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As far as the student protesters at Columbia University and other universities are concerned, they’re making a strong and principled stand for justice. Yet events at Columbia and elsewhere have taken an ugly turn, with the protesters sounding more like the National Socialists (remember, that’s what “Nazi” means) of 1930s Germany than any actual crusader for human rights.
When this latest social contagion has run its course and the hysteria has died down, these students would do well to consider carefully what they’re actually supporting. It’s clear that they haven’t done so as of yet.
The New York Post on Thursday published video of a man wearing a kippah and with an Israeli flag draped over his shoulders passing by a crowd of protesters at Columbia. One young man shouted at him, “Keep it moving, you Zionist pig!” A few moments later, the man with the Israeli flag, responding to something that was said to him, asks, “Hamas is okay?” To that, a woman with a keffiyeh over her head and covering her mouth bangs on a metal crowd-control barrier and shouts furiously, “We are Hamas!”
Another supporter of Israel asks her, “You’re what? You’re Hamas?” as she keeps banging on the barrier. She responds while continuing to bang on the barrier, “Yes, we’re all Hamas, pig!” Another protester adds, “Long live Hamas!”
Yet the chances that these Columbia students (if that is what they really are, rather than professional protesters brought in from elsewhere) really know what they’re endorsing when they so enthusiastically embrace Hamas is about nil. How many Columbia student protesters know that Hamas is an Arabic acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, which is the actual name of the organization? How many know that the Hamas Charter of 1988 quotes Hasan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, saying, “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”? How many understand the implications of the statement that “Islam” is what will ultimately destroy Israel?
Islam is the elephant in the room of this entire conflict: not only do the Columbia students ignore it but also the establishment media and even the Western politicians and policymakers who have attempted for decades now to negotiate an agreement that will end the conflict and bring peace to the region. The only force that is involved in the Israeli/Arab conflict that doesn’t ignore Islam’s key role in it is the Arab side: Muslim Arab and non-Arab leaders routinely speak of their hatred of Israel and desire to destroy it in Islamic terms, which is why it is so short-sighted and foolish of Western leaders and analysts to ignore this aspect of the whole problem.
Even in mid-April, when Iran sent drones and missiles into Israel, members of the Iranian parliament shouted, “Congratulations to the warriors of Islam!” Yet as far as the “experts” in the State Department and Pentagon are concerned, that is a meaningless statement or a perfunctory nod to the dominant religion of the region.
It is actually neither meaningless nor perfunctory; it is the key to the entire conflict. All over the world, there have been territorial disputes from time immemorial. Some have been settled by negotiations; others have only been ended by war.
There have been both wars and negotiations between Israel and the neighboring Muslim Arab states, and yet this dispute is never solved. In Washington, they remain sure that the “two-state solution” will solve it, despite the fact that the Palestinian Arabs have rejected numerous offers to establish a state.
What makes all this clear is Islam. A “two-state solution” resulting in the establishment of a Palestinian state will not bring peace; that state will just become a launching ground for new attacks against what remains of Israel.
This is because the Qur’an says “Drive them out from where they drove you out” (2:191), which statement has become the basis of the doctrine that any land that belonged to Islam at any time belongs by right to Islam forever. If others now control it, Muslims have a divine command to drive them out and restore that land to Islam.
That is what Hamas means when it says that “Islam” will destroy Israel. That is why a “two-state solution” will never work. That is why the student protesters at Columbia are so unwise to embrace Hamas. Because if Hamas ever does succeed in destroying Israel, the Islamic imperative will not end.
The Qur’an also commands Muslims to fight non-Muslims until “religion is all for Allah” (8:39). If a Columbia student’s religion is not for Allah, even if he or she manned the barricades and stood for Hamas, that student will eventually be in the sights of the same jihadis who are now determined to bring about the demise of the Jewish state. Their loyalty to the Palestinian cause will avail them nothing.
As the global jihad advances, it is likely that at least some of these protesters who are now proudly proclaiming their solidarity and identification with Hamas will look back with bitter regret on these days and wish they had known enough to stand on the other side instead. But by then it will very likely be too late.
I doubt most of these “protesters” could find Gaza on an unlabeled map. They would do well to observe the statement attributed to Mark Twain that it is better to remain mute and have people think you a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
One day they will realize the futility of supporting terrorist regimes and what comes with it.
I hope you’re right, but these protesters have been blinded by the god of this world, satan. It’s a spiritual battle. “Ephesians 6:12
King James Version
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
All right is you little Twats want to be Hamas then Please Leave we don’t want your Violence here we already have enough with that kind of stuff
I wouldn’t mind them leaving but I think I prefer a long stay in Leavenworth or Super Max for giving material support to a foreign terrorist organization. But that’s me.
Many of the slogans these scumbags are chanting are crimes. Inciting people to violence is a crime, more than one, actually. Terroristic threats are crimes.
Does that ignorant little girl pounding a tin plate on those handrails, shouting “we are Hamas” realize with every word from her mouth she is inviting terrorist’s attacks on America, her school, and her home?
