It’s quite a contrast between those two videos.
Oh shocking. He didn’t tell her to go back to where she came from. The truth is finally emerging.
— Jessica Fletcher (@heckyessica) July 21, 2019
The media’s politics of racial division keeps generating hoaxes.
After the media began claiming that saying, “Go back to your country” is a hate crime, right on cue, a hoax showed up.
A man accused of telling an African-American Georgia state lawmaker to “go back to where you came from” because she had too many items in the express checkout line at a grocery store disputes her version of events and denies that he said anything racist.
Tearing up in an emotional Facebook live video, state Rep. Erica Thomas, who has represented parts of Cobb County, Georgia, since 2015, described the incident on Friday in which she said she “feared for her life” after a white man “verbally assaulted.”
“I am nine months pregnant, and I can’t stand up for long, and this white man comes up to me and says…’ you need to go back where you came from!'” she said.
That escalated quickly from, “Go back where you came from” to fearing for her life, and unsurprisingly to… too many items in a 10 item lane.
A white man has admitted cursing at a pregnant black Georgia lawmaker for taking too many items into a supermarket express lane but denies telling her, “go back where you came from.”
Eric Sparkes showed up during a WSB-TV interview with Rep. Erica Thomas of Austell on Saturday, outside the Atlanta-area store where the incident occurred , the station reported .
He denied making any racially charged comment, adding, “I am Cuban.”
Well he said… something.
But on Saturday, Thomas told reporters she was uncertain about the exact phrasing of what Eric Sparkes said to her at the Publix grocery store.
“He said ‘go back,’ you know, those types of words,” she said. “I don’t want to say he said ‘go back to your country’ or ‘go back to where you came from’ but he was making those types of references is what I remember.”
Thomas said she remembered “go back” was part of their exchange because, “I told him, ‘go back.'”
Why would a Cuban tell an African-American politician to go back where she came from?
The hoax never made any sense. But that didn’t stop Beto O’Rourke and Bill de Blasio, 2 of the 3 worst bottom feeders in the 2020 race, from jumping on board the hoax anyway.
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