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Hundreds of white mice, genetically engineered to catch and carry the Covid-19 virus, were found at a secretive, illegal lab in Reedley, California, near Fresno, the MidValley Times reports. The illegal lab harbored potentially infectious bacterial and viral agents including chlamydia, E. Coli, streptococcus pneumonia, hepatitis B and C, herpes 1 and 5, rubella, samples of malaria and “thousands of vials that contained unlabeled fluids.”
Never authorized or officially permitted, the lab had been operated since October 2022 by Prestige Biotech, a company registered in Nevada but not licensed in California. In a ramshackle furniture warehouse, “patently unfit,” for biological purposes, the company reportedly made Covid and pregnancy test kits, but there was more to it.
According to court documents, 35 separate refrigerators and freezers contained biological material, blood, tissue, serum, bodily fluid samples, and medical waste. On July 5, officials removed from the property 48 containers, each with 44 gallons of “biological material and medical waste.”
Wang Zhaolin, Prestige representative onsite during the investigation, told investigators that the mice were genetically engineered to catch and carry the Covid-19 virus. Court documents identify Xiuquin Yao as the president of Prestige, founded in Nevada in 2019, and both are listed in this profile. After a fire in its Fresno lab in 2022, the company moved to Fresno, without any record of authorization.
According to Fresno County Department of Public Health official Joe Prado, Prestige representative David He “completely avoided the questions” about infectious agents on the property and were “intentionally trying to mislead us.” No one from Prestige, or any other company associated the property, has taken responsibility for the contents of the lab or proper medical waste disposal.
“Why would a Covid lab run by a shady Chinese company be operating in Reedley?” wondered Katy Grimes of the California Globe. At the end of July, after multiple reports on the lab, the Fresno Bee and Sacramento Bee were ignoring the story. So was Gov. Gavin Newsom, who shows strong support for Chinese companies.
In April, 2020, Gov. Newsom struck a $1 billion deal for masks with the Chinese company Build Your Dreams (BYD), not known for protective equipment. Newsom kept the details secret and the governor and his pals did not wear masks as they partied at an upscale eatery. It is now known that masks were ineffective and even harmful, but what happened to the $1 billion remains something of a mystery.
The federal Centers for Disease Control found at least 20 potentially infectious viral, bacterial and parasitic agents at the rogue lab. At this writing, the CDC news website showed no information on the Reedley lab. Like Gov. Newsom, the CDC also shows a distinct preference for China.
In early 2020, the telebriefings of the CDC’s Dr. Nancy Messonnier, conducted on January 17, January 24, January 29, January 30, February 3, February 5, February 12, February 25, and March 10, 2020, faithfully echoed China’s talking points.
On January 24, reporters who asked about China were told, “CDC has a team that’s been in China for many years where we work closely with the Department of Health in China.” There was information “from China” but Dr. Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, wasn’t giving it out.
The CDC mouthpiece was “not at liberty to talk about” the issue of travel from Wuhan, and Dr. Messonnier was eager to “compliment the Chinese” for recognizing the source in the “Wuhan market.’ And so on.
Dr. Messonnier started her career with the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), the CDC’s medical CIA tasked to prevent epidemics from arriving on American soil. The EIS failed to stop Covid, but their exact role remains unclear.
The EIS includes nationals from many countries, including China. Embattled Americans might wonder which nation’s interests the Chinese EIS officers represent, and if any were on the CDC “team” working with China for many years.
CDC veteran James LeDuc, as director of the Galveston National Lab (GNL), hosted students from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), the Chinese lab funded by Dr. Anthony Fauci to conduct dangerous gain-of-function research. According to LeDuc, the GNL was “squeaky clean” in its work with China, and the coronavirus developed naturally in the wild.
After the virus spread around the world, LeDuc signed agreements with three Chinese labs, including the WIV, giving China the power to destroy “secret files, materials and equipment, without any backups.” The agreements applied to “all cooperation and exchange documents, data, details and materials,” were renewable every five years, and the confidentiality terms remaining in force even after termination.
