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A Fidel Castro fanboy has some thoughts on the “threat to democracy” (TM) posed by people who disagree with his politics of locking everyone who disagrees with him in a gulag.
“We live in a nation where you have a major political party, the Republican Party, where many, not all, but many of their leadership doesn’t even believe in democracy,” Sanders told CNN State of the Union host Dana Bash on Sunday. “They maintain the myth that Trump won the last election, they’re trying to keep people from voting, they’re trying to deny women the right to control their own bodies, so that’s a whole issue out there.”
It’s a whole issue alright.
How much control “over their own bodies” did women have in Cuba, China or the USSR?
Bernie Sanders had cheered the Castro regime’s policies and the Marxist Sandanistas in Nicaragua.
And what’s Bernie’s idea of democracy?
He once claimed that Mao’s China had “democracy on the local level” and praised the Communist dictatorship for taking more people out of poverty than anyone else.
These aren’t just examples of ideological allegiance. Bernie favors implementing elements of Cuba and China’s policies in America.
And then the Communist turns around and accuses Republicans of not believing in democracy.
Bernie’s democracy is that of the various Communist dictatorships which were all ‘democratic’. Like the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea also known as North Korea.
Sanders needs a one way ticket to the Amazon for life and lets see him live there in the Jungle/Rainforest
Why not Siberia?
He scare off the polar bears
Why not Afghanistan?
First of all, we are not a democracy.
Correct we are representative republic. Our founding fathers knew that democracy was anarchy
But then the poor Indians in the Rainforest would have to put up with his endless bloviating. Well, at least they don’t understand English, so maybe it would sound cute to them, like the meaningless babbling of a baby.
That’s funny! 🙂
Your ad hominem attack on Sanders does nothing to deny the very obvious fact that Republican Party is now dominated by extreme right wingers that routinely deny the validity of electoral processes in this country at the local, state, and federal levels.
You. Here on this forum. All the time. For years now. You have been working hard to reduce Americans’ trust in elections.
Take some responsibility for your actions. Stand up for your own claims.
Not only a fascist but a coward.
Accusations without any specific proof. Communist.
So that is why the LeftTwats what to do away with the Electoral College. Can’t get into power without lying and cheating
The last time your movement acknowledged the Republican winner of a presidential election was 1988.
2000 was hanging chads, 2004 was voter suppression and 2016 was Russian disinformation
Have you guys decided what election denial conspiracy theory to blame 2024 on yet?
it figures you grovel and shill for a commie geezer who’s such a fraud – in ANY of his THREE HOMES.
You’re a psychotic idiot.
I’m old enough to remember when Quickzipper Clinton’s treasonous spouse claimed “You can run the perfect campaign…….” and ““I really did feel sometimes like the tree falling in the forest. I believed he was a puppet of Putin. I believed that there was relevant, important information in his tax returns. ”
She was fined for the Steele Dossier, and since Shifty got President Trump’s tax returns, what’s happened with them?
Democrats are fascists…..and cowards….because that’s how it works, Bobo.
“You have been working hard to reduce Americans’ trust in elections.” – Dems have been doing a great job of that all on their own for the last three decades. A leftist, telling others to take responsibility for their actions, lol, that’s rich!
Wildly popular grifter. People must be stoned out of their minds to support him.
Bernout Sanders. You’d think with all his illicit millions he’d be able to afford a decent barber. Look at those stray hairs sticking out past his right ear. What a mongoloid.
Bernie the bum used to rail against the “millionaires and billionaires”. Now it’s just the billionaires. What’s changed?
Must have been that third mansion he obtained, lol.
Aristotle noted that Democracy led to Tyranny, so that was known as far back as Ancient Greece.
BS ( what a great set of initials!) is an unrepentant Communist who has zero belief in capitalism and democracy