quarrel
Between the present and the past
We only sacrifice the future
It’s the bitterness that lasts
So don’t yield to the fortunes
You sometimes see as fate
It may have a new perspective
On a different date
And if you don’t give up, and don’t give in
You may just be O.K.
So say it, say it, say it loud (Say it loud)
(Say it clear) Oh, say it clear
(You can listen as well as you hear)
Because it’s too late (It’s too late)
It’s too late (When we die) oh, when we die
To admit we don’t see eye to eye
I wasn’t there that morning
When my Father passed away
I didn’t get to tell him
All the things I had to say
Think I caught his spirit
Later that same year
I’m sure I heard his echo
In my baby’s new born tears
I just wish I could have told him in the living years
So say it, say it, say it loud (Say it loud)
(Say it clear) Oh, say it clear
(You can listen as well as you hear)
(It’s too late) It’s too late
(When we die) It’s too late when we die
(To admit we don’t see eye to eye)
Hey, so say it, say it, say it loud (Say it loud)
Say it loud (Say it clear) Oh no, say it clear
Thank you for sharing 🙂
Thanks Mo. Our Creator, the God of Abraham, teaches us to honour our parents, not to despise and denounce them. And while they were the damaged children of disobedient Adam, as we all are, we. their children. are a generation further away from perfection than they were.
I actually agree with them, liberals should not have children.
…Neither should cannibals, but both do.
For that reason, I encourage all liberal women to get an abortion posthaste. They lack the mental fortitude to rear children. Stupid begets stupid and the last thing America needs are more stupid libtards.
Thank G-d for Frontpage 🙂
When the G-d of Israel is abandoned, something else gets in. That something is spiritual, and it´s not a spirit of life.
Only the G-d of the Jews and Christians is life – the rest is chaos, confusion, death, in one way or another.
We are in a spiritual war, and we have to confront and defeat the spirits behind the dangers we are witnessing.
The death and rise of Christ resulted in the biggest exorcism ever, – now they are back in a lot of areas.
In ancient times they were called baal (the other god), ishtar (perverted sex, hatred), molok (death, especially children).
We can call it according to what we see and understand, but nothing will change until we fight the evil behind the wrongs of today. Climate change, vaxx, gender confusion, social “justice”, blaming, etc are symptoms.
The Lord is Sovereign, and waiting for the prayers of his believers; our broken hearts, humility, repentance.
The fake god Baal still exists… it’s now called allah…
Same fake god… new name…
I thought I would help you out on your never ending quest for meaning in your life:
Ode To Sumsrent:
“I search for satan everyday.
I search and search in every way
I scream and yell and no one cares
Just don’t say I’m nuts
Don’t you dare
I’ll say you are in league with
With the father of lies.
Or is it the father of pies?
It’s the feds I say
They did 9-11
It’s the catholics I say
They have a pope you know
It’s the ELCA I say
Not sure what they really did
To piss off me.”
From heaven downward to my beema-bob-a-looma seat,
Into the hospital kitchen where I eat.
I search for satan everyday.
I search and search in every way.
But satan’s never there
And it’s not fair for me
To be a low rent version of John the B.
Your satanic ELCA Lutheran fake church/mosque teaches that you worship the fake god allah of satanic islam…
Everyone knows where you stand as satan’s minion…
Your sources are members of the ‘Paul is Savior” doctrines of the devil cult…
I can debunk their Pre-Trib beliefs and have never met anyone that could refute me…
But… because you’re unknowledgeable of Holy Scriptures and satan’s minion… there’s no need discussing anything with you…
Finally. Does this mean you are going away now.
Uh, what sources? I’ve never heard of the paul is savior cult. Do you just make stuff up?
As far as refutation goes I have a feeling that no one cares to try to refute you. It’s all in your mind. You are insane.
Everyone knows where I stand? On what? Who’s everyone? Are you really this angry all the time. You suffer from delusions of grandeur.
Personally I think you are possessed. Perhaps a nice little exorcism is in order. What is the name of the demon that has infected you?
