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The story of Khymani James, one of the encampment leaders of the pro-Hamas occupation at Columbia University, went viral after multiple videos circulated of him talking about killing “Zionists”.
Or Jews.
One of the alleged leaders of the Columbia Pro-Hamas Encampments posted this video on social media stating “Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live.”
The video was shared with @Columbia administration by students, but was ignored. #AntizionismIsAntisemitism
🎥 @jewsinschool
— The Persian Jewess (@persianjewess) April 25, 2024
Columbia’s president stated that social media posts that “threaten to ‘kill’ Jewish students are totally unacceptable… and one individual whose vile videos have surfaced in recent days is now banned from campus.”
Banned is not the same as expelled. Far from it.
And the kicker is that Khymani made some of his remarks in a video chat with Columbia U officials trying to investigate his previous remarks back in January.
Despite that, no action was taken.
That means a student talked to Columbia officials about his views on when other students could be killed (forget even the Jewish or Hamas part of it) and nothing was done. He was allowed to continue going to campus and then leading an occupation and no action was taken until his remarks to school officials went so viral that they were all over social media and were even being reported in the New York Times.
Even now it’s not at all clear that he’s gone. Just that he’s temporarily barred from campus.
By way to context, Ivy League schools denied admission to students whose old use of racial slurs from when they were kids had resurfaced in instant messages.
There absolutely are two standards. And that has to end.
Khymani James has been on a campaign against whitey, with a particular animus against Jews, for a long time. She’s twenty now but while still in high school she would rant publicly against the two demographics she hates most, whitey, particularly Jewish whiteys. She obviously hates all Americans except blacks, and doubtlessly hates plenty of blacks too, particularly conservative ones. The racist Boston School Committee was so impressed with her hate mongering that it made her its student representative. She probably came out of the womb a racist pig.
Doubtlessly she supports Hamas because she’s so stupidly ignorant she thinks Psuedostinians are non-white people being oppressed by Jews, but mostly because she hates Jews. I have no doubt she’d still support Hamas if somebody were to slap into her fat head that the Psuedostinians are white.
Like many mixed race people who self identify as such or even falsely believe they’re black, she’s much more racist than average black Americans are. She looks like she has significantly less than 50% black blood.
I think the feral, knuckle dragging ‘thing’ is a biological male, but I’ll settle on calling it an ‘it’
LOL! I’m not convinced. I think it’s a female who identifies as male but “it” is good enough for me. I notice that it looks female but dresses male, which screams out “lezbo!”
either way, the ignorant lowlife wouldn’t last a day in gaza – or most moslem cesspools.
If it’s female, it would be gang raped, beaten and then thrown off a building. If it’s male it would be tortured to death. You wouldn’t hear it shouting “free Palestine” under those circumstances and black skin privilege doesn’t work over there.
It’s sad really, that we have creatures like that in America. Just because it’s a freak doesn’t mean it has to be evil. Most people don’t care about women who pretend to be men and men who pretend to be women, so long as they STFU about it and stay away from our kids and bathrooms and males stay away from women’s sports.
Yeah, it is social media and publicity that they are afraid of.
Complexion is your protection.
Yeah, for them!
Oswald Bates is now transgender.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste — please do NOT support the Negro College Fund!
The comments above about “it” are all true. Problem is, what are we going to do about “them”; that have ruined the Country? Rhetoric, discussion, dialogue, debate will not change anything for the better. We have passed that point of no return. We are lacking the leadership to make the necessary changes to save a once great nation.