It used to be that Congress were the biggest criminals in D.C. Now they have competition.
In February, Rep. Angie Craig was assaulted by a career criminal in the elevator of her D.C. building. The attacker, who had previously been busted 13 times for assault, decided to go for his 14th outing by punching the congresswoman in the face while trying to force her inside.
Rep. Crag, a Democrat who had once attended a Black Lives Matter rally, wisely refused to let her attacker inside her apartment and threw hot coffee at him instead. In that moment, Craig perhaps decided that Congress Lives Matter more than those of oppressed criminals.
Had Craig been armed, she might have done better than rely on her coffee remaining hot for self-defense, but last year she had complained that “attempts to address gun violence in this country have been stymied by gridlock, special interests and career politicians”.
D.C. isn’t suffering from “gun violence”, but from criminals running around on the loose.
Kendrid Hamlin, the congresswoman’s attacker, has a rap sheet dating back to his teenage years. At 26, he’s been in court thirteen times on assault charges which would add up to an average of more than once a year as an adult. Along the way he has faced drug charges, burglary and indecent acts and yet never spent more than a month at a time in prison.
“If you throw somebody in jail for 10 days and think, ‘There’s your punishment, and we’re going to let you right back on the street,’ what the hell do you think’s going to happen?” Rep. Craig said.
We know what’s going to happen, but it shouldn’t take attacks on members of Congress to do something about it. After her assault, Rep. Craig joined efforts to block the D.C. City Council’s proposals to effectively decriminalize a variety of crimes including carjacking.
On March 25th, Phillip Todd, the chief economist for the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, was violently stabbed by a criminal who had just gotten out of prison 24 hours earlier.
So much for the security of the homeland.
The staffer was stabbed in the head resulting in injuries to the brain, as well as wounds to his chest and abdomen: some of which pierced his lungs.
Todd was working as a staffer for Senator Rand Paul. A statement by Sen. Paul noted that “a member of my staff was brutally attacked in broad daylight in Washington, D.C.” and asked for “privacy so everyone can focus on healing and recovery.”
Todd was repeatedly stabbed on H Street near a British pub and a block away from a Montessori school in what is described as an “artsy street with hip bars and restaurants” a mile and a half from the Capitol. Just the sort of place that D.C. staffers, many of them young and bored, would go to unwind, and that they probably considered safe even in a high-crime city.
In 2015, Senator Paul had declared that “mass incarceration” was the new Jim Crow. Paul complained that, “we are putting young black men in jail at a rate never before seen in history”. He teamed up with Kamala Harris to introduce a bill to effectively eliminate bail. Those were more naive times and he wasn’t the only Republican politician to fall for the siren song of “criminal justice reform” that has killed more Americans than the Iraq War.
Hopefully, like Rep. Craig, Sen. Paul has learned something from what happened to his staffer. Especially since in a recent op-ed, he fondly recalled his collaborations with Kamala Harris and Senator Cory Booker on “criminal justice reform” legislation as if they were a good thing.
Todd would have been better off if Glynn Neal, a violent pimp who had spent a decade behind bars for forcing women into prostitution, had stayed locked up. Mass incarceration is not racist, as Paul suggested, it saves lives and it’s the only thing keeping cities like D.C. livable.
This isn’t the first time that Congress had to suffer a wake-up call the hard way.
In 1992, Abbey McClosky, a 22-year-old trying to join the office of Senator Dodd, was walking home when she was brutally beaten and raped. What was left of her had been so badly battered that she could only be identified by her boots. After three days she died in the hospital.
The ‘superpredator’ who assaulted her had been out on parole after a series of assaults on women, including even a local councilwoman. He followed up the assault on McClosky by “crushing the eye socket of a 73-year-old woman”.
That year, Rep. Bob Traxler of Michigan was beaten unconscious and mugged for eight bucks a few blocks from the Capitol. Tom Barnes, a 25-year-old staffer for Senator Richard Shelby, was mugged and murdered while going to 7-11 for coffee.
Senator Kent Conrad of North Dakota watched his wife assaulted in front of him near the Capitol by a released rapist who pointed a gun at him and dragged his wife for two blocks.
Conrad, who had been fairly liberal, turned more conservative. “I am ready to do something very serious about crime,” he declared in the Senate. “We have to get tough. People who commit violence need to be put away and need to be separated from the rest of us.”
Muggings of members of Congress and staffers became so common they were hardly reported.
“The number of members and staff people who have been mugged has created a sense of urgency in dealing with crime,” Rep. Chet Atkins, a Massachusetts liberal, who had been mugged in front of the Supreme Court, said.
Then Sen. John Kerry described having his cars stolen three times and fleeing a confrontation. “I am confident if I stayed out on the street, I might be a statistic today.”
It was this atmosphere that helped lead to the 1994 Crime Bill which did not go nearly far enough. And yet has been falsely smeared as “racist” by liberals and libertarians.
Congress had to feel the pain personally to finally do the right thing.
Now a new generation in congress like Rep. Craig and Sen. Paul are experiencing the reality of what pro-crime policies can do to a city and a country. Hopefully things won’t have to get as bad as they did in the early 90s before “criminal justice reform” gets tossed aside for “tough on crime”. But the latest round of violence is a warning that if Congress doesn’t act, criminals will.