I would bet that if you were actually confronted with Satan you would whither and shrink away like the little girly man pu$$y you truly are. It’s easy to be a little tough guy, and throw around your little elementary school conclusions about everything, when there is no price to pay.
No one says, “Paul is savior.” And you know it.
What has been said, as far as the apostle Paul is concerned is this: Just as Moses was God’s spokesman to Israel under the Law, Paul is God’s spokesman to the church the body of Christ under Grace.
That’s not hard to get.
Yes Matt… the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrines of the devil Mystery church does exist…
This is the teachings of the ‘Paul is Savior’ manmade religionist cult
1) Jesus came for the Jews ONLY
*** Which means Jesus didn’t come to Save the world
2) Every word Jesus spoke was for the Jews ONLY
*** Not a word was spoken for any Gentile
3) The Apostles FAILED
*** Which means Jesus failed at picking out good Apostles
4) God needed a Gentile Apostle
*** Because God’s first plan to Save the Jews failed, He had to create another “program”
5) There are multiple Gospels… one for the Jews and another for the Gentiles…
*** And Paul ‘s was the Gospel of Grace
6) Only Paul was given the mysteries
*** Even Jesus wasn’t good enough to know the mysteries
7) Only Paul was given the mystery of the Rapture
*** The words Jesus spoke about the End Times was for Jews ears ONLY
They also say…
8) Paul was FIRST into the body of Christ
9) Paul was the “first of sinners”
10) God saved him [Paul] to inaugurate a whole new program
11) The words “Elect” & “Saints”, in the Bible, are references to Jews ONLY.
12) If Israel had accepted Jesus, at the time… He would have returned immediately… and all Bible Prophecy would have been discarded.
13) The Apostles are all cursed because they preached a different Gospel than Paul the Savior
14) The first four Books of the New Testament… Matthew, Mark, Luke & John should be placed in the Old Testament.
15) The Bible has errors
16) Jesus didn’t actually mean we were to keep the Commandments
17) The body of Christ did not yet exist till it was revealed to Paul.
18) Paul DID NOT write to anyone but Gentiles
19) Paul had to fix Jesus’ mistakes of teaching the Law
20) The 12 (Apostles) were NOT found worthy.
21) God killed Israel
22) A new gospel had to also be in effect
23) A program separate from Israel’s program
24) The Church is NOT the Body of Christ
25) Paul founded Christianity
26) The four gospels are Jewish written TO Israel, NOT to the body of Christ.
27) Jesus had to DIE for the new testament to take effect
28) gospel of Jesus as developed by Paul
29) The Day of the Lord is different than the Day of Christ
I agree these people should not have children. This is the result of the feminization of our culture. The entire “mental health” complex is a jobs program for the “social science” crowd. The psychiatric crowd started as a trendy hour to spend during a boring week in NY. The pharmaceutical and medical group developed drugs to create a steady income from the simple and bored wealthy women.
These drugs entered broadly into the system during the baby boom. The effects were/are not known even today. In vitro exposure is dangerous but profitable. Then came the kid that whined to mommy about a “crisis”. Instead of a spanking a pill was passed out.
The confusion continues into helicopter parenting and its’ continual terror. This makes it quite easy to feed a new fear or crisis into the equation. Civil rights, feminism, racism and weather patterns to name a few. How much genetic damage has occurred is not known but a couple of generations would be required to wash it out of the system. Oh well, too late, the party is over.
Meanwhile the Muslim birthrate continues to exceed the birthrate of Westerners. Thus these younger generations are playing into the hands of jihadists.
Ever wonder why hundreds of “diverse Democ-rats” followed a white man– Jim Jones– to Guyana in the 1970s and committed mass suicide when he commanded them to drink poison Kool Aid? It was because they were “diverse Democ-rats,” same as the people who are trying to murder President Trump today. Death is their fixation.
