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For decades, gangsta rappers have raked in money, fame, and recording industry awards hand-over-fist by promoting a culture of violence, drugs, crime, misogyny, hedonism, and greed. There has been not a peep of an objection from the Progressive Left to the damage this has done and continues to do to generations of young people, especially in poor inner-city communities, where rappers, gang members, and drug dealers are idolized and emulated by far too many. But let one country music star complain that American cities have degenerated into a wasteland of lawlessness and chaos, and triggered leftists leap to smear him publicly as a violent racist.
Quadruple-platinum-selling country artist Jason Aldean has found himself the target of a wave of leftist condemnation over the new video of a song (which was actually released months ago) titled, “Try That in a Small Town.” The video intersperses actual footage of rioting, looting, and confrontations with police in cities, with shots of Aldean and his band performing before a courthouse in a public square in Columbia, Tennessee.
The lyrics and imagery capture the kind of random violence that has become endemic in Democrat-run urban hellholes all across America – carjackings, the knockout game, and armed robbery – as well as open contempt for law enforcement and the American flag in a country whose children have been taught by decades of leftist educators that their homeland is a uniquely oppressive and evil nation in world history. Aldean warns in the song that that attitude wouldn’t be tolerated in small-town America, and he issues a sort of “molon labe” warning to the anti-Second Amendment activists who aim (pun intended) to disarm law-abiding gun owners.
Here are the lyrics, credited to songwriters Kelley Lovelace, Neil Thrasher, Tully Kennedy, and Kurt Michael Allison:
Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk
Carjack an old lady at a red light
Pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store
Ya think it’s cool, well, act a fool if ya likeCuss out a cop, spit in his face
Stomp on the flag and light it up
Yeah, ya think you’re toughWell, try that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small townGot a gun that my granddad gave me
They say one day they’re gonna round up
Well, that shit might fly in the city, good luckTry that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small townFull of good ol’ boys, raised up right
If you’re looking for a fight
Try that in a small town
Try that in a small townTry that in a small town
See how far ya make it down the road
Around here, we take care of our own
You cross that line, it won’t take long
For you to find out, I recommend you don’t
Try that in a small town
The video concludes with a few nostalgic images that reflect the sanity, sense of community, and peaceful order that Aldean’s song associates with small-town America.
Pretty tame stuff, actually, but Progressives hate white America, small-town America, law enforcement, and gun culture, so it was inevitable that Aldean would face a barrage of celebrity and media condemnation.
Former singer-songwriter and prominent gun control advocate Sheryl Crowe, for example, tweeted her indignation, falsely accusing Aldean of promoting violence: “Jason Aldean, I’m from a small town. Even people in small towns are sick of violence. There’s nothing small-town or American about promoting violence. You should know that better than anyone having survived a mass shooting,” she wrote, referring to the 2017 massacre at a Las Vegas music festival where Aldean was performing. “This is not American or small town-like. It’s just lame.”
The showbiz industry rag Variety published a snarling hit piece whose headline – “Jason Aldean Already Had the Most Contemptible Country Song of the Decade. The Video Is Worse” – makes for a pretty unambiguous spoiler of where the article’s remaining 2000 words are going to go.
Rolling Stone magazine – the same far-Left outlet that published a sickening denunciation of the popular anti-child trafficking movie Sound of Freedom – predictably chimed in with an article (under the category, “Dog Whistles”) titled “Here’s What’s Wrong With Jason Aldean’s Vision of America.” It cites University of Oklahoma professor Karlos K. Hill, “a scholar of racial violence,” who labels the song a “narrative of white nationalism. But it’s packaged in this really nice, seemingly benign package of country music.” [Emphasis added]
It’s white nationalist now to want your town to be free of rampant crime and wanton destruction. Who knew?
The left-wing propagandists at The Washington Post offered up a partial explanation for the controversy by noting that some of the footage used in the video came from Black Lives Matter demonstrations (apparently it’s racist to connect BLM with the “mostly peaceful” rioting that rocked America throughout 2020). It also pointed out that the courthouse featured in the video was the scene of a lynching (nearly 100 years ago), and that Columbia was the scene of a race riot (nearly 80 years ago).
