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At some yet to be determined point in the last 4 years, the President of the United States became mentally incompetent.
Rather than admit that and allow his vice president to step in, cover-up began in which White House staffers and advisers began carrying out actions in his name. The charade continued until a disastrous debate performance led the party to dump Biden on the grounds of mental competency even while leaving his in charge of the country. Despite an electoral trashing, the figures behind the administration have continued operating in his name and in their final weeks in power have engaged in a dramatic effort to stymie the incoming administration, to set new precedents and to transform America.
The documents bear Biden’s name but we have multiple points of testimony from associates that he is not mentally incompetent. An NSC advisor on camera recently stated that Biden is essentially “dead”: he “can’t say a sentence.“
Over the last 4 years, a coup was launched during which a mentally incompetent man was propped up in office and decisions were made in his name. Those behind it could have left office with him gracefully, instead they have chosen to extend their crimes by actively sabotaging the incoming administration and trying to make permanent their various dirty deals.
Congress must begin mental competency hearings on Biden with a view to pursuing court actions to invalidate all actions taken in his name from a time when he was no longer legally competent.
Biden administration officials should be subpoenaed. All relevant medical records should be obtained. A legally viable starting date must be established that will then invalidate all actions taken from that point forward.
That includes today’s commutation of sentences for mass murderers.
Mental competency hearings are vital for restoring the public’s trusts in the government and for holding the perpetrators of the senility coup accountable.
That shows how far gone his short term memory is. When he starts a sentence, he forgets what it was about before he gets to the end.
I told all you people Alzheimer Joe was hopelessly senile from day one. “I’m Joe Biden and I’m running for Senate” in that “hey you kids get offa my lawn,” angry old geezer voice of his. What a decrepit piece of shit and yes, all his handlers knew it, including fake doctor Jill.
We can only hope President Trump holds these SCUM accountable.
This is supposed to be the United States of America. Not shithole Cuba or some other Banana Republic.
Maybe USA should have kept Cuba after the Spanish-American War. I was reading about that.
Yes, supposedly Hearst started that war. “Remember the Maine.” I don’t know if it’s true but he was probably the richest guy on Earth at the time and owned most of the newspapers in the country. And we’re both old enough to remember what a big deal newspapers were back in the day. They were very influential.
I read an Elmore Leonard book about the explosion of the Maine. It was pretty good but he always had screwed up endings to his novels.
Who reads them nowadays?
And the Hearst family founded and whelped Gavin Newscum. He never earned anything on his own.
We made a deal: if the Cubans helped us fight the Spanish, we would grant their freedom after the war. Hence the memorial drink, Cuba Libre (Free Cuba, otherwise known as rum and Coke).
Mojitos are even better than rum and coke. 🙂
Free Luigi
Democ-rat politicians have more immediate concerns than Joe Bite-Me’s mental incompetence. They’re fixing to investigate the ethics of Republican Supreme Court Justices. Democ-rat ethics investigators: cheeky, ain’t it?
Republicans will never do it. They have no backbone.
I had cancer in 1995. As a result of the surgery I only have one testicle. I’ve said for years that “I still have more balls than the republicans in DC!”
You lost a ball? Damn! I’m going to hold on to mine tonight. I can’t afford to lose either of those things.
If only we could convince Elon to tweet about it on X ! That seems to get their attention. Trump could do the same.
Why don’t either of them care?
Great idea but sorry McCarthy and Paul Ryan fans are too busy now trying to take revenge on Matt Gaetz, Surely none of them ever drank and womanized (is man-ized a word?) And don’t look to Mike Johnson, perhaps the worst liar in DC. He is too busy agreeing to bio labs, mask and vaccine mandates, trans kids, coverups and amnesty forJ6 select committee criminals.
Will we ever receive justice for the Obama years ( were is his original birth certificate?) , the Russia Russia hoax years, Trump phony impeachments, a stolen 2020 presidential election, the lie that Biden was alive and well and a functioning president.That lie was on the lips of all in DC and every smarmy newsreader for4 years, for the collusion with DC in the phony Trump indictments, for a bullet to his head that missed by a miracle? Without justice there is no peace and no country. So, I guess there’s no country.
“What is the state without justice…………but a band of robbers?”
St. Augustine
Yes, things are crazy nowadays. No wonder I drink.
Imagine being as unhinged as this freak
The cruelest culprit in this sad and outrageous saga of elder abuse was Jill Biden. Her lust to retain power for as long as possible led her to exploit her poor senile and demented husband’s position to achieve her nefarious ends. Next in line of users were Biden’s puppeteers, those political hacks who gaslighted the American public into believing Biden was functioning at an intellectual level above that of a turnip.
Over half of America saw through the Democrats’ scam and voted Trump into office in the hopes he would clean house and set the foundering ship of state on a new course, one that was for America first.
She was following orders.
Did you see Jill Biden dancing in some sort of music revue and basking in the fake praise? She’s a whore who just wants to be “first Lady.”
Before you feel too sorry for her “poor demented husband”, remember that he has been complicit as well in that he should have voluntarily stepped down a long time ago when he was still halfway cognizant of his own decline. Instead, he was in on the ruse since it started.
Don’t forget Hunter playing along with all of this, knowing the Pardon was coming. All a charade.
Daniel is absolutely correct that every effort should be made to expose the conspiracy to conceal Biden’s mental condition from the public. These people need to be named and publicly reviled. However, as laudable as his suggestion is that Biden should be declared incompetent and his actions reversed on that basis, the courts would almost certainly never allow it.