• Left wing California birthed all kinds of death cults in the 1960s and 70s, and they blamed it on Hostess Twinkies. ~
• (Hostess Twinkies go down well with Milk.) ~
• The Zodiac Killer wants to know what is your sign? ~
• Charlie’s Angels women want to take a shot at the presidency. ~
• Hunter Thompson wants to relocate to the mountains. ~
• The Hell’s Angels take aim at Hunter, but hit Mick Jagger. ~
• Jim Jones seemed normal to his followers. His electric Kool-Aid acid test was to Ken Kesey’s what Altamont was to Woodstock. ~
When you think about it, the declining birth rates among left wingers isn’t such a bad thing at all. Libtards, democrats, left wingers, etc,, should be encouraged to not have children.
I try not to think about it, but yeah …. There are already enough babies born with withdrawal symptoms.
And the Canadian prime minister’s mother snorted coke while she was pregnant with him.
…and his mom practicing free love with Fidel Castro!
With respect to “safetyism,” safetyism is one of the things people believe in when they stop believing in God and abandon Judeo-Christian beliefs and values.
You see, when you stop believing in God, that doesn’t mean you don’t believe in nothing—it means you believe in anything. And safetyism is one of those things.
What’s more, safetyism stems from the belief that this life and this world is all there is and when it’s over, it’s
over and that’s that, so one must take whatever measures are necessary to live as long as one can and make this world as much as one can, no matter how
miserable it makes you and everyone else.
It also depends on what God you believe in and the promise in the afterlife. Satan decided that the carpenters way was too peaceful. So he created Allah(himself) and the death cult of Islam. Virgins galore! But you must take some specific others with you. I’ll take some poor delusional kid worried about “sustainability “ over that anytime..Myself and mine? We prey to the carpenter and our father. Aware of the doubts and fears of mankind and their manipulators.
Aside from money rip off side of it. The climate is used for psychological warfare.
4 wheeling in the Nevada desert we’ve come upon several cemeteries of ghost towns long forgotten. Within we’ve found grave after grave of young children. Imagine the struggle to survive in such circumstances where “sustainability “ was a daily question. Some whole families didn’t survive. Many did and helped develop the technologies that have increased lifespans unimaginable 100 years ago. I feel very sorry and angry at the current generations inability to appreciate how easy they’ve really got it.
I was watching a special on Newsmax 2 about climate change which reported that there is a dangerous CO2 level we should be concerned about.
It’s a CO2 level below 150 PPM. That is the point where plant life dies off.
We almost reached that point in the modern era when the CO2 level was at 182 PPM.
I guess even at that level, there were places in our atmosphere which were lower causing crop failures and starvation for humans and livestock.
Currently, according to research, our CO2 level stands at about 440 PPM which is on the low side, historically speaking. But you don’t hear about that. Do you?
CO2 levels have increased the greening of the earth. Policies in various nations brought more barren land into cultivation. Saudi Arabia has increased its arable land greatly and exports dozens of varieties of dates. Yet even though more plants means more CO2 will be absorbed, the climate cult priesthood does not welcome more agriculture. They oppose agriculture and ranching. Increasing birth rates is exactly what is necessary in times that threaten human existence. The climate cult wants a population bust. If the people end up being fed lab grown meat and insects, the elite will be eating human flesh brought to them on supersonic jet planes.
One of those kids may be the one that figures it all out and makes the world a better place.
NOAA publishes sea level data for sites around the world as well as the Mauna Loa CO2 data from the 1950s. The tide gauge at The Battery NYC has data from 1860s to today. These can be compared and plotted visually. Two points to note: 1) sea levels changes come from local rise/fall in land masses and will also capture every known and unknown factor for global warming as polar ice melts. 2) Mauna Loa is used as an ideal place to measure as global atmospheric mixing presents excellent sampling and no local sources are present to influence CO2.
The net/net is 1/3 rise in CO2 has no impact on sea level i.e., the current global warming cycle has been going on for 20,000yrs with no acceleration from recent increases in CO2.
The data has been freely available for many decades. There is no argument of its scientific accuracy.
Mexican American Juliana, 23, just graduated from art school. She and her friends – “mainly composed of queer and transgender, anti-establishment artists” – don’t want children. Hilariously ironic as these people won’t reproduce due to their fetishes.
We’ll die a natural death; you’ll die an ignoramus.