And yet WaPo then goes on to acknowledge that the video production company TackleBox confirmed that Aldean had nothing to do with choosing the site, a “popular filming location outside of Nashville” that has also been featured in the Lifetime movie Steppin’ Into the Holiday and Disney’s Hannah Montana: The Movie.
Nevertheless, the cancel culture mob swelled so swiftly that the cowards at CMT, the Country Music Television network, panicked and pulled the video from rotation. Gun control activist Shannon Watts, who had tweeted that Aldean “has recorded a song… about how he and his friends will shoot you if you try to take their guns,” crowed about her own part in the CMT cancellation, writing on Tuesday, “Proud to have had a hand in getting CMT to reject this racist and violent song.”
Prominent conservative politicos from Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis to Marsha Blackburn and Kristi Noem have stepped up in public support of Aldean. “When the media attacks you, you’re doing something right,” DeSantis tweeted. “@Jason_Aldean has nothing to apologize for.” In a video posted to Twitter on Wednesday, Noem stated, “I am shocked by what I’m seeing in this country with people attempting to cancel this song and cancel Jason and his beliefs.”
In his self-defense, Aldean subsequently posted the following on Instagram:
In the past 24 hours I have been accused of releasing a pro-lynching song (a song that has been out since May) and was subject to the comparison that I (direct quote) was not too pleased with the nationwide BLM protests. These references are not only meritless, but dangerous. There is not a single lyric in the song that references race or points to it – and there isn’t a single video clip that isn’t real news footage – and while I can try and respect others to have their own interpretation of a song with music – this one goes too far.
As so many pointed out, I was present at Route 91 – where so many lost their lives – and our community recently suffered another heartbreaking tragedy. NO ONE, including me, wants to continue to see senseless headlines or families ripped apart.
Try That In A Small Town, for me, refers to the feeling of a community that I had growing up, where we took care of our neighbors, regardless of differences or background or belief. Because they were our neighbors, and that was above any differences.
My political views have never been something I’ve hidden from, and I know that a lot of us in this country don’t agree on how we get back to a sense of normalcy where we go at least a day without a headline that keeps us up at night. But the desire for it to – that’s what this song is about.
A return to some semblance of normality in America sounds like a slice of heaven, but unfortunately, that ship has sailed. The Left considers the yearning for normalcy and social stability to be white nationalist nostalgia for a time before BLM conquered corporate America, before Critical Race Theory metastasized throughout our schools, and before national anthem kneeling protests ruined our national pastimes. The Left doesn’t want a return to normalcy. It wants normalcy in every facet of American life to be disrupted, if not eradicated, to pave the way for revolution, for the “fundamental transformation” of a country they hate into a Progressive utopia.
This is why the Left defended the devastation wreaked by BLM and Antifa as “mostly peaceful,” but will denounce, demonize, and destroy Jason Aldean over what they perceive to be a mere “dog whistle” in a video.
This is why the Left has normalized political violence, criminal chaos, and open borders madness – because the collapse of the entire system is the goal.
This is also why the Left turns a blind eye to the dozens of mostly black-on-black shootings every weekend in Chicago, but doesn’t want small-town gun owners to protect their loved ones, their property, and their way of life from the agents of chaos who have overrun America’s cities.
Today’s Left is a violent revolution in progress. Messages of defiance and resistance — like a hit country song — cannot be tolerated, and the messenger must be destroyed. But to paraphrase “Try That in a Small Town”: cross that line and see how it works out for you.
The courthouse used as a backdrop in the video is also the backdrop to much of the BLM riots it featured. Take a close look.
As always, left-wing scum are full of shit. They have no idea how hypocritical and ridiculous they are. Seditionist, racial supremacy riots being perpetrated in front of the courthouse were just hunky dorry but a song about community and unity against violent crime is “racist.”
It’s really hard for me not to hate lefties.
Not so hard for me, Jeff. Let me preach hate now. Don’t the Scriptures sanction well-placed hate?
19 Oh that You would slay the wicked, O God!
O men of blood, depart from me!
20 They speak against You with malicious intent;
Your enemies take Your Name in vain.[b]
21 Do I not hate those who hate You, O Lord?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
When will people wake up andlearn that there must be a righteous hate against haters, those who only understand explicit hatred for their wickedness. What would the men of God such as Moses and David have to say?