While it is possible that a contract or a will might be invalidated on the grounds the person making them was incapacitated at the time, in the case of a public officer his official acts would probably be considered legal up to the moment he was declared incompetent. In the case of a President, there is a further complication in that only the Vice-President and the majority of the cabinet can declare a President incompetent, and even then their decision would have to be ratified by a 2/3 majority of both houses of Congress to override a Presidential objection. No civil court would consider a petition to declare Biden incompetent while he is still in office.
I recall that early in the days of our Republic, a Judge Pickering was removed from office on grounds of insanity, but in that case the impeachment power was used by Congress. There is unfortunately no chance that Congressional Democrats will agree to remove Biden either by impeachment or through the 25th Amendment, although Republicans could and perhaps should be putting some pressure on them after these latest outrages.
Biden was never in the right of mind he should never have been allowed to run for office in his Condition and should have been ruled Not Mentally Fit and someone wrote book about John Kerry UNFIT FOR COMMAND gose for Biden as well
John O’neill and Jerome Corsi. A good book. I read it twice.
I watched the TV show with Dickhead Cavett that had O’Neill and Kerry on it a couple times, too. O’neill almost came out of his chair and pounded ketchup Kerry. He was really mad, and deserved to be.
According to my understanding of the law, you are not allowed to question, investigate, or much less prosecute a person with dementia. There are certain exceptions though, like if you are out on a Silver Alert excursion and wander near the Capitol on January 6th, pray silently near an abortion clinic, or say end up in a school board meeting to rant against pornography in schools like some old fuddy duddy. Those things should be fully prosecuted. Having, admittedly, the greatest voter fraud operation of all time is not one of those things.
Mental competency hearings covering the last four years would help to invalidate everything Biden put his name to and legally getting those who forged his name as well.
Begin mental competency hearings?
Invalidate his actions?
Congress is run by the CIA.
Speaker Johnson is a closet homosexual and the CIA uses this as the ultimate leverage against Johnson.
Think about what Johnson does……..and what he does not do,
And the truth of that statement will become apparent.
How useless is the republican party ? They do not even bring up that there is something very wrong with biden. That is how useless they are. Begin mental competency hearings? Ya right, get real.
Biden’s signing of documents might as well have ben done by autopen.
REALITY: The ruling class of billionaires do not give a muck that joe is a mental, a liar, a traitor, or a bribes sucker. He’s merely a place holding meat puppet for the Democrat Party
Democrats — Don’t be sheep
Was it Dr. Jill? Barack Obama? His strategically placed minions? George/Alex Soros? Maybe some globalist cabal, operating in the shadows? Likely, all the above.
All lies. All of it. The Democrat cabal, and the legacy media (but I repeat myself) lie for power. Not being able to articulate a positive message on their agenda for America, they attempted to scare you with fear porn. They lied to you about your candidate and ours. Thankfully a plurality of Americans saw through the lies.
Turn off legacy media. Find new News outlets. Think for yourself.
Don’t be sheep
By Earick Ward
On December 19th, the Wall Street Journal published “How the White House functioned with a diminished Biden in charge” outlining their, the Biden Cabinet, the DNC, Democrat Donors, Kamala Harris, and the legacy media’s long-held awareness from the earliest days of his “presidency” that Joe Biden’s mental capacities had waned.
It makes too much sense to do that, and so it will never happen. This has been the state of affairs for far too long in the country. Trump/Vance 2025 is the path to the future.
It’s a nice idea, but also a non-starter. The Constitution says nothing about the mental competence of a president other than to remove him via 25A.
You did not bother to remove him? Then you have to live with what he does.
Let this be a lesson to future generations.
All of Bidens Rulings Pardons Clemency and the rest should be Invalidated right away
So, he is NOT mentally incompetent? Bold statements on the mental acuity of someone require extra care before publication. That being said… yeah he’s nuts.
I suspect that the person calling the shots is none other than Barack Obama, basking in the glory of his third term as President, and the one in control of the White House and everything coming from it. Most everyone has suspected that Obama is the chief puppetmaster for the head of the Biden Crime Family, fulfilling his and his wife’s desire to destroy America. That would be the reason Barack and his “wife”, the former Michael LaVaughn Robinson have stayed in Washington, in the thick of things.
We need to change the pardon rule of the president so that in the last 90 days of a presidential term no pardons can be given. That way their party has to stand for election with their records of pardons in place.
We need to change the pardon rule of the president so that in the last 90 days of a presidential term no pardons can be given. That way their party has to stand for election with their records of pardons in place.
Trump will have many things to take care of to get our country back to being constitutional and strong. Hopefully, there will be a team to stop Biden’s actions since a lawyer decided he wasn’t fit to stay trial, how can he be fit to make decisions about our country. Trump will need to move forward with many important actions, rather than spending all his time prosecuting and investigating.
With Musk and Ramaswamy on board to take care of the bureaucrats and excessive speeding, many of the problems of the past will be solved.
Joe Biden was mentally incompetent and suffering from Alzheimer’s before he became president. Which is why Obama and his financier Soros put him there.
I had a parent that had Alzheimer’s and Joe is acting in the same way. He meets new people every day , actually he meets old friends and work people that he cannot remember from yesterday ! I feel sorry for him BUTTT , I feel the people who are covering for him should be put in prison for using this man to do the things they want dome. The Democrat party will use anyone to get what they want , Control !!! Its all about control and they can’t trust the voting public to do the correct thing!! Who is really in charge ???? My guess is B