Meanwhile, an old generation of D.C. lifers has forgotten the lessons of the 90s.
“We now do not go to the automatic teller after dark,” Sen. Joe Biden had complained in 1994. “My wife tells me we are not going to do the shopping on Friday nights anymore.”
In the White House, Biden, who now enjoys secret service protection, has overseen an administration and a party that panders to criminals. He’s forgotten the lessons of living in D.C., but the other criminals, the ones who mug individuals, not constituencies, who use guns instead of forms, are giving Congress a brand new lesson in crime.
Lethal says
Here in Australia, in some of our northern towns, young Aboriginal kids a young as 10 are stealing and wrecking cars, robbing shops and houses. The law, when it catches up with them, allows kids so young to be jailed. Some do-gooders want the age of criminality raised to 14. This will naturally mean the kids aged 10 – 14 will be able to commit more crimes and get off scott-free. If a child isn’t taught right from wrong before age of 6 they will only learn it at the expense of those they rob.
Mo de Profit says
I’ve been working in a few British cities again after three years of fkin zoom meetings and I have noticed the increased aggression in young coloured people. Thankfully I am nearing retirement.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, their aggression starts coming out when they get more power.
ProudPagan says
When the start walking
Algorithmic Analyst says
Biologically, creatures are liable to undergo a state change after being assaulted. I first noticed that when dealing with mosquitos. At first they are quiescent, so if you get them with the first blow, they are finished. But if you miss them with the first blow, they become highly agitated and you never get any easy shot at them again.
With people it doesn’t always work. Some people assaulted worse than I was are still more liberal than I am.
I remember my Mom, a true blue bleeding heart liberal Democrat, used to hire black street people for odd jobs around the house, despite all my warnings. But she caught one such stealing her mail, and that was it. Her mail was sacred to my Mom 🙂
Mo de Profit says
I was a little like your mum until a drug dealer moved in next door and that changed my mind and was probably the first step towards being in the far right white supremacist camp according to the leftist elites.
Sister Albert says
My liberal next door neighbors invited their regular black yardman and a young man he had brought along to eat lunch with them at the dining room table. The young man got a hatchet and killed the lady and rendered her husband incapacitated for life.
This was about 45 years ago. A white supremacist newsletter said it was “The Law of the Jungle”.
David Ray says
I hadn’t known that Rand Paul was foolishly enabling crime. It strikes me as odd, since he’s been viciously attacked while mowing his lawn, and later on surrounded by a mob during the convention.
Guess his epiphany of common sense hasn’t happened yet.
He was good at confronting the lying burocrat Fauci. When that weasel is charged for his crimes, then I’ll be impressed. Until then Fauci is just as enabled as Hillary Grifting Clinton.
roberta says
Other tan 2 arms and legs, do these attackers have any physical traits in common?
Jerry Patersen says
Noticeably large lips and hair of Brillo texture.
roberta says
”Now that’s funny, I dont care who you are”
roberta says
I dont think very highly of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, but had he had a Theory of Devolution, that I can work with.
That pos in the photo has fallen far from the garden.
SC says
I’m looking at the picture at top of the two people. I’m not even sure I’m looking at an actual human being. . Is that a picture of a human??
Algorithmic Analyst says
The left is trying to breed a race of demons.
Jeff Bargholz says
I noticed that too. He looks lime a baboon.
Blackgriffin says
I wondered the same thing when I saw it.
Kasandra says
Well we simply must end the “school to prison pipeline” and stop “massive black incarceration” by not punishing crime. (In D.C., between 60 and 70 percent of arrested felons aren’t prosecuted.) Didn’t y’all get the memo?
Daniel Greenfield says
They’re focusing on the crime they want to fight… all of it seems to involve their political opponents.
Jeff Bargholz says
And trannies. They’re obsessed with trannies.
Lou says
This is one of the things Trump should be talking about, along with inflation, the border fyetenial, & foreign policy failures; not Ron DeSantis
David Ray says
Hear, hear! 🍻
I’ve been frustrated over the same thing, and I’m certain we have company. During Trump’s Waco rally, the crowd got very muted when Trump started his petulant rant on DeSantis.
Spurwing Plover says
Time for those in Congress to finally start putting these violent career criminals in Prison and leave them there no more Parole Early release No More Plea Bragins and 40 to 50 years not just a few years
Daniel Greenfield says
Lock them, throw away the key, watch crime plunge.
CowboyUp says
Then we’ll see NYSlimes headlines again that say, “Record prison population despite lowest crime rate in decades.”
Justin Swingle says
The Cultural And Political Forces Driving Violence In The Black Community
By Vince Coyner
America has a problem: a subculture of black crime. Every race has criminals, but when 6% of the population, black males, are responsible for over 50% of the murders and violent crimes, one must ask why. The answer lies in the irony that blacks inherited the worst of old-time, white Scots-Irish culture, over which leftists placed racial grievance politics. The former created bad behavior; the latter leaves blacks unprepared or unwilling to address that behavior.