22 I hate them with complete hatred;
I count them my enemies.
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts![c]
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting![d]
I think you’re right. I try not to hate left-wing scum but I’m not very good at it.
Hate evil, you who love the Lord.
Psalms 97:10
Hollywood producing the usual crime movies like Hurricane Heist Oceans 12 Etc.. they just overdo this kind of junk then remaking worse of crime films like FUN WITH DICK & JANE the usual load of junk from the very place of Smoke and Mirrors who plead with us for More Gun Control Laws
Analogy: Everyone knows of how simple new drones can be programmed to fly all in unison, and to if desired, all converge on one specific GPS point.
Now take that idea and give it to Antifa/BLM or other Marxists, and have ALL their phones instantly provide a picture, and the coordinates of any one person they deem a target in a crowd… i.e., by your voting record, your online comments, your YouTube videos, or your stance on anything anti-Marxist.. and let the beatdowns begin.
And strangely, no one ever discusses phone-signal denial rules for certain people.
Strategic thinking. It goes both ways. Your observations are the ugly truth.
Gotta think like an enemy of Freedom to know how the enemies of Freedom might think…
Jason Aldean, there is only one response to this: Don’t back down, DOUBLE DOWN.
You know you are over the target when you are receiving the most flack.
Rick Moranis was subjected to the knock-out game i.e. polarbear hunting.
The only reason the NY thug got caught is because assaulting a celebrity gets attention.
Many of these chickenshit black thugs have casually walked up and cold-cocked mothers, elderly ladies, etc to the ground for nothing more than sheer amusement. (Some might call that racist to do such a thing, but never a politician.)
The criminals and terrorists don’t like to be called out? What else is new.
Those righteous song lyrics remind me of a poster paraded at a tea party rally in Washington, D.C. just before the Democ-rats lost the House of Representatives in 2010. The poster displayed a large fist with the following caption under it: “Redistribute this.” The tea party spirit still lives. Go MAGA!
I wish I could have this video played I Times Square for a week straight– along with crime stats by race.
Hear, hear! 🍻
(And bus in 50,000 more illegals to fill Times Square to give Mayor Adams more to cry about.)
See if Fox News will have him play live on the sidewalk… that’ll bring in the viewers.
The FOX of 20 yrs ago maybe, but not now.
Sometimes it feels like the Left has some headquarters somewhere and they carefully look for and analyze what cultural artifact they can use for an attack. This video was released back in May.
Maybe the headquarters is one of Barry Soetoro’s mansions or György Schwartz’s mansions. From there they send the message out to the MSM to proceed with the attack.
Stick to your tired altruism screeds. You are better at that than political analysis
No! At least THX is using his own opinion and his own thinking. I have been chipping away at him to nudge him in that direction.
This is progress!
I agree. Common sense posts deserve an upvote.
Don’t be fooled K. He is a totalitarian leftist at heart. He will lie obsessively to get his point across and to get people to think he is reasonable.
Would not the market place of ideas presumably benefit from the increase in inventory?
Yes. Agreed. I am also motivated by the others who would be fooled.
Any time he doesn’t go on about Ayn Rand is an improvement, that’s for sure.
Good work.
Didn’t Marx once say that, essentially, everything that exists needs to be destroyed?
Yes, he did. Scumbag that he was.
He wrote, “All that is solid melts into air.” Make of that what you will.
I’ll bet he never said that while he was sitting on the toilet.
Hollywood brings out the most vile and violent movies. John Wick, a move of non stop violence, gives deranged minds ideas.
JasonAldean gives a perspective of down home communities,a will to survive, by defending from violent acts of danger. There was nothing racial about this song. It pertains to everyone that wants a peaceful functional society
Shame on the Left, who wants nothing but criminals to run the streets.
Consider the source of the ridicule – WaPo, Variety, Rolling Stone, even Crow, and reflect on what these people have supported in the past. These are the same folks slaming “Sound of Freedom” for Heaven’s sake! Why are we surprised?
