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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Is it curtains for The Big Guy?
Another sign came Sunday that the Democrats are ready to send Old Joe Biden off to a permanent retirement at his taxpayer-funded, walled Delaware beach house. First, there was the inundation of establishment media handwringing over the senescent corruptocrat’s mental state after the same media outlets had stoutly insisted for three years that the sinister and befuddled old fool was sharp as a tack and constantly challenging the intellectual acuity of his aides. And now CNN has claimed that Kamala Harris, the first vice president ever to demonstrate unfitness for the world’s easiest job, is in calm, cool command, taking charge and reassuring Dems who are worried that they might not cheat effectively enough in November.
CNN published a lengthy exposition on Sunday that could have been entitled “Kamala to the Rescue,” for that’s what it was all about; the far-left propaganda organ was trying to sell us on the idea that Harris, after showing herself to be abjectly incapable of doing anything beyond spouting preposterous word salads for as long as Old Joe has been showing off his cognitive decline, is now taking charge, calming the jittery rank-and-file apparatchiks and smoothing the Democrats’ pathway to inevitable victory in November. Nary a cackle was mentioned in the entire two-thousand-word piece.
“More than two dozen sources” — wow! Is that like 51 top intelligence professionals? — “tell CNN that Harris has been gathering information to help her penetrate what she sometimes refers to as the ‘bubble’ of Biden campaign thinking, telling people she’s aiming to use that intelligence to push for changes in strategy and tactics that she hopes will put the ticket in better shape to win.”
Does this sound like the Harris we have seen stating the painfully obvious in the tones of a second-grade teacher to audiences who were being moved for the first time in their lives to question the wisdom of diversity hires? No, this is a new, fictional Kamala Harris that CNN is constructing to follow up on its Sharp-As-A-Tack-and-Clean-As-A-Whistle Joe Biden. Now that the latter has been thoroughly exposed, it’s time for a new propaganda campaign.
And since this is party propaganda and not remotely news, it’s not surprising that CNN tells us that Kamala’s take-charge act is a massive hit: “Multiple leading Democrats, anxious about a campaign they fear might be stumbling past a point of no return, say their conversations with Harris have been a surprising and welcome change, after months of feeling sloughed off by the White House and Biden campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware.” Of course, comrade! They love Kamala, we love Kamala, everybody loves Kamala!
CNN’s parade of anonymous sources includes “a person who attended one of the meetings,” who states: “The ‘bedwetting’ complaints are running thin with people. The West Wing and the campaign need to be better.” Wait, what? Bedwetting? What on earth is CNN talking about? Who exactly is wetting the bed? Dementia Joe? Worried Democrats?
The reference is entirely unclear, but nevertheless, CNN assures us that Harris is efficiently changing the sheets: the putative vice president “did a good job fielding those responses, the person added, ‘and deserves credit for it.’” As a result, “many of those people also say that the conversations have shifted their opinions of the vice president, seeing her now as a more integral and complementary part of the reelection effort.” Bye, Joe!
Harris’s newly discovered competence has “come at a critical moment.” Republicans, you see, have been pouncing, as is their wont; the dastardly reactionaries “have been capitalizing on her low approval numbers and Joe Biden’s advanced age by making the 2024 campaign more about Harris and the chance she could become president, especially as questions about the president’s mental acuity continue to define his own candidacy.” The fiends! Harris, however, is as confident as she is commanding: she “doesn’t worry Biden will lose to Trump – but she does worry about losing ‘to the couch.’”
Once again: what? Losing to the couch? Does the dining room set have a chance? Whatever Harris’ worries about the furniture may be, she “tends to end the often strung-out conversations with a reassuring ‘By the way, we’re gonna win.’” They very well could, and propaganda pieces such as this nonsense from CNN will play their part.
But CNN’s cheerleading for Harris is less important for how it portrays her than it is for what it means for Old Joe. Have the people who are running the Biden regime turned on its primary figurehead? The signs that they have are piling up.
Jeffrey L. says
How can our governance get any worse?…..
andre says
Obviously Kamala and Joe were never governing anything. Perhaps the decision has been made that Kamala can be a good placeholder until another person acting to be president is put in. Certainly nothing can be run effectively by two low IQ people.
Duane DePool says
I believe that Joe IS making the decisions. No one is more qualified to screw things up as Joe.