With this kind of official collaboration with the Communist regime, a secret Chinese lab in California should be no problem for federal and California authorities. Katy Grimes wonders if there are “more labs like this” in California and across the United States.
As revelations await, the allegedly retired Dr. Anthony Fauci is now the subject of an “official criminal referral,” by Sen. Rand Paul for lying about funding gain-of-function research at the WIV.
Sen. Paul, a medical doctor, charges that “viruses that in nature only infect animals were manipulated in the Wuhan lab to gain the function of infecting humans.”
In “China and Viruses: The Case of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu,” released in 2020, Israeli microbiologist Dr. Dany Shoham revealed that the Wuhan lab had been supplied with a cargo of deadly pathogens, including exceptionally dangerous Ebola and Nipah.
The WIV was one of four facilities involved in China’s biological weapons development. According to Dr. Shoham, all four facilities collaborated with Dr. Qiu, an “outstanding Chinese scientist” who headed the special pathogens program at Canada’s National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg.
In 2017-18 alone. Dr. Qiu made at least five trips to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. According to FBI director Christopher Wray, the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic was “most likely a potential lab incident” in Wuhan, China.
Thanks Lloyd!!!
Since I reported this last year, nothing was done, i asked about it 5 times this year Jan, Feb, March (twice) April then i was told if i want to know file a FOIA, so i did much to my surprise and there’s too i got hundreds or records, test results, Photos, files etc. a few days later i get a call that the records were sent in error so return them and or shred what i got ?
My FOIA requests all had the same case #23-537, last week i was told the case is closed and any records i have are not to be made public as this Matter is now a National Security CBW issue. What i have learned is the FBI,DOD,DOJ,HHS,EPA, NIH, PUBLIC HEALTH FEDERAL , STATE AND LOCAL, CDC, CBW US ARMY FROM FT. DETRICK, ABERDEEN, DUGWAY PROVING GROUNDS ETC.
Then i see what was located;
and another 47 Viruses, Blood Borne Pathogens and Air-Borne as well as many others
FRESNO SUPERIOR COURT CASE #23CECG00912 was one of the many cases filed to Raid this Location, now they want to conceal it and the 4 Chinese Scientist 3 fled to China the 4th is missing ? The location has operated under the Radar for over 6 months, it was NOT a Green Garden Hose that alerted them to this site it was US BIO-R&D going back ti China much like the Wuhan lab. US BIO Intelligence intercepted communications and tipped off the locals as well as Federal, State and Local people who delayed for months, they finally put the facility under surveillance thinking it was if anything just a local Meth/Fentanyl lab. When it was noticed Medical Waste, Human Waste, Body Parts, Dead Mice, Rats, Bats, Rodents, Birds etc.. then to see them dump liquid waste into local Wells, Water Canals and release Airborne sprays finally something happened albeit way too Late… This was an Open air, ground, fruit, animals crops etc experiments to cause a new Pandemic . I sent over 23 packets of what i got FOIA TO every News/Media in Central Calif,. to FOX, NBC, CBS, ABC, etc
The Media got Played by the Feds, State and Local agencies this was discovered last year and the FBI wanted it kept SECRET from Dec-22 until the Media and others got tipped off.
By the FOIA requests 23-357
So the incompetent politicians that obtuse voters keep installing year after year are now bought and paid for by China. Allowing unregulated chemical and biological labs to sprout up in the suburbs. What could possibly go wrong?
“incompetent politicians” who are competently doing this great work! Underpaid poor dears-they find someone to help subsidize their patriotic work.And life goes on!
They’re much more to this, CBW , Ft.Derrick Dugway. Aberdeen and more much more
Clifornia.. the state which installed a chinese company as manager and operator of the Port of San {edro, one of the largest cintainer ports in the US. What could have gone wrong with THAT??!?? Thanksfully some government entity (Feds?) epped in and put a quick halt to that.
Local county officials MUST prosecute and convict the operators.. many laws and standards, at state and local levels, have been violated or ignored. Had this place not been busted who knows what hell could/would have been unleashed out of little old Reedley, kniwn for oranges and raisins and ot uch else? Oh maybe those Cutie tangerines….
but here they are running a full scale production facility with the potential to unleash the nexr Covidiocy.
