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Details on Columbia University’s descent into pure racist hatred be found here: “‘Burn Tel Aviv to the ground:’ Calls for violence continue at Columbia,” by Michael Starr, Jerusalem Post, April 21, 2024:
In another Instagram video, in which a poster of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine secretary-general Ahmad Sa’adat can be seen in the background, anti-Israel activists sang, “Oh Hamas, our beloved, strike, strike Tel Aviv.”
These students on Instagram display a PFLP official on a poster in the background, while they sing about a different terror group, Hamas, calling on its operatives to engage in a genocidal attack on Tel Aviv: “Oh Hamas, our beloved, strike, strike Tel Aviv.” Either they couldn’t find a Hamas poster to use or, more likely, they can’t tell the difference between Hamas and the PFLP.
As the counter-protesters returned to their dormitories, Students Supporting Israel Columbia video showed that they were taunted with calls of “Jews” and told to “go back to Poland.”
The word “Jew” is now considered, in the antisemitic atmosphere in which we now live, an insult. And note the constant insinuation that Jews in America don’t belong, that they must leave and “go back to Poland” or “go back to Europe.” Jews don’t belong here, and they don’t belong in “Palestine.” So let them go to some place in eastern Europe with their bagels and lox, and leave us, real Americans such as Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and Professor Joseph Massad, alone. Oh, we almost forget — there is always the Jewish Republic of Birobidzhan, in the godforsaken middle of Siberia. Just the place for Jews to settle, and read their Talmud undisturbed.
One Jewish counter-protester tried to stop the activists from setting an Israeli flag on fire, according to SSI. In another video, a Jewish student was splashed with water.
Within Our Lifetime leader Nerdeen Kiswani, after her wedding, managed to enter the campus despite it being allegedly locked down. Kiswani led the crowd in a chant in a video published by Students for Justice in Palestine Columbia, saying “There is only one solution, Intifada revolution.”
In a video published by Palestinian Youth Movement NYC, they chanted, “Zionism will fall, brick by brick, wall by wall, Israel will fall” and called “US imperialists, number one terrorists.”
Uptown 4 Palestine published videos of activists proclaiming in Arabic that “From the water to the water (a reference to the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea), Palestine is Arab.” (The chant is an alternate version of the chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”)
As of now, Zionism will not “fall.” Israel goes from strength to strength. The Start-Up nation continues to produce unicorns, as Israeli scientists and entrepreneurs make advances in cybersecurity, solar energy, electric batteries, anti-missile defense systems, medicines and medial equipment, and much more. Israelis have more companies listed on our Stock Exchange than any other foreign country except China. Jews from Europe are making aliyah in ever-increasing numbers, undeterred by the current violence Israel’s military is ranked as the fourth most powerful, in the world, after those of the United States, Russia, and China, and ahead of the UK, France, and Germany. It has made startling advances in military hardware, including the anti-missile defense systems David’s Sling, Iron Dome and, to be introduced into service next year, Iron Beam, a laser-based system that will cost only $2 for each lethal laser hit. And despite having had to fight, in its young life, four wars for its very survival (in 1948, 1967, 1973, and 2023-24), and many smaller campaigns against terror groups, including the PLO, Hamas, PIJ, PFLP, and Hezbollah, Israel has been ranked as the “fourth happiest nation,” after three Scandinavian countries, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. Quite a list of achievements for such a young, small country with hardly any natural resources, that is surrounded by enemies. What will the next 75 years bring?
Those protesters at Columbia, UNC-Chapel Hill, Berkeley, Harvard, Rutgers, and a hundred sundry other colleges, will yip and yap, and issue their bloodcurdling threats about burning down Tel Aviv and removing Jews from America, but they have had no discernible effect except, one hopes, to get themselves expelled from the schools that heretofore have coddled them. As for the IDF, it must now finish the dismantling of Hamas, by attacking its four last intact battalions in Rafah. Once that is accomplished, it must then proceed to destroy Hezbollah’s stockpiles of rockets and missiles in Lebanon. The last, and most important task, for the IDF is to destroy Iranian nuclear facilities so that there is no chance that Iran will be able to build a nuclear weapon. It’s a formidable To-Do List, but when has Israel ever failed at the tasks it sets itself?
The racist fakestinians will cry, but the Israeli Caravan moves.
Close Columbia university and send all the muslims especially so called professors to Gitmo and don´t allow them to come back
And the creatures must take their clan with them
Chant this…
From the River to the Sea,
Americans, Get armed and loaded.
Cowboys v Muslims? Yee Haa!
Thank G-d for the Second Amendment!
I’VE KNOWN JOSEPH MASSAD since he was a student at the University of New Mexico. He, and his friend, Ahmad Assed who is now the President of the Islamic Center of NM and how organized a protest a decade ago OPENLY SUPPORTING HAMAS, not Palestinians, but A TERRORIST GROUP!