VotingDoesn'tMatterAnymore says
Upon reading your comment, Kamamalala confidently exclaimed, “Hold my champagne.”
BB says
By electing her as president and allowing her to run the free. She will use all those same skills she has used to solve the border invasion.
Johnny Pastrana says
The intended plan all along is to have Biden win all of the delegates and then pre convention, to announce he will not be the party nominee in the general election.
Biden will release his delegates and the Obama transgender will be nominated. Blacks will return to the democrat plantation and it will be war on across the nation.
Christopher Manfre says
not so sure Big Mike is that popular with minorities – he did a louse job in Chicago that was not popular at all = his populartiy is made up lefty BS
Jeff Bargholz says
Big Mike will never be nominated. As many retarded Americans just wuv her, far more hate her guts. Besides, she’s a coward and won’t risk losing in public.
Dusty Dog says
She would be the ideal President because her comments are articulate, concise, thought-provoking, knowledgeable, and she is ready to take the reins. Her personality and confidence instills confidence and her laughs are contagious. /s/
Catpaws says
Easy, people elect Obama’s surrogate for his fourth term.
Jeff Bargholz says
Obama isn’t the mastermind of this administration, not by a long shot. He didn’t even mastermind his own administration. When will you people get it through your heads that he’s hopelessly lazy and incompetent?
alco933 says
the line is just waiting to happen, just need the right time and the right person to deliver it.
“Kamala you ignorant slut”
Tom t says
It will, we ain’t seen nothing yet..
Jeff Bargholz says
Our governance COULDN’T get any worse. than it is under Alzheimer Joe’s handlers. That would be impossible, even if a new group of people were to try and make it worse. If he’s removed from office, which has been more than likely for the last six months or so and gets likelier every day, I seriously doubt Heels Up Harris would retain them, which would be a couple rungs up from the ring of Hell we’re in now.
CNN has a cabinet position in the administration as part of the Department of Propaganda and is in the DNC so it would be a mistake to ignore all of its claims. Ridiculous hype of Klamydia Harris aside, CNN has access to information about the administration and the DNC’s machinations that the public doesn’t.
Harris is much too stupid and incompetent to plot an overthrow of Alzheimer Joe but other forces seem to be arranging it for her just to get rid of Joe. CNN wrote that article for a reason; to prepare Americans for Joe’s replacement by Heels Up, which the network obviously believes is going to happen.
It’s only February. There’s nine months until the election and Alzheimer Joe’s handlers and their figurehead can do enormous harm to the Dirtbagocrat party by then. If there’s one thing the party cares about, it’s retaining and increasing its power.
Mark my words.
jay says
This country went downhill after Obama he divided this country more than any other president ever did.
Also things were going much better especially with racial issues before he was president.
Beez says
PMSL, as the Brits say.
Move over Maleficent here is your replacement
Jeff Bargholz says
I think so too. The Dirtbagocrats HAVE to get rid of Alzheimer Joe to win the election. His mental and physical health degenerated so much in the last three years that he would be incapable of any debates with Trump, and faculties were already at stage two Alzheimer’s in 2020. He’s at stage four now, and fast and about to hit stage five. Not only that, but all the lies he spewed in the 2020 debate have been exposed to the public since then, even the knee jerk retards who reflexively vote Dirtbagocrat.
The Dirtbagocrat party wants Beijing Biden gone and as Vice President, Heels Up Harris would be his replacement so she’s being hyped in advance.
Jeff Bargholz says
“has degenerated” and “his faculties.”
Hannah Katz says
Her campaign slogan: Vote fo’ Kamala o’ you a raciss!
Jeff Bargholz says
Kissing booths used to be a thing in campaigns, but Heels Up Harris would probably have a BJ booth.
Snuffy Carter says
Willie Brown; “Don’t talk about Heels Up that way – she’s my favorite bimbo!”
Ha ha ha he he he he ho ho ho! Yeah, sure. Different puppet, same puppet masters. Like a Jeff Dunham show only not funny.
Jeff Bargholz says
Maybe. It isn’t Alzheimer Joe’s mysterious handlers (we know who a few of them are) but Joe who the Dirtbagocrat party wants to get rid of. He’s the face of the American disaster that their sabotoge has wrought and they can’t win the November election with him in office, much less as their candidate.
However, if Heels Up Harris becomes President, she’s likely to get rid of all the people who she feels have snubbed and side-lined her.