“having kids is definitely not a sustainable thing to do… I don’t want them to grow up and have to leave their home because of sea level rise. Or be worried because of really weird weather patterns.”
Maybe, just mybe her children will be the ones to find solutuions to living with a changing climate. Maybe.
Of course in the good old days humans had lots
of children because of the incredibly strong
mating urge. Unlike all lower life forms man
makes love in all seasons whereas my dog and
cat mate according to their estrous cycles.
Now, of course, man has developed ways to
prevent conception but still having his and
hers sex drive going full blast.
The Godless left worships DEATH- ANY WAY THEY CAN GET IT- wars- abortion- starvation- drugs- toxic feminism- fear for the future- poisoned food supplies- the list goes on- Every death is an offering to EVIL remember we have been in the battle between GOOD AND EVIL since the beginning of time- now , we get to watch all of this as television entertainment
I was a University (UCSD/Scripps) in the late 1960’s and, because of my involvement in geophysics, planetary physics, geology, etc, was “right there” when the firs noises of doom began to float about with the morning fog there on the coast. The gig was the certain ruin to the planet by the coming ICE AGE…. Yes, by 1975 the global ice age would be well settled… ocean levels planet wide certain to drop twenty or more fee, no crops grown in normal areas, general catastrophe worldwide….
After examining the “evidence” I had to break out in hearty laughter.
Who was proven correct? The global climate terrorists are at it again. hey then switched to warming, but after more nonsense they settled in simly “change”.
Well, go and look a geologic history. Greenland, 1200 or so, sheep pastures, green grass, grain, wine grapes, roses….. apple trees, significant villages well established.. now buried under hundreds of feet of glacial ice. That’s global cooling for one example. Fraser River, British Columbia, 1880’s every winter the river froze solid and before the steel bridge was built, freight was staged on both sides of the river starting about this time of year. Once the river froze solid (a foot or more thick….) horse drawn sledges would be dragged to the other side, the team would hitch to a different loaded sledge and drag it to the other side. This went on for three months or so. Avoided the tedious loading onto flatboats and kedging across a liquid river. The frozen was far easier to deal with.
I believe it has been well over fifty years since there has been any ice on the lower Fraser…. so the freakoes can now point to this “case” of “global warming” and dance their voodo jig again.
Piffle and poppycock.
Before your time there, global warming was the scare, especially after Roger Revelle publication in 1957. Later, Al Gore, the double college drop out, was Revelle’s D student. When Revelle decided and published that global warming was not as important as he had thought (although real), Gore claimed that Revelle was senile and controlled by someone else.
1970 saw my awakening to environmentalism with the assurances the Amazon ‘rain forest’ would be gone by year 2000. Well? ? ? I’m waiting.
‘Advocating’ for such causes puts a temporary meaning into the self involved lives of leftists everywhere.
Climate change is manufactured intentionally…
The weather control programs are more commonly known as chemtrailing and HAARP. The experiments have been going on since the 1950’s. Combined together they are doing what the Luciferian Globalists want…
Climate engineering for weather warfare was being introduced from what I can recall, as early as the 1950′s. With disastrous results…
Isn’t it interesting that a flu pandemic broke out in the year 1957? The same year Britain had complications with their chemtrail Silver Iodide releases that caused major flooding?
Thus… Climate Change IS “man-made”… just not the way we’ve been told.
It has been “manufactured” to cause the masses to believe Climate Change exists… for implementing the Carbon Credit, Cap & Trade One World satanic, Islamic, Mark of the Beast Economic System
Wow, climate change too? What some people won’t do for a little attention. I’ll have to add that to your Ode.
Do your research and learn how Climate War has been experimented with for 80+ years…
As common as the info is on Chemtrails and HAARP… the majority still haven’t heard anything about any of it.
Utilizing HAARP to create pockets in the ionosphere combined with chemtrails to create cloud cover. With this process they could virtually have storm clouds flood a region or dump several feet of snow… more than likely for weekss on end, if they so desired. And on the flip side create droughts…
Chemtrails & HAARP aren’t for the purpose of depopulating the earth.