Four Muslims were killed here in Albuquerque, and Assed, Governor, Mayor, and a Congresswoman (D), held a news conference with all speaking of ISLAMOPHOBIA. Muslims were afraid to leave their homes. Samia Assed, Ahmad’s sister, was on Democracy Now, (on youtube), saying her family was afraid and people were bringing them food. Others wanted to leave the state. Massive FBI, State Police, APD, investigation. BOOM…. THE KILLER WAS A MUSLIM! The next news conference was more like a FUNERAL… they were so sad it was a MAGA, a Jew, or White Supremacist. ASSED still spoke of Islamophobia. (I CALLED AND WROTE ALL NEWS STATIONS to get them to ask Assed if he led a protest in SUPPORT OF HAMAS, A TERRORIST GROUP! None was reported. TODAY, AS PRESIDENT… again the calls and “News Tip” to all media… to ask him if he supports HAMAS. He hasn’t spoken at all about it that I know of. HIS SISTER IS SILENT TOO? Their relatives aren’t and are leading protests. Their UNM students took over the Student Council and Grad Students.
MASSAD AND ASSED were coming to meetings by the NM Peace Council, ON CENTRAL AMERICA, which puzzled me. What happened is that they were LEARNING from Gerry Bradley, the head of NM Marxists, a member of the Communist Party, and the head of the Peace Council directly connected to the KGB’S WORLD PEACE COUNCIL! A RADICAL HATER RECRUITING STUDENTS WHO ARE NOW HEADLINES!
Steve, keep up the good fight here in Albuquerque. You are a braver man than I.
Fake “hate crimes” …… So what else is new?
I personally enjoy humorous “hate speech” aimed at snowflakes. It causes them to melt like the wicked witch of the west.
There once was a Muslim named Alice
Who used dynamite as a phallus
They found her vagina
In North Carolina
And asshole ten miles south of Dallas ~
Gee-Haad-eez want to wage a War in the US?
OK Ass-Lifters.
It was satanic worshiping muslims behind the BLM movement…
And we can believe it is satanic worshiping muslims behind the Fake Palestinians protests too…
Suckering in the fools of America…
Neo-Nazism, Skin Heads and White Supremacy… as well as Freemasonry & Shriners are all tied into satanic islam…
Their shared hatred of the Jews, Blacks and denouncing the Trinity… and their islamic symbol Fez hats…
As well as the satanic catholic fake church and ELCA Lutheran fake church… as well as many other fake churches…
Who profess to worship the fake god allah as their same god…
We live in a world of stupidity…
What’s behind that Ivy League odor emerging from the Jew-bashing mobs? Fee-fi-fo-fum, I think I smell The Kenyan.
It’s Obama. It always was Obama. It will always be Obama. Worst P.O.S. that ever happened to this country.
Everything bad that has happened to this country started in 2008 with his “fundamental transformation” that all of the white idiot libs fell for.
Yes, he is the worst person who should be executed
He was WHELPED from a SWINE, what did you expect ?
I blame jimmie carter – the WORST President in History.
JC didn’t support the Shah and that led to satan spitting out khomeni from the bowels of hell.
The 1400 year depraved psychopathic murderous berserk scourge of Islam is now fully entrenched in American life now.
It must be surgically and permanently removed.
Otherwise, America is going end up like the Byzantine Eastern Christian Empire soon ….
overrun by the Islamic and third world illegal alien hordes.
Jihadi pigs in Dearborn shriek death to America.
We say DEATH TO MECCA – for starters.
Fascism is defined as:
“A far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.”
That is “the” description of today’s democrat party in every way. Moreover, it is reasonable and logical to question if today’s democrat party is even an American political party since most of their ideology and rhetoric is rooted in the tenets of totalitarianism (e.g., fascism, socialism, communism, Arab Ba’athism and arguably, globalism..) Totalitarianism and all its forms are as old as human civilization.
I think they got it partially wrong.
Im not saying there are no far right fascists, but we’re seeing far more fascism from the left than the right these days.
President Eisenhauer sent out the federal troops/military to protect blacks being harassed when they tried to go to school in some southern states.
How come Biden and the democrats do not send federal troops to protect Jews being harassed the threated and intimidated at Columbia University, New York University, Harvard University, etc.etc.etc. ?
No difference …. It is the same thing …. only worse now.
Biden is a criminal president of America.
Psychopathic Biden’s depraved anti-Jewish and anti-US citizen policies are deliberately tailored and manufactured to stab in the back Jews and US citizens.
Any idiot can see that.
Very good point…
nancy pelosi has Botox on her brain.
The democrat party views this situation as a success-story, as their support for anti-American protests continues unabated.
God Bless Israel.
and G-d Bless America!
The FBI warns of possible jihadi attacks in the US, that means the END of ISLAM is near.