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John Bonifaz is the kind of guy who could have answered a casting call for “lunatic leftist who will attempt to resurrect the left’s failed strategies against Trump on his first day back in office.” He says he is the “Co-Founder and President of Free Speech For People,” as well as a “constitutional attorney,” all of which sounds impressive enough if you’re the type who gets impressed by that sort of thing, but which in reality simply confirms that what we have here is someone who has abjectly failed to read the room, and to realize that the fact that Trump has been impeached twice and has just become president again should tell him that his approach won’t work. Bonifaz also demonstrates that the left hasn’t thought of anything new to do. Its response to Trump 2.0 will be more of the same.
At 12:55PM Eastern Time, not long after Donald Trump took the oath of office as the 47th president of the United States, Bonifaz made his momentous announcement: “BREAKING: We have just launched a new campaign calling for an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump for offenses he has already committed upon taking the oath. You can access the grounds for this call at http://impeachtrumpagain.org. Join us in this fight for our democracy. @FSFP.” This will, of course, get absolutely nowhere, but it’s nonetheless a glimpse into the hamster-wheel of the left, endlessly repeating the same tired stuff against Trump even though it never gets them anywhere.
The Impeach Trump Again website declares:
Donald Trump has been sworn in as President of the United States for a second time. Not only is he disqualified from the presidency, but he has already violated the United States Constitution. And, just like eight years ago, more violations will certainly follow. During his campaign and in the months between his election and inauguration, Trump has threatened to engage in unlawful, unconstitutional conduct. He has once more positioned himself to abuse the office for personal profit and power in violation of clear constitutional commands and at the expense of our democratic institutions, constitutional precedent, and the safety of our country’s most vulnerable.
That business about being “disqualified from the presidency” is the old twaddle about Trump being an “insurrectionist” and thus disqualified from the presidency on the basis of the Fourteenth Amendment. Leftists tried this as the 2024 campaign was heating up and failed in several attempts to keep Trump off the ballot on that basis, but apparently John Bonifaz, constitutional attorney, thinks that he has found the magic formula that will make it work this time.
The Impeach Trump Again website also helpfully informs us that “Trump is not a monarch. He is beholden to the Constitution, as is Congress. And as the Founders understood, if we are to preserve our democracy for the people, then Congress has a duty to investigate and, if necessary, remove a corrupt executive.” Yeah, “our democracy” again. Amy Klobuchar kept invoking that in her pre-inauguration bloviation Monday morning, in an obvious attempt to dunk on Trump for the “insurrection” nonsense yet again. Trump made a neat reference to “our republic” during his inaugural address, thereby subtly reminding the nation and the world that all the left’s hyperbolic ranting about how he was a danger to “our democracy” was wrongly focused in the first place, no doubt on purpose. If we have a democracy rather than a republic, you see, the electoral college can be more easily abolished, and the president elected by simple popular vote, which the Democrats thought was a winning formula for them until the election of 2024.
Related: Biden: Hey, We Have a New Constitutional Amendment! National Archivist: Not So Fast.
Impeach Trump Again goes on to say: “Free Speech For People is calling on Congress to launch an immediate impeachment investigation to determine whether there are sufficient grounds to impeach Donald Trump for offenses that have already occurred and that will continue in the days to come. Congress must also be prepared to expand its investigation if Trump undertakes any of the other impeachable actions that he has threatened to carry out.” Congress, you say? You mean the thing that Trump’s party currently controls? Good luck with that.
John Bonifaz is likely a reasonably intelligent fellow, and yet all he has done with his intelligence is show us yet again how warped a mind on leftism can become. Maybe someday this accomplished attorney will turn to more productive and rewarding pursuits. In the meantime, he is Exhibit A in the Museum of How the Left is Out of Ideas to Deal with Trump.
Go pound sand you Dweeb and Read the Whole Constitution besides the 25th Amendment Dip-Wad
This is what happens when they allow animals that were WHELPED from SWINE (pigs), become members of the bar.
But is this John Bonifaz an actual “Constitutional Attorney” like Mark Levin, or does he just play one on T.V? As for intelligence, if he was an actual “Constitutional Attorney” rather then just another bloviating leftist lawyer, he should know that the United States is a constitutional, representative republic, not a “democracy”, and he would also know that you can’t impeach a U.S president for campaign rhetoric that he doesn’t agree with. There is an obscure part of the U.S Constitution called “The Bill of Rights” and number one item on the bill of rights is the First Amendment, which is specifically to protect political speech. As for whether what Mr. Trump is doing may be constitutional, or illegal, the only point currently under review is the ongoing issue of “anchor babies” born of non U.S citizens, and whether this could be prohibited by executive order, or if it require new legislation. Of all of the politically motivated court cases brought against Mr. Trump, the one that was never actually brought forward was insurrection.