Justin Swingle says
Kamala Stopped FBI From Monitoring Black Supremacists Like Waukesha Killer
The Waukesha killer’s allies are sitting in the White House.
Daniel Greenfield
Two years ago, Senator Kamala Harris, along with Senator Cory Booker and six other Democrat Senate members, attacked the Justice Department for monitoring black supremacists. The politicians signed a letter falsely claiming that black identity extremists was “a fabricated term based on a faulty assessment of a small number of isolated incidents”.
Daniel Greenfield says
Yup. Kamala and Cory are both leading figures in the Senate’s push for pro-crime legislation.
indyvic says
So a hot cup of coffee prevented this congressperson from who knows what? Beating, rape, theft, possibly permanent disability, disfigurement or even death? Is this what it takes for a politician to understand what citizens are forced to defend themselves and family from these urban apes that have no interest in the value of life knowing that to all too many of them the narrative has always been more important than the rule of law and the safety of citizens? Guess we’ll see how she votes in the future considering she has been granted a reprieve this time while thousands of individuals in our country weren’t so fortunate.
Diana Seminer says
Yes Daniel
They have to experience it personally in order to GET the concept that there are evil, sick people wanting to hurt , kill or maim people
Debbie Hilton says
And then sometimes that isn’t enough. There was a lady killed not so long ago. She was some kind of activist. Her parents didn’t think the person who killed her should be prosecuted. It’s clear that they have no problem serving up their daughter on the altar of social justice.
Daniel Greenfield says
Yes, there are those, usually wealthy white liberals who will never repent
but I have to say that in that case, the murdered lady fought back
so I think she had a different take on the matter when things came down to it
Pepperspapa says
One should understand why the Rinos like Senator Thune has put his name on a bill that would allow the Government to monitor and take down Free Speech. All in the cover of of “Tik Tok” . Using Big Government to stop the “Exposing “ of the talking heads in Congress.
David Ray says
And the lackluster Sen. Graham had to be informed that he had co-sponsored the bill!
Jesse Watters got irate with the lethargic senator for good reason. Graham hadn’t bothered to read the bill, and his name was on it.
When tepid fools like Graham are responsible for our safeguards, we are truly in trouble.
To be fair to Graham, Sen. Voinovich was far worse. The lazy idiot was routinely handed a 3×5 card before a vote was held to tell him what to vote for.
He also displayed laughable ignorance on the “Fairness Doctrine” a.k.a. Hush Rush bill on the Sean Hannity radio show. (Guess he didn’t have a 3×5 card on the subject.)
Freedom says
Hanging, done right, has a 0% recidivism rate. 3 strikes and you swing.
Tionico says
as does th tried and true remedy from some time past.. the firing squad. This would be my preferred method for criminals convicted of the lethal criminal use of firearms.
No hood, face the line, hands tied behind back. Let them feel what their victims felt as the bullets approached.
Mo de Profit says
And castration for pedophiles.
Tex the Mockingbird says
When Charles Starkweather murdered his Girlfriend Family and Maid and was put on Trial he was convicted got the death Sentence and was Exicuted within a year no ten or twenty years of stupid appeals
David Ray says
Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
Ecclesiastes 8:11
CowboyUp says
The only “mass incarceration” this country has ever experienced, was when FDR (D) locked up citizens of Japanese descent after Pearl Harbor. Otherwise it’s a complete BS term.
Boomers, says
For sure,but we do have to take notice and at least f/u for potential and fixable “root causes”. We know criminogenic factors/needs influencing crime, eg poverty,addictions,mental illness,abuse,education,(other than white collar crime),etc.
We also have to acknowledge the many Blacks,poor Whites,etc who,despite being exposed to poverty,etc,grow up to be decent,contributing members to society,and many who don’t engage in criminal activities,regardless.
Middleofmytethr says
I think you can add January 6th protesters
mj says
Politics: a most dishonorable, but lucrative,
Politician: a job that, when a child is asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” is I’m guessing never the answer.
Greebo says
Democrats actively promote crime. It is a crucial part of their plan to overthrow the United States. They are following the advice of Lenin & Stalin & it is working.
“The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror. The public will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened.” — Joseph Stalin
When the LOCAL police are de-funded & the streets are too dangerous for civilized life in Demorat cities, the people will call for the CENTRAL government to send their enforcement troops to restore safety & peace. These troops will declare martial law & confiscate citizens’ firearms (criminals will keep theirs naturally), and institute a Police State that supports the central government which will be a dictatorial government OVER the people. Anyone who objects will be labeled as an “Insurgent” or “Freedom Fighter” & hunted down by the US Army who trained to do that last summer. When the large cities are subjugated, there will be a mop up of what remains under the guise of putting down the Insurrection. This is why they wanted the January 6 False Flag operation & narrative.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Greebo, excellent analysis.
Old Fogey says
The heck with Congressional crime victims. It’s time for serious lawfare against the Obamas and Gores, followed by the Bidens as soon as the sock puppet leaves office.
ProudPagan says
Hmmm, in this case, the attack doesn’t bother me
dennodogg says
It’s those damn Amish and Swedes again. Right? ……never mind