Brought to you by the late geeat State of California. These principles need to be behind bars. Seize all their assets while they are at it, to fund the cleanup not from the public teat.
“Genetically engineered mice?” The mind REELS. This is the stuff of CRUDDY science fiction.
I wish it were science fiction, but China has long sought bioweapons technology for military use.
The U.S. is post-Christian, but still has the remnants of resistance to things like CRISPR technology and Just War principles (which we take for granted). China has no such restraint and has stolen much of what they need to accomplish their goals.
And should anyone doubt the utter ruthlessness of Chinese communists they need only look at what Mao did to his own farmers, or the more recent openly conducted elimination of female Chinese babies. Marxism is obsessed with biological subtraction. They are never champions of life.
The left relies on the gullibility of the average American to shield their treason and other criminal schemes. When will these self-absorbed cowards and fools wake up and stop voting for their executioners? When will they act like responsible, courageous human beings instead of lemmings?
The fatal turning point came after the fall of the Soviet UNion when the West declared victory, abandoned martial values and gave into hedonism and feminism ; the nanny state is the result ..these folks don’t want ”freedom” they want security and safety-ism … its the dearth of both masculinity but also the ”grown up”
H G WElls predicted this at the end of the 19th C with his dystopian novel ”The Time Machine wherein citizens sank into languid decadence and pacifism
Here is the predicted future here in the present …
Kind of makes you wonder where all these Covid “variants” are actually occurring…
It’s only a matter of time before the West are hit with a real pandemic with more than Flu-like symtons
It could come from a hostile , opportunistic nation state like Iran or North Korea, or it could be simply a radical fringe group like some Eco Creeps or Jihadists
Did you not notice how smug the Eco Creeps were during Covid lockdowns as all their anti industry policies were being achieved ;?they’d like the population to be seriously reduced even if it meant becoming a victim themselves as they see we humans as a plague of sorts
In my area, deaths were everywhere in 2020 including among the now wrongly maligned doctors and nurses who tried to help people. I’m the only survivor from my office.
I understand that in less populated areas it didn’t hit as hard. And later many had milder symptoms. But it was extremely tragic and severe here in the beginning.
I miss those good souls who succumbed to the bioweapon election year virus.
Sorry for your loss. Not to be impertinent, but how many of your former colleagues were vaxxed and boosted? In my retirement community there were also deaths and cripplings, and most had their shots.
Did those unfortunate folks die OF Covid or WITH Covid ?
Persomally speaking, I know of no one who actually died of Covid .NOT ONE
There were proven treatments for Covid but the damage done by Obama’s efforts to socialize medicine turned medical hospitals into ideological hospitals. Drugs like Ivermectin, which was very effective on Covid, were banned for political reasons. So was Hydroxychloroquine..
My wife has every co-morbidity one could hope for, if dying from Covid was the desired objective, yet she survived three bouts with Covid because we had an abundant supply of ionic silver.. We also took pharmaceutical grade lliposomal D3 and vitamin C in large doses.
Doctors are not allowed to prescribe ionic silver because Big Pharma hasn’t been able to get exclusive patent protection on it, but they are still trying.
It is criminal to not protect the protectors, but that is what Big Pharma, and their toadies in the FDA are doing out of malignant greed. It hurts everyone and I hope that this nation will stop tolerating this kind of cartel within our own government.
I’m sorry to hear of your losses. There is no excuse for it. No, not one.
Just FYI. Ivermectin was demonized because it was effective. The FDA gives emergency approval only if no other treatment is available, and when it was determined that Ivermectine and Hydroxychloriquine worked, they needed to be demonized or significant profits would disappear. Hence the “horse paste” narrative. Not about public health so much as about money. Why should we be surprised?
You have spoken the ugly truth.
Isn’t Messonier the sister of Rod Rosenstein? It may not be relevant to the story above but it is interesting how these high officials are connected.
