Watch the full question, and then watch the full answer.
It feels politically and medically unethical to have Fetterman run for office right now. If the media can't cover this very serious issue after the debate, they are truly hopeless.
— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) October 26, 2022
The media could have pushed for the truth after Lt. Gov Fetterman’s stroke, instead, it continued to favor the woke Frankenstein because he had all the left views.
As the campaign continued, it doubled down on the cover-ups because the media was now stuck with a candidate that it was beginning to realize was broken, but was now the standard bearer of its party.
Up until the debate, the cover-up continued. Anyone in the media who insisted on asking questions about Fetterman’s functionality was threatened and smeared.
Then the debate arrived and Fetterman’s performance made it clear that there was something wrong there.
Now the media has defaulted to praising his “courage” for running and attacking anyone who points out the obvious as “ableist”.
This follows the familiar media cover-up pattern.
- It’s absolutely not true
- Maybe it’s a little true, but conservatives are blowing it out of proportion
- It’s absolutely true and we should all embrace it
Much like drag queens in schools and the Taliban overruning Afghanistan, we’re in phase 3 now. Fetterman is clearly disabled, but that means he’s just like FDR and we should admire him. Maybe that position might have been respectable if it had been the default one all along.
But admitting that Fetterman is in trouble was the last resort of liars and cowards in the media after they previously tried every possible lie and misdirection and exhausted all the happy talk.
Had the media done its job and sought the truth from the start, Fetterman would have likely been forced to drop out, making way for Connor Lamb who, at least, knows what year it is and how to finish a sentence. Instead, all the lying and gaslighting may cost the media a Senate seat. There’s a certain poetic justice in recognizing that the media got itself into this mess.
Like most liars, the media lied itself into a much worse situation. And now no one will believe it when it claims that Fetterman will recover. Why should anyone believe hacks who already proved that they were liars?
Why did the media think it could get away with it?
There’s an ice cream cone-licking and hair-sniffing patient wandering around the White House that seemed to back up the media’s approach. But Biden, by now, was smaller than life whereas Fetterman is anything but. Keeping him chained up in the basement wasn’t going to work. And without an incumbent in the race, as in 2020, it’s hard to shift attention and blame.
The Biden strategy wasn’t going to work for Fetterman. And it won’t even work for Biden for much longer.
John Fetterman: "My doctoral believes that I’m fit to be serving and that’s what I believe is where I’m standing."
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) October 26, 2022
According to the political dictionary
A yellow dog Democrat was a Southern voter who was unwavering in their loyalty to the Democratic party. Those faithful Democrats swore that they would “vote for a yellow dog” before they’d vote for a Republican.
According to William Safire, the term was first used in 1928. That’s when a New York Democrat named Al Smith was running for president. Many Southern Democrats disapproved of Smith, who was a “wet,” or anti-prohibitionist. Alabama Sen. Tom Heflin went so far as to leave the Democratic party because he didn’t want to support Smith. Other Alabama Democrats, though, declared their loyalty to the party by saying, “I’d vote for a yellow dog if he ran on the Democratic ticket.””””
Yes it’s an old term. Unfortunately it still applies to today …………
However never forget that the GOP not only has to win, but has to win MASSIVELY to cover the margin of fraud. Already, the Dems have injected over a quarter-million fraudulent ballots into the mail-in ballot cesspool, and the counting centers in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have yet to be addressed. I suspect another 3 AM dropoff on November 9 will seal the steal for the Dems.
Most of the opposition to Al Smith (The Happy Warrior) had more to do about his Catholicism, not his disapproval of Prohibition.
Fetterman was finally revealed as not fit to run and serve and Oz who has TV experience honed it on this issue to the point where Fetterman interrupted Oz’s closing remarks. Oz may very well have hit a home run last night
Fetterstein tried to garner sympathy for his disability. “I had a stroke and he (Oz) won’t let me forget it.” He practically begged “Vote for me because I’m mentally disabled and have a huge cyst growing on my neck.” I guess he got the media meme about sympathy. Scumbag. As if his insane policies (ravings) would do anything but punish the working and middle classes he claims to care about. Just Dirtbagocrat emotional nonsense taken to a loony extreme..
I was wondering what that was. That is one ugly cyst.
Sometimes I get the cyst confused with his head. That’s one of the reasons he wears a hoodie so often. That and sartorial retardation. He looks like he’s dying, to me.
Red wave?
I want to pick up 75+ House seats. Two to one isn’t good enough. I want seven to three.
Sick of it.
We present obtainable alternatives.
They peddle deception and skullduggery.
if this is a democrat win or even a draw, the USof A is finished as a nation. The barbarians are at the gate and ready to invade and there is nothing red blooded Americans can do.
It seems a lot of Independents and even some dems are breaking for Oz after seeing the debate.. I think it’ll take a big margin though, because over 255,000 unverified new voters were sent ballots in Penn.
We’ve had tens of millions of ballots mailed out in CA and untold millions of registered voters are illegal aliens and convicts.
Fetterman’s brain dead candidacy is just like Biden’s…a clear indication that the left believes it can win any election with any animated corpse by cheating.. The Republicans never prosecute political criminals, so the left has a permanent green light. They have nothing to lose.
When will the Republican dhimmitudeship learn that anything that is good must be fought for forever? Evil does not sleep.
The Democrats have ruthless, evil leaders who would lie to their own mother while she’s on her death bed. The Republican Party has leaders who make sure their membership doesn’t upset their Democratic overlords.. The people have no true representation from anyone.
I suffered a stroke sometime in the early morning on 11/2/2020. When I woke up I immediately knew something was wrong. i took three tries to sit up on the edge of the bed. Even when I did, I felt like I was tilted at a 45degree angle to the right. My first thought was: “Did I have a ***** stroke?” Indeed, I had.
Just walking downstairs felt very alien. My balance wasn’t particularly good, and neither was my speech, which was immediately apparent as I answered my wife’s first question: “Are you alright?” No, I wasn’t, and neither is anyone else that suffers a stroke. It is a very difficult thing to deal with, even when you aren’t stupid enough to continue to run for a major political office soon after your brain is damaged.
There is a need to convince yourself that you will recover to full capacity after a stroke, or pretty much any debilitating injury. That is human nature, and it is a good thing, but it isn’t necessarily possible in every case. Fetterman has had 5 months of medical rehabilitation yet can’t speak well or understand questions. How can he effectively represent the citizens of PA if he still has this much trouble communicating?
It was painful watching him.
Get well soon!
And Fetterman has no place in political office while in his condition even if his policies were sane, which they aren’t.
“Like most liars, the media lied itself into a much worse situation.”
Good point. I keep wondering when it is going to collapse.
I have a horror of telling even true stories that can be misleading. So it is strange to me that the media keeps getting away with it.
Absent even a semblance of a moral compass, the media has no idea how foolish anyone with an IQ higher than that of a turnip, views them. Having convinced everyone that the media are the poster children for ‘Fake News’ was not enough for them, now they actually have graduated to believing their own lies.
Fetterman is so incoherent he makes Oz look good. What a legendary RINO. Republicans are going to give voters everything they deserve when that red wave comes in and the media will still be running the circus.
I guess you’ve missed all the MAGA candidates who’ve won and will win. That’s the real “red wave.”
What is that Lump on the back of Fetterman’s Neck? I had a Boil on the back of my neck a few years ago had to get it treated at our local Clinic
Who knows what it is besides very unhealthy. It makes him look like a combination of Igor and Frankenstein’s monster.