The left loves their “buzzwords”. It’s the only thing the leftist mind can comprehend.
John Bonifaz….is a wimp.
I see him more as just another mob boss looking for fame and money.
Hopefully this article is the last we ever hear of him.
If Pelosi was Speaker and head of the Democrats, she would have beat him to the punch.
Don’t worry, they’ll find something, or they’ve already got it all waiting for the right time to expose it.
Maybe there should be a National Contest: “What will the Democrats bring against Donald J. Trump? Send in $10 with your guess and win millions.”
I’m first: (oh send me the money with your guess) “He secretly speaks Russian and Chinese and is a Communist KGB Plant and meets with high-ranking Communists at Mar-a-Lago.”
When he is called to testify, he can just say, “I don’t recall” like Hillary did and what all the Biden’s are going to say when they are called to testify.
Gimme $10 on the lame charge (excuse) of “islamophobia!!” for deporting terrorist enablers on campus.
Bet’s null&void unless the treasonous DNC cheats itself a majority in 2027. California just stole 3 HofR seats (via slow walking the count) and Wisconsin has a fraud Senator via a 3:am ballot dump.
(As usual/expected, Mitch McConnell was wholly uninterested.)
Three things leftists love most are to ¹abuse power, ²lie as casually as they breath, and ³hate America (and Israel).
Both impeachments of Trump were borne of spite, as merit isn’t their thing. (Scorned bitch Romney voted to convict to ¹sooth his hurt ego, ²pretend he’s an independent thinker, and ³get lavish praise from reporters.)
The 2nd impeachment was laughably pointless & rushed, as Trump was already out of office . . . but fools consumed with raw hatred had to spit their bile or risk choking on it.
The left habitually open their mouths only after 1st calculating which lie will do the most damage. It’s their tough shit that it all backfired.
As they’re devoid of substance, lies & envy are the only arrows in their quiver. It won’t be unexpected for them to reach into it again if they regain the House of Representatives.
And the MSM often tell us how the Republicans are ready to “pounce”. Oh, the irony.
One could form a drinking game around media’s default use of “pounce” (or Jug-eared Barry’s love for the word “fair”).
Oh please, not another impeachment dog and pony show. Yawn…………..ZZZZzzzzzzzzzz……
This one has all the memory span of aa House Fly and the mind of a Idiot
It’s going to be four years of nonstop insanity from the Dems. As it’s been said before, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” They can’t all be that dimwitted can they?
The pathetic grasping at straws is all they have left! Yes, they are dimwitted but their desperation supersedes that.
Yes, they can. It seems that every time we think the Left couldn’t possibly get any lower, a crowd of them show up with shovels, yelling “Hold my latte”.
“Join us in this fight for our democracy.”
Do your silly fight for somebody’s democracy all you want. But didn’t you get the memo? The United States is a constitutional representative republic and you leftists can’t stand that.
It may be news to this idiot, but our Founding Fathers HATED “Democracy” with a passion! That’s why they were determined that we would NEVER have one, and they did their best, but it was thwarted by democrat tools like the 17th Amendment, and the “Fight” to eliminate the “Electoral College”, our Founders most brilliant way of keeping “Democracy” at bay! Bonifaz doesn’t know as much about the U.S. Constitution than my cat knows what “T.P.” is for.
Yes, he us a CONSTIPATIONAL ATTORNEY who is full of S H l T
Will President Trump be having this man and all those like him, investigated; I wonder what he’s got hidden in his past?
Have at it, Bonny Face.
So President Biden refused to protect the country from both foreign and domestic enemies, yet there wasn’t an impeachment. The Biden administration was a co-conspirator in child trafficking but there was no impeachment. Anyone else handing off undocumented foreign national minors from human traffickers to third parties in United States would be charged with being a co-conspirator in child trafficking. Biden took bribes from both private foreign parties as well as from foreign governments to act in their best interests, which is treason. The President of United States works in the best interest of Americans while protecting and defending the Constitution. If a President can be bought off for a certain price, meaning the President is willing to ignore his oath of office and work for the best interest of foreigners that pay him directly – well…if that’s not treason, I don’t know what is? Also Biden intentionally refused to undergo cognitive testing, which would have proved his mental diminished capacity, legally allowing the pathway to replace him via the 25th Amendment. But hiding his mentally capacity, where others were actually making the decisions for the executive branch created a Constitutional crisis, which was swept under the rug.
So with all that said and Biden was never impeached, I’d suggest to John Bonifaz to shut the hell up about impeaching President Trump!