America created Covid in the N. Carolina University… then sold it to the Wuhan Lab for Gain of Function experiments… basically… making it more deadly…
America created the deadly vaccines…
America was behind allowing satanic worshiping muslims to attack on 911…
America was behind the Election Fraud…
Do you still think America is the greatest nation on earth? !?
This isn’t the America our parents and families fought in wars for…
So, I guess that means you will be leaving the United States, right?
When you personify “America” as a collective and then accuse it of knowingly committing all evil, you are condemning yourself as well, genius.
I am an American and I fought the Covid lies every day, through public expression as well as by informing people about things that cure Covid, such as ionic silver. You, on the other hand ranted and raved about the victims being the perpetrators. Seek help..
I got covid so I went to a farm supply store and bought ivermectin for horses ; I took half of it and within 3 days was recovered
Covid 19 was something akin to a bad flu that was exaggerated to the point of hysteria by our cowardly, nefarious ”nanny state governments ”
Just look at how Australia and New Zealand behaved , especially NZ with it’s Leftist female leader, Cindy Ardern , the nanny state personified
Hahaha… truebearing…
You’re gonna have to explain how you personally feel responsible for the creation of covid and yet… pretend you were an informant about the things that cured covid…
Only an idiot like yourself would think the “evil” things that America has done makes you a participant…
“victims being the perpetrators” <<< That's an untrue, off the wall statement…
Yes… you definitely need to seek help…
Why did they need crappy little labs in the US? A pair of Chinese Intelligence officers were running the Canadian research/bioweapons lab in Winnipeg, where this whole journey began.
Even less supervision?
What? Would Justin Castro…errr Trudeau align himself with the CCP and conduct a secret war against the United States? Of course he would. The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the evil tree.
They could easily release the stuff from there into the SF Bay Area.
And the Biden crime family gets rich selling out America, while the sub-human filth of the Democrat Party (and its Deep State lackeys “memory hole” evidence and kick dirt over the truth.
Sum ting vewy wong going on in Cowefonia.
These bio-weapons labs were outlawed decades ago, Everybody associated with this are international war crimes that must be executed
To infect us with deadly virus is a Crime Against Humanity and those responsible should be sent to prison for life and even longer No Parole Plea Bargains Clemency or Pardons in prison until the day they die like with Manson
“Crimes against humanity” is a western concept. Let go of it and see the awful destruction of which humanity is capable.
It’s like playing a game and each participant has their set of rules, if any.
God, please send a Jonah to call this nation to repentance. We know you are angry with us for our sin.
Gavi Newsome is covering for Chinese bio-terrorists? Is Fauci involved with this too?
“ but what happened to the $1 billion remains something of a mystery”
I think we know that it went to China via Newsome’s cronies.
The info that has become public may be part of a cover story.
Here is some food for thought:
Recently the Communist Chinese government was sending large, sophisticated high altitude balloons over Canada and the United States with no permission or explanation of their purpose. And even if they would have admitted their purpose it would have been a lie and still wouldn’t have been legal without our permission.
Not long after these balloons tracked the jet stream patterns that feed into the skies over the United States Canada suddenly erupted into coast-to-coast forest fires of immense size and duration. Most were started by arsonists who haven’t been caught. The Canadian government doesn’t seem to have the will or capability to extinguish anything larger than a campfire, So the US has been fogged with toxic smoke for weeks and weeks, and still it continues without one word from our Senile Child Molester-in-Chief.
This smoke is deleterious to human health, but nothing is being done about it. Perhaps it is intentional. Perhaps the onslaught of lung damaging smoke will make Americans more susceptible to other pathogens, or, perhaps the smoke is being used as a vehicle that can deliver lethal viruses in massive quantities into the US. Smoke particles are around 2.5 microns which should be large enough for viruses to hitch a ride.
In an evil world, expect evil. Communists are all evil.
You know, that would make a good opening for a Red Dawn sequel, but I think you’re reaching.
All thinking is one form of reaching, or another. China didn’t send those balloons into our air space for no reason, and their reasons are always destructive to America.
All caps is almost unreadable.
AKA screaming.