The globalists desire to control the weather…
This will reinforce the belief that environmentalism is needed. Which in turn feeds Islam with another control mechanism… The Mark of the Beast…
You are so stupid you will fall for anything if you can blame it on the great globalist satanic islamic Mark of the Beast.
I don’t think I will be doing any climate change research. I am not as gullible and easily led around by the nose as you are.
But hey Sumsy, here’s a list of some end times websites. Unlike you, the pastors who own these sites have the stones to stand behind their work. They even post pics of themselves. Where’s your website? Looks like you don’t have one, do you.
And the Ode to Sumsrent
“I search for satan everyday.
I search and search in every way
I scream and yell and no one cares
I’ll say you are in league with
With the father of lies.
Or is it the father of pies?
It’s the feds I say
They did 9-11
It’s the catholics I say
They have a pope you know
It’s the ELCA I say
Not sure what they really did
To piss off me.”
From heaven downward to my beema-bob-a-looma seat,
Into the hospital kitchen where I eat.
I search for satan everyday.
I search and search in every way.
But satan’s never there
And it’s not fair for me
To be a low rent version of John the B.”
Intrepid… I’ve already told you… your sources… links… are all part of the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrine of the devil Mystery church cult…
The point here is…
You’re linking sources that are just as duped as your satanic ELCA Lutheran fake church mosque that worships the fake god allah…
Sorry… but you simply don’t know what you’re doing or talking about…
You are satan’s minion… your whole fake church/mosque is…
IMO, Humans have little influence over the climate. The climate has changed many times for many millennia long before humans had any “effect” on it. Our Sun, volcanoes; (Krakatoa 1883) they have a great influence on our climate.
America, Western Europe can reduce CO2 as much as they want. The emissions of China & India will fully offset our reductions. That said, Yes let us protect our air and environment to a degree that is reasonable. (Will someone please tell Kerry to quit flying around the world telling the rest of us we should be walking.)
I won’t even begin to speak about what a pollution folly EVs are. Or solar and wind.
What our children’s generation needs to worry about is the national debt. THAT is what will crush them.
No climate on the planet has changed since the last Ice Age. Average global temperature hasn’t deviated by a single degree fahrenheit in twenty seven years, and 1997 was a stand alone year slightly hotter than preceeding and succeeding years.
It’s nice to know that plenty of left-wing retards aren’t breeding, though.
The real and greatest damage humans are doing to the planet is deforestation and polluting the oceans.
Why and how?
The relationship between plants, animals, carbon dioxide, and oxygen revolves around the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from animals and use sunlight to convert it into glucose (food) and oxygen through photosynthesis. This oxygen is then expelled and utilized by animals for their cellular respiration process, converting the glucose back into energy and releasing carbon dioxide as a byproduct. This forms a symbiotic cycle where plants and animals rely on each other for survival.
Long story short: if you really want to save the planet and do something about so-called climate change, stop clear cutting forests and paving them over and start planet more flora and trees. Stop dumping human and industrial waste into our rivers and the ocean.
By killing the planet, we’re killing ourselves but no one says that or seems bothered by it. Why? My theory is that the climate change racket is really about impoverishing the majority of humanity while concentrating power and wealth into the hands of a few and then empowering them to fix so-called “climate change.:
The unmitigated truth is that the only real solution to climate change as they (globalists and their leftists sycophants) view it is to quickly reduce the world’s population from its current 8 billion + people down to around or below 500 million people.
That’s easily accomplished when wealth and power is concentrated into the hands of a few which the climate change activists seem wanton to do. They do not realize that they will also be extincted.
Jeremiah 31:35-36 Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:
If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.
The context of these verses in Jeremiah 31 has to do with whether or not Israel will ever cease to be a nation. And the point made in these verses is that no one need worry. Israel will never be annihilated because the ordinances of the earth will never depart. The earth, and the ordinances He established for it, are the Lord’s.
So, the earth is going to be fine. God made the earth to dwell in, and one day He’s going to. The “atheist’s hypothesis” is not correct.