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Trust in our government has lowered to the point that some people are suggesting that the New Orleans jihad massacre was aided and abetted, or even concocted, by the feds in order to stir up unrest as Trump prepares to return to the presidency, or to create a pretext for some other action. Some of those who are making suggestions of this kind, such as Candace Owens, just want to find some plausible way to blame Jews, or to claim that it’s all in the service of trying to get the U.S. involved in a war in the Middle East on behalf of Israel. Those types, including Owens herself, tend to downplay or deny outright the reality of Islamic jihad, preferring to see virtually all the workings of the wide world as the puppet show of the all-powerful and ever-unseen Zionists. Still, would the feds really get involved in a jihad plot to kill Americans? Sure.
No one really knows for sure, except the conspirators, if there are any, whether or not the feds are involved. And jihad is real, as the news out of Africa, Asia and Europe shows daily. Still, the question must be asked: would the feds really aid and abet a jihad terror attack? Have they really become that corrupt and compromised? And the answer is: yes. Of course they would, and yes, they’re that corrupt. The evidence for this fact lies in their behavior at the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest that Pamela Geller and I organized in May, 2015.
The Daily Beast wrote in August 2016 about how this undercover FBI agent encouraged the jihadis. The Beast’s Katie Zavadski wrote: “Days before an ISIS sympathizer attacked a cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, he received a text from an undercover FBI agent. ‘Tear up Texas,’ the agent messaged Elton Simpson days before he opened fire at the Draw Muhammad event, according to an affidavit (pdf) filed in federal court Thursday.”
This was not entrapment. Simpson and his partner Nadir Soofiwere determined jihadis who had scouted out other targets. Simpson, along with Soofi and another jihadi, Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem, who supplied weapons to the pair and helped train them, sought information about pipe bombs and plotted to attack the Super Bowl, and planned to go to Syria to join the Islamic State (ISIS), long before anyone told him to “tear up Texas.”
But what was the FBI’s game in telling them to do that? Why didn’t they have a phalanx of agents in place, ready to stop the attack? Or did they want the attack to succeed, so that Barack Obama’s vow that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam” would be vividly illustrated, and intimidate any other Americans who might be contemplating defending the freedom of speech into silence?
We twice asked the FBI for an investigation into this matter. They ignored us, of course. On Thursday in The Federalist, that publication’s elections correspondent, Brianna Lyman, recalled some of the curiosities of the Garland attack, about which the feds have maintained their silence for nine years now. Lyman wrote: “Radical Islamist terrorist Shamsud-Din Jabbar plowed his truck through a crowd in New Orleans in the wee hours of the New Year, murdering 15 and injuring dozens. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is now leading the investigation — the same agency in which an agent once encouraged a radical Islamist terrorist to ‘tear up Texas.’”
Lyman noted that “in 2015, local Texas police thwarted what would have been a massive terrorist attack in Garland, Texas. The saga began when the Islamic State recruited Erick Jamal Hendricks, a North Carolina man, who later befriended an undercover FBI agent. Hendricks connected the FBI agent to radical Islamist terrorist Elton Simpson.”
Lyman also pointed out that “during initial discussions between Simpson and the undercover FBI agent — who has never been named in government documents — the agent told Simpson to ‘tear up Texas’ after Simpson made the agent aware of an alleged blasphemous Muhammad cartoon contest to be held at the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland.” Simpson and Soofi then drove eight hours from Phoenix, Arizona to Garland, and opened fire in the parking lot outside our event just as it was ending.
Lyman states: “The FBI agent was present at the attack and later told Hendricks — who was not present at the attack — that he was Hendricks’ ‘eyes’ that day.” Also: “Trenton Roberts, a lawyer for security guard Bruce Joiner (who was injured in the attack), reportedly said he was ‘convinced that there is much more to this story than the FBI has admitted.’”
Oh yeah. No doubt about that. And now the same agency is going to tell us the full truth about what happened in New Orleans. How reassuring.
Mo de Profit says
There are many coincidences between these attacks that Paul Joseph Watson has documented.
Cat says
Does anyone else wonder how much Owens was paid to try so hard to make murderous Jew hate mainstream?
Steve says
America had a wannabe jihadist as president in the form of a jug ear elitist and narcissist , who is completeing an unconstitutional third term under his puppet Joe Biden, America’s first mentally retarded president, We had a previous one under the recently expired Peanut Dhimmi Carter. And despite what Candace Owens thinks, helping Israel has always been anathema to them.
Craig Austin says
First things first, who the hell was Matthew Crooks? Both the New Years guys were Feds, the golf course guy was a Fed. I know that I’m not a Fed, but not sure about anyone else.
BLSinSC says
The NEW Congress should have already subpoenaed WRAY and orcas (I despise him so much I can’t type his name) to get their LIES under oath so that they can both be put in prison later! Al Capone never went to prison for his organized crimes – it was tax evasion/mail fraud that got him so maybe PERJURY will be the basis for much of the left to spend years behind bars as CONVICTED FELONS! I would imagine that many statements those two have already said could be individual counts of PERJURY. We just need the investigations to be HONEST and PROVABLE and EACH ONE a SEPARATE CRIME. I think FIVE years is the penalty – orcas would be in for the rest of his unnatural life. Wray would be a very old man!!
Onzeur Trante says
According to Amy Klobuchar the FBI is “fully functional.” So functional in fact, that Trump’s nominees don’t need to be “rushed” to approval. In that sense, Klobuchar’s answer to the question above could only be YES.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I live in Texas and I remember well the Muhammad Art Exhibit and Cartoon Contest. It was a glorious response to an evil, dangerous and ridiculous religion that has no place in this nation. You and Pamela Geller have given so much of yourselves in this fight, for which I am very grateful. Pamela Geller is a rare and beautiful person, absolutely resolute and fearless in her truthful journalism. May the LORD bless and keep you both.
