It is understood by everyone that America is, and always has been, a racist country where there is no possibility for a black person to become an actor in television or movies, a businessman, a college professor, an athlete, a judge, a police chief, a mayor, a Congressman, a Senator, a Supreme Court Justice, much less the President of the United States. The 1619 Project has eloquently proven this fact.
Systemic racism is entrenched in every aspect of American society, even in the most seemingly insignificant element, which only a sophisticated progressive can detect. The following are some of the many, countless, racist elements in society, as pointed out by enlightened progressives (I beg the reader’s indulgence in my recitation of them, but it is in order to raise awareness of the systemic racism in American society):
A lot of things are inherently racist. For instance, maps. Maps are racist. So is football. And Shark Week. Fields are also racist. Working out at the gym is racist. Swimming is racist. Daylight savings time is racist. Let us not forget that airlines charging more money is racist. Climate change is racist. So is the lottery. There is a tinge of racism in private schools. Museums are racist. Books by Dr. Seuss are racist. The seeking of objective truth and facts is racist. Using one’s hands while speaking is racist. White marble, used in sculpture, is racist. Using mathematics in art, such as the Fibonacci ratio, is racist. White milk is racist. The word “obesity” is racist. Truth is racism. Silence is racist. Tamarisk trees are racist. Algorithms are racist. A coin toss is now racist. Computers are racist. Pumpkin spice lattes are racist. Eating a healthy diet is now a sign of racism. The Christmas song, Jingle Bells, is racist. Pancakes are racist. Knitting is racist. Pedestrian signs are racist. If you don’t wear a face mask inside a classroom, that is a sign of racism. Apple pies are racist. Citing the statistic that blacks are 13% of the population but commit over 50% of the crimes is racist. The GOP is the party of white supremacy. The bird known as McCown’s Longspur is racist. Calling the Asian carp the “Asian carp” is racist. Math equals white supremacy because it requires a right answer. White paint is racist. The number 8 is a racist number. If you are a student, raising your hand in class is racist. Teaching grammar is a sign of racism. And it goes without saying that astrophysics is racist. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist. Chess is racist because white moves first. Soap dispensers are racist. Free speech is racist and should be eliminated as is being done in Canada and Europe. And, of course, owning property is racist.
As can be seen from the above, the evidence of racism in America is everywhere. We have a lot of work ahead of us.
So that in order to bring about an equity society where whiteness is eliminated and where whites have no rights so that we can achieve equity, we will have to restructure society through the lens of Racial Marxism. Foremost of these changes would be on the matter of reparations whereby white persons who have never owned slaves will be forced to give huge amounts of money to black persons who have never been slaves in order for the former to atone for their sins (the exception would be for those persons from Africa and Asia who still own slaves when they migrate to this country; since owning slaves is part of their culture, it is permissible). This would be a variation of the goal of redistribution of wealth.
Next, in order to have a more diverse and equitable representation in fields like engineering, medicine, law, etc., the standards for qualifications must be dropped to the lowest common denominator, as is already the case for entrance to many Ivy League universities.
Likewise, we must have an increase in representational characters in films and television, even in historical movies. We have already seen black actors representing Vikings, Ancient Greek heroes, Victorian England characters, etc., but we need to have more of them.
Ideally, our goal should be legislation whereby black votes should count ten times that of whites. It would also be illegal to contradict or criticize blacks. Most importantly, police would not be allowed to arrest a black person who is suspected of breaking a law unless that black person wishes to accompany the police.
But, until we achieve those idealistic goals, in order to set up the groundwork, we must continue to teach critical race theory in schools at all levels, in all its variations, while denying that this is taking place (after all, conservatives are too stupid to realize the slight of hand, and too lazy to persist in preventing it, being easily distracted) since the next generation will produce results.
Armando Simón is the author of The Only Red Star I Liked was a Starfish and The U.
“Likewise, we must have an increase in representational characters in films and television, even in historical movies. We have already seen black actors representing Vikings, Ancient Greek heroes, Victorian England characters, etc., but we need to have more of them.”
Alternatively Hollywood could make some movies celebrating black history, there’s got to be some amazing stories about African tribal leaders having their slaves buried alive with them when they die.
Transportation Secretary said only whites get the construction jobs… maybe that gnarly hazmat disaster in East Palestine, Ohio should be cleaned up ONLY by people of color, preferably those most marginalized, i.e, homeless, those without trade skills, and of course the incarcerated. Such diversity and inclusion is truly the most equitable outcome.
