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Media fact-checks long ago became nonsense. Any conservative claim, no matter how fact-based, was destined to be shot down, on some grounds, such as “lack of context” or “I don’t like it.”
Leftist claims are another matter.
Here CNN frantically tries to prop up Biden’s latest nonsense story about his Uncle Bosie being eaten by cannibals.
“And my uncle, they called him – Ambrose, they called him Bosie… and he became an Army Air Corps, before the Air Force came along, he flew those single engine planes as reconnaissance over war zones,” Biden said during remarks at the United Steelworkers Headquarters in Pittsburgh. “And he got shot down in New Guinea, and they never found the body because there used to be a lot of cannibals – for real – in that part of the New Guinea.”
There was, in fact, documented cannibalism in the region in the mid-20th century.
Well there you go.
There was cannibalism in New Guinea and Bosie’s was forced “ditch in the ocean off the north coast of New Guinea. Both engines failed at low altitude, and the aircraft’s nose hit the water hard. Three men failed to emerge from the sinking wreck and were lost in the crash. One crew member survived and was rescued by a passing barge. An aerial search the next day found no trace of the missing aircraft or the lost crew members.”
So obviously cannibals.
Bosie’s plan wasn’t shot down. And any cannibals who got to him would have to be of the aquatic kind.
There was indeed cannibalism in New Guinea but it was of the ritual kind. You can’t make a diet out of human beings for both demographic and medical reasons. Professional cannibalism will kill the cannibal.
The Japanese did practice ritual cannibalism against American POWs on occasion. There’s no particular reason to think that the locals in New Guinea were eating Uncle Bosie even in the unlikely possibility that they would have gotten to him.
Rather than call this out however, CNN decides to prop it up while running a Biden White House press release attacking Trump.
Maybe CNN can rename itself the Cannibal News Network.
Surprised the vegan libs didn’t lose it.
Yes but you mean left-wing vegans. Not all vegetarians are lefties. The left-wing ones probably threw tomato soup on the meat department of their local supermarkets, or pooped out in front of the stores, or something. Maybe glued their butts to a deli counter.
One of my former neighbors (high level medical person) participated in the research on Kuru the Army did in New Guinea during WW2.
Kuru sounds like Creutzfeldt Jacob “disease.” I had to look kuru up. Both are caused by prions, like bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease to the cretins in the fake news media) and the idiotically named “chronic wasting disease” in deer.
Of course, our ever trustworthy deep state government officials in the wildlife industries are claiming chronic wasting “disease” is epidemic and a terrible threat to humanity and the critters, but both claims are Bidenesque lies of sheer stupidity.
Prions aren’t even alive, they’re just proteins. They seem horrifying but they have to be consumed to have your brain end up filled with holes and make you go insane and die. They only exist in animals and their remains (dead flesh and carrion) from what I’ve read.
My advice is don’t eat your dead relatives or just become a vegetarian and play it safe. 🙂
I’ve been eating vegetarian fake meat lately. The pea based fake beef tastes better to me than the soy based stuff but the soy based fake sausage tastes better than the pea based stuff. Go figure.
That plant based fake meat isn’t as salubrious as real meat because of all the additives but I think it tastes good and I don’t feel a heck of a lot of guilt about plants dying so I can eat. They’re brainless, so far as I know, although trees send signals to each other. When I eat real meat, I often feel a vague sense of guilt even though I shouldn’t.
Exactly. Kuru was how they found out about Mad Cow and such.
It was quite a big thing for awhile, figuring out how the disease was transmitted.
It must’ve taken a lot of research to figure it out. Your former neighbor must be a smart guy.
I saw a documentary on that a long time ago. I don’t remember much, except the footage of the victims, but some researchers were featured, so I probably saw your neighbor in it.
In the movie, “The Book of Eli,” I knew exactly what was going on with the old couple’s tremors.
Casting doubt on doddering Joe Bite-Me? Then surely you’re spreading Russian disinformation and doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin. Doubters threaten Democ-rat rule; nicknamed “our democracy.” They know who you are. Big Brother has a F.I.S.A. surveillance warrant with everybody’s name on it.
yeah , the cannibals did eat his uncle . after the plane crashed they swam out to the plane and dragged him back to the beach and ate him !! who knew !! those papua new guineans are pretty fierce and competitive when it comes to a free meal .
p.s. we can always hope the MSM start eating one another . we live in hope .
SO apropos! The Dems eating their own; themselves!
I think they eat each other’s shit.
Some animals do. They consider it a pre-digested meal.
I’ll eat some corn for the D-Bags to pick out of my shit.