You know nothing about how movies get conceived and made. As for John Wick, I seriously doubt that any person will kill because he’s seen one of those films. I’ve seen all four and remain peaceful as ever in these troubled times.
In the minds of Liberal Pinheads armed self defense should be banned and so the robbers can steal your money to support their addiction to Crack Cocaine and Booze
Jason Aldean never mentioned race or ethnicity in this song.
I will.
BLM marched in Los Angeles , chanting ” F the Jews, send them back to the ovens, Hitler was right ”
I applaud Jason Aldean.
Clearly the song calls for peace through neighborly love and abhors the violence of riots and street attacks and the destruction of those areas where it occurs most frequently.
Apart from the city (bad) versus small town (good) over-generalization -as there are good people everywhere- it is a message of love, and a blatant opposition to violence. Especially as electric guitar riffs seem to respond to violent beat downs. as if to say American traditions, including free expression, energy and joy, will out do dark pre-planned destruction.
The song and video are brilliant. The left understands its very clear message and its appeal. All criticisms are just more boring propaganda opposite talk. Tiresome.
All criticisms are also from FEAR.
There is a recent terrorist attack in Fargo ND. It is getting dangerous even in the small towns.
A small town in Idaho was bewildered & enraged to find rapes suddenly erupting ubiquitouly – as a direct result of Jug-eared Barry busing in islam by the 100s if not 1000s.
When the residents protested about this sudden emergence of crime, A.G. Loretta Lynch responded by threatening them with “hate crimes” if they didn’t shut up and accept it.
(Needless to say, none of these islamic trash were bused into Martha’s Vineyard.)
We all know what he is saying and we are all just waiting for the right time.
Sheryl Crowe making moral judgements against Jason Aldean, a woman who dated Lance Armstrong and seemed—in her recent documentary—not to regret it?
The dumbbitch who wore a “War is not the answer” shirt as America prepared to respond to a horrific 911 attack, was the same dumbbitch who giddily supported Clinton’s useless boondoggle against Serbia.
(The “mass graves” we were told about never materialized in Bosnia. And as islam cashed in & took over, they methodically began to tear down centuries-old cathedrals.)
This “glorification of evil” that has been going on for a long time is one reason why I like the Jesse Stone series. It portrays the good guy doing whatever needs to be done to overcome evil – in spite of “the system” which is often corrupt and evil.
I agree, those movies are good. Selleck actually wrote some of therm.
A lot of murder mysteries in a sleepy little town, but there wouldn’t be any episodes without them, right?
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Isaiah 5:20
My brother’s “small town” has installed a democrat mayor. This evoked concerns that she will wreck the downtown and destroy their tourist economy.
She will.
Why did they “elect” her?
Regarding the history of lynchings in America, the record shows that most were whites lynching other whites, not people of color.
And blacks lynching blacks.
Aldean is a musical performer.
But he’s doing something that I doubt even he understands.
He is drawing a line in the public consciousness between CRIMINALITY and CIVILIZATION.
In ancient times when the pagan barbarians ruled………..there was the commandment “Might makes right”.
Christians with the GUN retired that idea for the last 700 years thus establishing Western Civilization.
But as we revert to our pagan barbarian past…………..civilization is receding and the ancient pagan gods are returning.
See Matthew 12:43
Other good songs GOD BLESS THE USA by Lee Greenwood and Oakie from Misogi by Merl Haggard
And “81 Million Votes my Ass.” by the Truth Bombers.
I think you mean Muskogee which is in Oklahoma. Another great song is “Red, White, and Blue”, by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Two or three years ago, I remember reading on my local news about mobs of BLM or other belligerent kind of apes arriving in a couple of Southern small towns, then promptly vanishing after having faced the local ‘welcoming committees’. Not even Houdini could have performed a faster and more discreet disapperance act! Our national indoctrinator media having ignored these facts, there was no more ‘celebrity or media condemnation’ then than when Mr. Aldean first released his song several months ago.
There should be a special category in the vast field of human imbecility reserved for the islamo-leftist clique.
I heard the same thing happened in a lot of Texas towns. “Dont F with Texas.” I’m glad they’re on our side.
Progressive is American for communist.
I’m really impressed with that. 885516784
I’m really impressed with that. 232674031