TheLeftIsAJoke says
She wont “calm” anything (You notice how the media changed her name from Kuh-Mal-Uh to :”Calm La””)
She will make full on chaos the norm while calling white people racists No sorry lady you have done nothing at the border and you will not take over for Captain Senile
Jeff Bargholz says
True. The Dirtbagocrats will run on abortion and their reverse reality portrayal of blacks as oppressed victims of white racism.
Lance Boiles says
The Cackler will be sworn in only if approved by Obummer and blessed by the World Economic Forum.. .
Jeff Bargholz says
Obummer does NOT call the shots. I can’t understand why many intelligent conservatives think that lazy incompetent is a manipulative mastermind. He didn’t even formulate policy in his own administration. His only instructions to his henchmen were to strengthen Islam worldwide and screw over whitey here in America.
Sud1 says
I am in my seventh decade and the news that Kamala is in charge is the most terrifying thing I’ve ever heard
Jeff Bargholz says
More terrifying than Alzheimer Joe’s handlers, even with the horrific state America and the world are in after three years of their misrule? Unless Heels Up Harris were to start a war, things couldn’t possibly get any worse, and she wouldn’t start a war in an election year.
P. Eckerwood says
Dusting off those kneepads and “getting down” to business!
Jeff Bargholz says
A tried and true way to get promotions for her.
Snuffy Carter says
Willie Brown: “That’s my bimbo! Remember, I’m the one who got her into politics!”
Onzeur Trante says
Kamala in the WH is cringe and beyond. Absolutely disastrous if that happens.
Ed Snider says
This is a woman so cold and conniving that she is childless today because she prostituted herself to Willie Brown, a married man 40 years her senior, when she was in her prime child-bearing years. I’m not as troubled by the fact that she is a dumbbell—we’ve survived stupid Presidents before—but that she has no moral direction,It was only her body that she peddled to the high bidder when she was young. Next, it might be the USA.
Jeff Bargholz says
Heels Up Harris is every bit as opportunistic, immortal and unethical as Beijing Biden. Pedo Joe is a disgusting degenerate, just like Heeels Up but nobody would ever use him for sex. Fake “Dr” Jill uses him for prestige, such as it is.
Miqie says
Can you imagine Kackling Kammie on the nightly news everyday as POTUS. I’m stocking up on chalkboards to scratch my nails against. I’d rather listen to that than the zero-weight.
Brian says
How’s she been doing at her job as border czar?
Jeff Bargholz says
A complete success, by the administrations standards. Up to 18 million illegal invaders and counting.
Snuffy Carter says
Her job as border czar? She has 100% approval so far from all 10 million migrants that have entered our country illegally since she has been czar.
Major Tom says
So, are we going from raucous laughter to the nervous giggle? ……I pray not!
Capt Mack says
Robert L. Kahlcke says
How much is she charging ?
merkova says
we are for sure she has her lips around the problem.
Even if she can’t count past ten, OBummer can use anyone as his front man/woman/it after they learn how to use an ear piece..
Adieu America. Chow. Bye bye ‘land of the free and home of the brave’. Sorry I can’t attend the funeral as I ahve a previous engagement upstairs.
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus !!………<
Rev. Roy……….<
Ads Base says
Great – so we are going from somebody who never made a right decision in his career and is now mentally impaired to someone so deluded that she cannot even speak a single simple sentence without falling all over herself, and who is outwardly hostile to the white male American public. Great work Democrats, thanks a bunch.
Phenry says
The constitution doesnt allow foreign anchor babies who were children born of Non-Citizens To Become President Of The United States (or vice president for that matter)
Kamala was naturalized through a congressional ACT, the 14th amendment, she is not eligible to hold either top office.
Here is what the founders based Natural Born Citizenship on, the prevailing book of law since 1758.
Quote of section 212, Chapter 19, Book 1, Law of Nations, by Vattel
“§ 212 – Citizens and Natives. The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights.”
Snuffy Carter says
Great post. The commie dems will forget about VP Ho not being a natural born citizen if she is elected President. But, if Ho screws up as bad as Biden, the dems can then use this as a reason to remove her from office.
john blackman says
wheres my venn diagram ? i know ! i left it on my yellow school bus . cackle cackle cackle .
Onzeur Trante says
How does the country survive going from brain addled/brain dead Biden to Cackling CS’er Kamala?
Everybody must get stoned.