[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2012/06/commi.jpg)A leading communist website, ThePeoplesCube.com, has denounced Jamie Glazov’s Frontpage television show The Glazov Gang, calling Glazov, and his two regular guests, Dwight Schultz and Nonie Darwish, “capitalist running dogs.”
The Peoples Cube reserved praise for the Glazov Gang’s one leftist gang member, music and film producer Tommi Trudeau, commending him for delivering “the glorious message of Revolution” to “the notorious Glazov Gang at FrontPageMag.com.”
The communist site brags that Trudeau’s “hard-hitting Current Truth will shake your bourgeois foundations and make your doubts wither away faster than you can say ‘shovel-ready.’”
Trudeau caused much controversy on a recent episode of The Glazov Gang by “coming out” as a communist. He has since launched a bizarre “Kiss the Chairman” campaign, in which he seeks to force the earth’s inhabitants to kiss a portrait that he holds in his hands of his “Beloved Chairman,” Barack Obama, whose facial image is conflated with that of Mao Tse-tung.
To read the whole report by The Peoples Cube denouncing The Glazov Gang, click here. To watch The Glazov Gang’s three-part series that was the subject of the report, see below:
**Part I: Obama’s Socialist New Party Membership Confirmed.
**Part II: Eric Holder’s Amnesia on Fast & Furious.
**Part III: Rumsfeld: Israel Can’t Trust Obama.
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