John XY says
“Would they do such a thing?” You’re kidding … right? Just look at the date of the article and you’ll get the answer. (The date is January 6). Of course they would! And have.
Between the election of Trump and the inauguration, the Democrats are sowing as much confusion as they have in the still considerable power to do. There were the UFO/drones. Remember the drones? Me neither. Then there were double terrorist attacks, one of which, was clearly terrorism but they said it wasn’t, and the other might not have been terrorism at all. Then these were eclipsed by the Presidential Medal of Freedom awarded to George Soros of all people. The main purpose of all this is chaos. The Democrats want people to have no way to know what is true and what is not.
Today being the anniversary of the original January 6th, I’m almost afraid to read what fresh hell will appear in the next 24 hours.
You can be sure the following day will be worse.
Ian D. Thoros says
Almost everything we see is part of a forced narrative in the race towards global government. It’s a trifecta of control by many strategic means: 1). Covertly and systematically reducing the populations of intelligent human beings (especially those who fear GOD and understand individual liberty) while assisting those of lower intelligence who only understand brutality, violence, and following orders. 2). Destabilization and destruction of institutions that create and foster peace, innovation, independence and prosperity thus leading to a critical breakdown of the current societal construct. 3). Creating a state of continual global chaos and fear in order to establish an eventual demand for a single global authority to step in and impose absolute rule in exchange for peace and safety. Anyone want to guess who that is?
Matia says
The Antichrist for sure.
Tionico says
READ your bible, carfully.
“The Antichrist” is not a person.. read John’s 2nd and 3rd letters to the churches. He brings up “antichrist” which, in the greek, is an adjective, NOT a noun with agency that can DO anything. John gives a simple test or us to employ to tell whether a given individual is or Him or against Him. There IS no neutral ground. His own words.. “you are eitherfor me or AGAINST me”.
Jesus also, afer predicting the ute destruction of the Temple i Jerusalem (within this generation, He said…… ) took His closest allies and they had a ling talk. In that talk He predicts a number pf other things…. a “alling away”, persecution, tribulation, “the abomination o desolation” wherein an individual human would enter the Holy o Holies in the Temple (beore its destruction on 22 AD) and oer a corrupt sacriice (and NOT be struck dead, as would have happened on earlier days)… that this “sign” is to be a warning o the imminent destruction o Jerusalem, and to leave Jerusalem IMMEDIATELY, heading north into the hills for refuge. Immediately followng that event would come the physical destruction o the temple they had just visited.
sumsrent says
False teachings !!!
Matt says
2 John 1:7 “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.”
In that sentence “antichrist” is a noun. With all due respect to the Greek language, I don’t read it. Antichrist in 2 John 1:7 is a noun. The antichrist will be a person:
2 Thessalonians 2:4 “Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.”
That’s the man of sin, the son of perdition, right there. The antichrist.
As far as the destruction of Jerusalem the Lord talked about in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, that is yet future. Though Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman Titus in 70, the Lord wasn’t referring to that devastation.
That is because in 70 A.D. the world was in the dispensation of the grace of God. An unprophesied interruption of the prophetic program occurred when the Lord unexpectedly came down from heaven in Acts 9 and saved Saul of Tarsus. The Lord revealed His “secret” to Paul. He began something new. The prophetic program will resume when the Church is removed (the rapture).
Romans 16:25 “Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began,”
Tionico says
Secular history writings have the roman general Titus, son of Vespasian (the Roman general whom Nero had sent to Jerusalem in 66 AD so “take care of the Jewish unrest”). (Roman records and reports, always kept accurately) and Jsephus’ also accurate writings) Titus and his ather enered the Holy o Holies (I can’t remembe the date but it IS recorded” and they made [reliminary plans or the dismantling o the temle.. then Titus left Jerusalem with his army to head to Mesopotamia to rendezvous with two oreRoman divisions, and bring them back to aid in the seige and destruction o Jerusalem. (Revelation mentiona the winds o the east lwoing to dry up the river so the kings o the east can cross on dry land.. the twodivisions Titus wanted to help him with the seige he was about to commence in Jerusalem). May confuse Titus with “The Antichrist”.. certainly he was “o” the spirit o antichrist, but he is not “THE antichrist”.. and even if he was, his work is long ago done. done..
So His men asjed him “Lord WHEN will these thingst ake place? (A valid question….) His response… again. “before THIS generation passes away”.. that means, since He said those words in 33 AD, before about 73 AD…. WHEN was the Temple destroyed? And Jerusalem laid waste? Yup..73 AD Jerusalem had been laid flat, and remained so or centuries.
reread that “Olivet Discourse” in Matthew.. take careul no o all the things Jesus predicted.. when you search history you will ind that EVERY ONE o the items He mentions in that long alk DID in fact take place prior to 74 AD and precisely within the time rame Jesus had described.
SO NOW WHAT? Again search the Scriptires.
sumsrent says
More False Teachings !!!
Ron Kelmell says
Incompetency not collusion is the most likely connection. New Orleans’s DEI/WOKE politicians couldn’t catch their pants with a hand full of fish hooks.
The mayor travels the world to climate seminars while buildings are literally collapsing,,,,really….onto the streets,,,,four so far.
We’ll talk pot holes, street lights, and garbage pick up another day….incompetent.