“Thousands of residents of the central Chinese province of Hubei gathered in angry protest on Friday,” Wong Siu-san and Lau Siu-fun of Radio Free Asia reported Friday, “amid a physical melee between their police force and that of neighboring Jiangxi province at a checkpoint on a bridge between the two.”
As Athan Vanderklippe of Canada’s Globe and Mail reported, “Violent clashes erupted on a bridge between China’s virus-stricken Hubei province and neighboring Jiangxi province, days after authorities relaxed an epidemic lockdown.” The confrontation came after “authorities in Jiangxi blocked entry to people from Hubei,” and according to the Communist Party’s People’s Daily, “the risk of sporadic cases and local outbreaks still exists.”
The next morning, March 28, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post were dodging a story they should have seen coming.
“Large-scale protests could break out in Wuhan, the epicenter of China’s coronavirus epidemic,” Yuichiro Okuma of KYODO News reported on March 25, “when a lockdown on the city ends next month, as residents unhappy with unprecedented restrictions on their movements vent their pent-up frustrations.” Wuhan had been on lockdown since January 23 and “the authorities have been lambasted for having tried to deliberately conceal information about infections at the beginning of the outbreak of the new coronavirus, first detected in Wuhan late last year.”
The riots exploded the line that China’s Communist Party has the coronavirus whipped, as proclaimed by World Health Organization boss Tedros Adhanom Ghegreyesus. On Friday he tweeted, “For the first time, #China has reported no domestic #COVID19 cases yesterday. This is an amazing achievement, which gives us all reassurance that the #coronavirus can be beaten.” In reality, the virus isn’t beaten in China, and the RFA report outlined the back story.
“The ruling Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda machine,” RFA explains, “has ordered officials to start questioning the narrative that the virus came from China.” American media had already deployed their bullhorns.
“China’s Communist Party wants more gratitude for its handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak,” contends a March 10 CNN report by James Griffiths. China’s Foreign Ministry mouthpiece Zhao Lijian gets the most attention, and the piece attacks U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and even Jesse Waters of Fox News. The coronavirus caseload “comes under control,” and “by externalizing criticism, China’s government may be able to further rally the country behind its leaders.” And so on.
As Collin Anderson notes at the Washington Free Beacon, the Communist regime’s own videos feature footage of American media outlets and Democrat politicians to portray criticism of China’s handling of the coronavirus as racist. For example, official videos cite CNN’s Chris Cuomo and NBC’s Richard Engel and highlight tweets from Hillary Clinton and New York City mayor Bill de Blasio “parroting regime talking points.”
Hillary Clinton tweeted “He did promise ‘America First,’” linking to a New York Times story that the U.S. leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases. That came on Friday, as Chinese rioted in Hubei province, where outbreaks remained a threat.
“The leaders of the Chinese Communist Party have a lot to answer for,” writes Steven Mosher at American Greatness. “Clearly, it was the CCP’s coverup and incompetence that first allowed the Wuhan virus to reach epidemic proportions in China, and then spread around the world.” Mosher is one of many who suspect that this particular coronavirus “may have been under study at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that it somehow escaped from the lab.” He provides the paper trail, and a plan of action for American officials.
Those who shift blame from China onto America, says Mosher “are offering opinions, not facts.” To determine the origin, “China must immediately release all of the coronavirus research records of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Wuhan Center for Disease Control.”
Such requests are not coming from WHO boss Tedros who, critics say, covered up cholera epidemics when he was Ethiopia’s health minister. Tedros was also a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), accused of terrorism before it became part of Ethiopia’s ruling coalition in 1991.
“Tedros is the second-to-last person who should be heading the World Health Organization at this time,” Gordon Chang (The Coming Collapse of China) told Fox News. “The last person is Xi Jinping.”
The WHO is part of the United Nations, from 1972 to 1981 headed by Kurt Waldheim. As the joke had it, the UN Secretary General suffered from Waldheimer’s Disease, which made him forget he was a Nazi war criminal. There is also a parallel for the establishment media as a conduit for Communist propaganda. While Stalin murdered millions with a planned famine in Ukraine, Walter Duranty of the New York Times wrote that no famine took place.
Coronavirus is taking place and for President Trump’s response check out this timeline.
Last week the president said, “We can’t have the cure be worse than the problem.” Asked for a response, Democrat frontrunner Joe Biden said, “we have to take care of the cure that will make the problem worse no matter what.”
Last May in Iowa, candidate Biden said, “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us.”
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