The arc of history always trends toward increasingly manufactured outrage.
Michigan State University is apologizing for a campus gift shop display of black historical figures arranged in a way that looked like they were hanging by ropes from a tree.
A spokeswoman for the university released a statement Friday on the “inappropriate and insensitive” display at the Wharton Center for Performing Arts gift shop, where a tree-like rack held dolls resembling former President Barack Obama, former first lady Michelle Obama and abolitionist Harriet Tubman.
So this was only black figures?
Some white historical figures were also depicted, including Abraham Lincoln and Beethoven, but four or five similar trees were adorned with “a lot more” black leaders, she said.
Presumably because it’s black history month?
Nobody was lynching Beethoven. This was the easiest way to display a bunch of rag dolls for students to waste their parents’ money on. And no liberal college trying to push black history month dolls was depicting a lynching.
Employees and volunteers at the gift shop will undergo racial bias training that highlights the impact of intentional and unintentional prejudice, according to the statement by university spokeswoman Emily Gerkin Guerrant.
Bet they weren’t volunteering for that. Racial bias training for everyone. You get racial bias training and you and you!
She asked shop workers if they saw anything wrong with the displays, but they didn’t, Davis-Dunn said.
I bet they do now. The beatings will continue until everyone votes Republican.
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