Can you imagine her, after 9/11, pounding that plate and saying we are Al-Qaida, after the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans?
What she is doing is no different.
But with her anonymity we don’t know, she might be a Muslim, in such case, no explanation is necessary, it’s assumed.
There was widespread patriotic feelings among most New Yorkers after 9 11 01. But not among lefties and the elites and media. Shortly after 9/11/01 I lost friends because they were glad “America got what it deserved.” News casters rolled their eyes at patriotism. Al Roker and Peter Jennings on TV on 9 12 01 coached high school students in NYC to say Islam was the victim and America was bad. Bill Clinton said the same at Georgetown.
Just correcting the record.
“This is because the Qur’an says “Drive them out from where they drove you out””
By… raping… mutilating… torturing… slicing throats… beheading… killing… murdering…
It’s not just “Driving them out”… it’s by whatever the satanic worshiping muslims get their kicks from…
satanic islamic prophecy…
The day will come when mushammad’s Green Flag with mushammad’s actual horse hairs will be raised above his tomb as a sign to satanic worshiping muslims to go out and kill all Christians and Jews…
Make note:
What Christians believe to be the Tribulation… satanic worshiping muslim believe to be their 7 year period of Victory…
Mohammad’s tomb in Media was destroyed by the Wahabiests in the 1920s. There are some people who still insist that Wahhabists are Moslems.
Perhaps because they are.
From past experience and history, I’ve always believed that what goes around comes around.
Not this time…
The Luciferian Globalists of America love satanic islam… supporting satanic Sunni islam…
Those who refuse to accept mushammad as their prophet and confess the fake god allah as their god…
They will be raped and killed… leading muslims into believing they can cleanse the world of all Christians and Jews… making the world completely islamic…
satanic islam will have it’s season…
Throughout this struggle… a battle will take place in the Valley of Jehoshaphat… also known as the Battle of Armageddon… outside the Temple Mount of Jerusalem…
And yet…
It still won’t be the end…
Yeah, like herpes.
These useful idiots haven’t a clue what it means to support Hamas, it’s the same thing as supporting The Taliban. Hamas are radicalized Islamists who are yet just another splinter group that wants to run its own caliphate.
These elite leftists are similar to the original useful idiots like Emma Goldman, who supported the Russian revolution from afar but reality of a Bolshevik totalitarian government hit her when she traveled to Russia. As a result, Goldman came back to America and wrote 2 books on her regrets entitled ‘My Disillusionment in Russia’ and ‘My Further Disillusionment in Russia’.
It’s easy to be a useful idiot and a fellow traveler when you’re living over 5000 miles away from the situation. It’s another thing to live under the totalitarianism of Hamas in Gaza, which these young people need to be shipped off to, so they too will be disillusioned just like Emma Goldman.
No you’re not…
They can’t even find Israel on a map and have no idea wish river or which sea they talk about.
Further, these are hired, professional protesters…….
ROund them up and administer justice.
After they are arrested but before they are carted off to jail, the police should round up all of these “We are Hamas” agitators and sympathizers, march them to a theater reserved by police, and force them to sit through the hours of video (unedited, nothing held back) made by both Hamas terrorists and IDF/Israeli responders showing the results of the Oct 7 massacre. These images should be seared into their twisted brains. A similar approach was taken by the Allies at the end of WWII in Germany when they marched local German residents through the nearby death camps to witness what the Nazis had done.
If they claim to be Hamas, a terrorist organization, then arrest them on the spot.
While I witness young American girls in total support of a gang of thugs that raped and beheaded young girls just like them and then I witness young girls denigrate the men that are hunting down the thugs that raped and beheaded young girls just like them… I have to wonder if Planet Earth has not shifted slightly off its Axis as this makes no sense whatsoever, but I have learned long ago that common sense just aint common anymore.
I’m pretty sure Hamas is an illegal terrorist organisation in America, and so being a member of Hamas is a criminal offence.
When they claim “we are Hamas” arrest them and charge them with being members of an illegal terrorist organisation, play the video in front of the jury, and then send them to a Federal pen for 10 years.
So if your Hamas your no longer Americans Please Leave Now
Surely the FBI is sending out ENROLLMENT FORMS and CONTRIBUTION methods to ENLIST those idiots into hamass!! They spent a lot of time, effort, and bribes to entrap a few redneck idiots in Michigan – there’s a BARREL full of FISHES on each campus!!
Terrorists supporting terrorists.
Supported by the FBI.
Each and every person who claims to be a Ham-Ass terrorists must be eliminated.
They are declaring they will commit mass murder, rape kidnapping and torture.
There’s no reason to believe it’s just words. These are terrorists out in the open.
It’s best to get rid of the terrorists before they act.
They don’t play by any rules, and neither should their intended victims.
By any means necessary.
There is no Palestine. This is a fabrication of the KGB, designed as a weapon against the West.
This is a malevolent concept designed to destroy Israel 🇮🇱
Never surrender to this dark and destructive force. It is destructive force perniciously allowed into our country with malign intentions.
All freedom loving people stand with the Jewish people and Israel 🇮🇱