LOL Full Metal Jacket stuff.
Unfortunately, Biden is known for his wild stories, not rational leadership and policies.
And known for his inability to speak coherently, falling down and shitting his pants, although not always in that order.
New Guinea cannibals were relaxing on the beach. One starts the convo: What shall we have for dinner?
Another replies: I feel like sea food today. They all chime in: Oogla boogla – sea food.
Uncle Bosie’s plane go down.. They get in their flat canoes and paddle out and pull Bosie out of the water. They find it remarkable this big fish looks like a person. But if it’s in the ocean it must be fish.. They paddle back to shore. Uncle Bosie gives his name rank and serial number. He gets his throat slit for kosher butchering practices. And they gobble up ol’ Bosie by the light of the silvery moon on that beach in New Guinea . That’s how it happened. I was there. I saw the whole thing.
O man, that was funny! 🙂
I have seen the Crumby News Network(CNN)at McDonalds I just mostly ignore it all we all know CNN is Red Ted Turners Propaganda Program
Red Ted hasn’t owned the Communist News Network for decades.
Thanks for giving me another reason to avoid McDonald’s. I can sometimes buy a burger in the one in my nearby Walmart, when I’m forced to shop there, but I just eat those burgers while I’m walking around shopping.
New Guinea cannibals were relaxing on the beach. One starts the convo: What shall we have for dinner?
Another replies: I feel like sea food today. They all chime in: Oogla boogla – sea food.
Uncle Bosie’s plane go down.. They get in their flat canoes and paddle out and pull Bosie out of the water. They find it remarkable this big fish looks like a person. But if it’s in the ocean it must be fish.. They paddle back to shore. Uncle Bosie gives his name rank and serial number. He gets his throat slit for kosher butchering practices. And they gobble up ol’ Bosie by the light of the silvery moon on that beach in New Guinea . That’s how it happened. I was there. I saw the whole thing.
Since then New Guinea children sing this nursery rhyme:
Who ate Uncle Bosie
Who ate Uncle Bosie
Who ate Uncle Bosie
And who got to eat his head?
We ate Uncle Bosie
We ate Uncle Bosie
We ate Uncle Bosie
But the chief got to heat his head.
Now they have mad cow disease
Now they have mad cow disease
Now they have mad cow disease
Because that’s what cannibalism gets you.
La La La La La La La
Who ate Joker Joe Bite-Me’s head?
If you eat Joker Joe Briben’s head
You will go mad too.
Absurd stories. Its all a distraction too. If you think the US won’t have another 911 think again. The next plot may be a terrorist attack in order to CANCEL the next ELECTION. Theres total evil behind whats going on.
CNN may have missed an angle. Is “ritual” cannibalism the good kind?
For the eaters, yeah, for the eaten, no.
Joe couldn’t even get the number of engines right on the aircraft his uncle flew. The New Guineans aren’t amused. They say joe is full of it. Joe can’t open his mouth without insulting someone, as well as the intelligence of anybody listening.
Last week was a bad gaff week for joe. He couldn’t read his teleprompter in two union speeches, and in a thoroughly scripted visit to a Wawa, mumbled and wandered off to the wrong place to get a shake. His babysitters had to get him and guide him to the right place.
They were probably just headhunters, mighty Sultan, not cannibals!!! Some headhunter could be wearing the head of Biden’s uncle as a trophy! Trust Biden to get it wrong…
It’s OK, they were Fine Young Cannibals.
The Cannibal Lecture paper.
Surprised … they did not focus on the cultural appropriation angle …
… how dare Uncle Bosie get himself eaten by cannibals? …
And we should have focused on the systemic white supremacy of Joe Brandon …
… assuming indigenous peoples would eat somebody just because they fell out of the sky …
… how racist is that?
Maybe Joe was channeling the story of the whaling ship Essex …
… they perished because they thought they would be eaten by cannibals if they sailed for the nearest island … (Tahiti if memory serves) …
From what I understand, cannibalism in New Guinea has been EXTREMELY ritualistic. The women would dig up corpses and munch on them and the men would slap them around if they caught them doing it.
I don’t believe the reports of the Korawai being cannibals because absolutely no proof has been provided.
Every detail of Slow Hoka Joe’s story is a ridiculous lie, of course, as always with him. And boring. His whoppers are always boring windbaggery. He’s the most unfunny, boorish and obnoxious person who’s ever lived, and he’s barely alive.
Ok, Uncle Bosie flew single engine planes and goes down in a twin engine with several other passengers.. Which is it? More fake news.