Here’s the list of all things that are racist in BLM type mindset:
All words in all dictionaries.
Everything that a non-black person does or says.
All works of art.
All inventions.
All science.
All education.
All jobs.
All history.
All laws.
All religions, except muhammadanism.
All family values.
Most objects.
In the minds of BLM types the racism ends when all of the above ends.
And make no mistakes about it, they fully intend to destroy all of those and replace it with NOTHING.
But, but…………………I already explained to my granddaughter that there is no such thing as NOTHING!
I’m old enough to remember when, during the Obama administration, it was claimed that saying he had brought Chicago-style politics to Washington was claimed to be racist. But, then again, isn’t everything now said to be racist?
There have been two near catastrophes involving air traffic recently, no doubt caused by the abandonment of merit to emphasize diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
One incident involved a female American Airlines pilot who ignored tower instructions and drove through an active runway, causing a near collision with another plane that was taking off.
The other incident involved a black air traffic controller who directed a FedEx heavy to land on the same runway being used by a Southwest Airlines 737 for takeoff. The two planes came within 78 feet of one another. The collision was avoided only because one of the FedEx pilots was paying attention and saw the SWA just as the runway appeared beneath the clouds. There was NO WARNING from the ATC. Don’t believe me?
I am sure there are plenty of black, brown and female people who could do these jobs well, but the whole premise of DEI works upon the idea of sexism and racism – which is offensive.
Want to end the Systemic Racism Rosebud? Quit voting for Democrats
That list is depressing and scary! (and accurate) I am petrified for the future of the US. Something has to give. Most frustrating are the Whites who bought into this idiocy! Do they honestly believe it or is it so important for them to be “liberal” that they turned off their brains and are not really drinking the Kool Aid, but they are lapping it up, like someone who was lost days in the desert with zero access to liquids of any type!
If systemic racism exists in this country, how did we manage to elect the first 8lack president?
What is the 8lack to white ratio among NFL and NBA players again? And what is their average salary? Not seeing a whole lot of “equity” there…
And how did Tiger Woods manage to win the Masters in Augusta, Georgia of all places or even be allowed to set foot on that course?
And how did Oprah Winfrey become the richest woman in the world if racism is a “systemic” problem in America?
And why would so many minorities risk their lives every day to get into this country?
Have you ever seen a makeshift raft leaving the United States headed towards Cuba?
To say that there is “systemic racism” in this country is a damn lie from Marxist agitators purposely trying to sow division among Americans… BLM– “We are trained Marxists”
anyone following the woke DEI insanity wiil easily see that YES THERE IS RACISM AND ITS ALL AIMED AT WHITES. in the most direct harmful egregious ways imaginable and its ALL being aimed at the most young innocent people who have no hate in their hearts or minds until some DEI fool puts it there and cements it with all the balderdash they can dream up..
Irresponsible reckless stupidity, ignroing the tremendous strides made to do as much as possible to end racism, these morons now bring about widespread systemic ANTI WHITE HATE.
When black people rise up and protest the massive assault on the black population by the abortion of black babies, and against the majority of abortion clinics being built in black neighborhoods, there will be change. And justice!
I often enjoy asking some wee white bleeding heart uber liberal ”female” snowflake if she is aware of the FACT that just about everything ”she” uses in ”her” daily life was invented, created or discovered by MEN of the Caucasian Race.
I just love to see ”her” head explode as truth hits ”her” like a rocket launcher…
Try it sometimes as it a real good way to enjoy the day.
Im 74 now and have a lot of time on my hands.
This woke, fake outrage by the left, coupled with CRT, telling adolescent young boys and girls that they are white supremacists has caused this whole trans lie to proliferate. These youngsters don’t want to be the “bad” one’s causing harm, as they are told they cause; though unwittingly and then they see the gays and cross dressers and the other intersectionality’s, the others and think they will find an identity that is safe, held up and beyond criticism. This whole dynamic must end, it’s a lie. White people and especially young adolescents are not the cause of anything that threatens blacks. Blacks are not oppressed, they are NOT kept down. Their poor outcomes are the result of broken families, being raised without fathers, with no emphasis on reading, working hard in school and graduating, and not having children until married. This transgender lie is being heaped upon are young people. There are two genders and nothing, even puberty blockers and cutting off healthy body parts will change that. Please stop telling our children lies.