As a public service, I present this letter as a template for the many people who need to repent for their COVID-related sins. We cannot just move on and pretend this never happened. Those who harmed others are obligated to repent and those who were harmed deserve proper amends. Every individual is encouraged to customize and personalize this letter as appropriate.
Dear ______________
I owe you a tremendous apology. It would be easy for me to blame other people, but ultimately I am responsible for my actions.
The Torah teaches that repentance requires three components: confession, regret, and a resolution to change. The Torah also teaches that when one sins against his fellow, God will not forgive him until he makes amends to the person he harmed. I am sending you this letter as the first step of my repentance.
I am deeply sorry for having done the following (select all that apply):
Pressuring you to wear a mask
Pressuring you to take one or more injections of the bioweapon
Dismissing your concerns
Mocking you
Administering the shot to you
Dismissing or downplaying the damage you suffered
Treating you like a social outcast or a spreader of disease
Cutting you out of my life
Verbally abusing you
Physically assaulting you
Shaming you in public
Shaming you online
Blaming you for the situation
Calling you a murderer
Snitching on you
Refusing to give you service
Barring you from a minyan
Depriving you of livelihood
Depriving you of education without discrimination
Depriving you of participating in other social, communal, or public activities
Lying to you or otherwise withholding the scientific truth about masks, the shots, etc.
Lying to you or otherwise withholding the truth about the Torah’s true position on these matters
Physically and/or emotionally abusing your children in any of these ways
Accepting bribery in any form to participate in these crimes
Other ____________________
I should have known better. I should have been more courageous.
I cannot undo the past, and it might be impossible for me to fully rectify the damage I caused. However, even the worst sinners are encouraged and obligated to repent, and to make amends however possible. I accept this upon myself.
I also accept upon myself not to repeat this behavior in the future. This includes working to rectify the underlying character defects that caused me to be misled and sin in these ways.
I beg of you to accept my apology and find it in your heart to forgive me.
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