The Justice Department on Thursday released the delicately titled Report of Investigation of Former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey’s Disclosure of Sensitive Information and Handling of Certain Memoranda. Some news outlets described the inspector general (OIG) report as “scathing,” but readers have cause to wonder.
As the Washington Examiner noted, the report found “no evidence that Comey or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in any of the Memos to members of the media.” Comey had, however, “violated Department or FBI policy” and “set a dangerous example” for current and former FBI employees.
But the OIG did not recommend prosecution.
That might be expected from an OIG who accused FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe of “lacking candor,” and violating FBI policy. The OIG released the report just before the Labor Day weekend, when it was least likely to command attention. In similar style in 2016, FBI boss Comey released documents on Hillary Clinton’s emails on the afternoon of September 2, just before the holiday weekend. Comey took the August 29 OIG report as confirmation that, as he said of Hillary Clinton, no reasonable prosecutor would charge him with anything.
The former FBI boss went into his end-zone dance, tweeting that “a quick message with a ‘sorry we lied about you’ would be nice.” That celebration may be premature. OIG Michael Horowitz is also investigating abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and Comey signed off on three of the four FISA applications for Carter Page. In addition, Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham are investigating the origins of the Russia collusion probe.
Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani told reporters that Comey’s investigation of Hillary Clinton was “a sellout, a fix from day one.” The DOJ and establishment media should have seen it all coming.
As Christopher Andersen explained in the 2004 American Evita: Hillary Clinton’s Path to Power, Hillary Clinton was not from New York and in her quest to take the vacant seat of Daniel Patrick Moynihan, she needed creative ways to get votes. She visited the village of New Square, where four members of the Skver sect had been convicted of bilking government aid programs for some $30 million.
New Square voted overwhelmingly for Hillary and during the final days of his presidency President Bill Clinton opted to reduce the prison terms of the New Square offenders. James B. Comey, then U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, duly closed out the New Square clemency case. U.S. Attorney James Comey also “gave Bill and Hillary a pass,” in the case of fugitive Marc Rich, also pardoned by Clinton.
Comey became FBI director in 2013 under POTUS 44, formerly known as Barry Soetoro. He was in the process of transforming the USA into a country where the outgoing president appoints his successor and rigs the system in her favor. So no surprise that Comey would not recommend prosecution of an influence peddler who kept an illegal private server, destroyed more than 30,000 subpoenaed emails, smashed up electronic devices, and other violations that would have landed anyone else in prison.
Clinton crony Comey did his job and kept Hillary in the race. After she lost, Comey did his best to target the winner, Donald Trump, for which the DOJ Inspector General has now tapped him on the wrist. On the other hand, the investigation of Comey is hardly the only game in town.
“Entrenched officials in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) are refusing to declassify key documents related to the Trump-Russia affair more than three months after President Trump granted his attorney general the power to declassify the documents,” the alert Debra Heine notes in American Greatness, citing Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations.
Director Dan Coats and his deputy Sue Gordon, reportedly an ally of former CIA boss John Brennan, both resigned last month but the agency still withholds key information. The material includes an email exchange between James Comey and John Brennan in which Brennan argues for deploying the dossier in early drafts of the January 2017 intelligence assessment. That assessment spread the narrative that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the alleged Clinton campaign hacked to steal the election for Trump.
The material withheld by the ODNI also includes all FBI, CIA and State Department records related to Joseph Mifsud, the shadowy Maltese professor whose statements regarding George Papadopoulos allegedly triggered the Russia collusion probe. As this material suggests, a prime candidate for investigation should be John Brennan his own self.
As a voter for the Stalinist Gus Hall of the Communist Party USA in 1976, Brennan never should have been allowed anywhere near the CIA or any government post. Someone from outside the CIA should investigate every call and keystroke Brennan made, and everybody Brennan wanted to hire.
Contrary to what Brennan, Comey, Wray and Mueller seem to think, the CIA, FBI and ODNI are not branches of government. They are government agencies in the service of the executive branch. As this week’s OIG report confirms, government agencies can’t be trusted to investigate themselves.
As James Comey knows, the deep state is not like football, where the game does not continue until the penalty has been marked off. If nobody from the Hillary Clinton fix and coup attempt against President Trump winds up doing prison time, the deep state will have won.
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