The first rule of the media master race is that no one is ever allowed to disagree with it.
The second rule of the media master race is that no one is ever allowed to insult the media.
CNN made both rules public when it announced that it was rejecting a Trump campaign ad, because, “in addition to disparaging CNN and its journalists, the ad makes assertions that have been proven demonstrably false by various news outlets, including CNN.”
I like the “in addition” part.
Not only do you disagree with us, but you disparage us too. No airtime for you!
It goes without saying that whoever the Dem nominee is, he or she won’t have any trouble airing ads on CNN.
Lest anyone think that this is just about Trump, remember the time that the New York Times rejected an op-ed from McCain, their current GOP saint, back when he was running against Obama.
That’s just how the media master race does things.
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