The short version.
Biden’s Afghanistan evacuation brought huge numbers of migrants to this country who had no visas, but who were on a conveyor belt from Afghanistan to Qatar and then down the overloaded pipeline to America.
As I discussed in today’s article, Biden Lied, Americans Died, the evacuation was a massive disaster whose effects are still with us.
“After withdrawing forces while leaving thousands of Americans behind on the ground, Biden reluctantly approved a limited evacuation whose military personnel were cut off from the start. Mobs overran the airport, with mostly young men filling up planes which took off. The State Department failed to plan for an evacuation or vet evacuees leading to dozens of Afghans with terror ties coming to America and massive backups of Afghan evaucees abroad.”
Everything since then has been a cover-up.
Since the Afghan migrants are illegitimate, there’s been an aggressive push to mass legalize them through something called the Afghan Adjustment Act.
I warned about this in March when the various refugee services and their allies were pushing this.
A proposed Afghan Adjustment Act would grant the Afghan migrants, at least 36,000 of them, permanent legal residency and put them on a pathway to demanding citizenship.
Tens of thousands of Afghans have been turned loose on “humanitarian parole” for two years, which gives the refugee resettlement organizations handling their cases plenty of time to figure out some basis for applying for a more permanent asylum, but they don’t want to follow the law.
Why not?
Despite the virtual lack of vetting, hundreds of the Afghan migrants are being flagged as security risks. 50 believed to be security risks were already released in this country and the majority of them are in the wind. Four have already been involved in sexual assault cases. Considering how much the Afghans have misbehaved in so little time, the refugee resettlement contractors are understandably worried that much more damaging information will come out after two years.
The new rush to lobby for an Afghan Adjustment Act, still in draft form, exploits the outrage and sentiment over the botched Afghanistan evacuation to rapidly legalize all of the Afghans here.
The Afghan Adjustment Act is now a reality.
Last week, a bipartisan group of six senators introduced a new version of legislation to allow Afghan evacuees to adjust their status to lawful permanent residency. The proposal, known as the Afghan Adjustment Act, has been a focus of immigrant and veteran advocacy for months.
However, the bill faces an upward climb in the Senate, which has rejected a similar proposal before. The window is rapidly closing to pass substantive legislation before the close of this Congress at the end of the year.
In the bill introduced last week, the backers included an additional layer of security vetting for Afghans who hope to adjust their statuses, assuaging some hesitation from Republicans such as Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
“This legislation starts us down a road of creating a strong vetting program to protect our national security while allowing for Afghans who risked their lives for America to move forward in the process, and while determining what to do with other parolees we brought to the U.S. after our hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan,” Graham said in a news release.
There’s no meaningful vetting. These are the same lies we’ve been told since Day 0.
Advocates of the Afghan Adjustment Act stress that the move has precedent: similar laws were passed following refugee crises in other nations. After the Vietnam War, the U.S. allowed Vietnamese refugees to adjust their statuses, and they did the same for Cubans after the Cuban Revolution.
The Vietnamese and Cubans weren’t followers of an ideology at war with America. If both sides in Vietnam or Cuba had been Communist, we should not have taken them in.
How many Afghans will be legalized? Watch how the numbers keep changing. That means it’ll be higher than any of these estimates.
. The Afghan Adjustment Act, new bipartisan federal legislation introduced last week, could give more than 80,000 Afghan evacuees in legal limbo in the U.S. a clear pathway to permanent residency.
“They have come here seeking asylum. They have humanitarian status, but the Afghan Adjustment Act will give them permanent legal status, a resident status that will at some point afford them also the opportunity for citizenship,” said Democrat U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a co-sponsor of the bill. He spoke in New Haven Wednesday morning to announce the bill alongside resettlement groups.
Despite the media spin, none of the Afghan migrants are about to be deported. They don’t need a legalization magic wand to keep them from being sent back to Afghanistan, but to shut down any questions or potential future action. The Democrats want them legal and voting as soon as possible. They want more Ilhan Omars and they want to flip districts and states.
This is the next stage of the attack on America.
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