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Do you recall the 1972 song by Stealers Wheel, with frontman Gerry Rafferty, called “Stuck in the Middle with You?” Perhaps the words from the refrain will help jar your memory:
“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.”
This mirrors our current political climate. The American people find themselves stuck between two opposing factions: one of cowards, the other of communists. If you honestly sit back and objectively assess the political atmosphere in America, this is where we are stuck. You have one side that is adamantly taking us towards a “fundamental transformation” that is rooted in centralized control of every aspect of your life. Then, there is the other side that lets them do it. It is the frustration I hear from people when traveling and at various venues. They want to know who will fight and stand up to this onslaught of leftism.
Let’s begin by assessing the latter of these two. There are those who are genuinely “stuck on stupid” and firmly embrace the aspect of centralized governmental control of their lives . . . or should I say the lives of others? We have come to know this as progressivism, statism, socialism, Marxism. The term “progressivism” was coined by turn-of-the-century communists to introduce communism into the West, primarily America. We must understand that communism is a societal model based on the concepts of Marxism. Socialism is the economic model based upon Marxist principles: “from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.” The question is simple: who determines what the taking and giving, wealth redistribution, which is the first tenet of a socialist economic model? What do we hear today’s modern socialists in America drone on about incessantly? “Paying your fair share?” Just who makes that determination? Hunter Biden’s dad?
This economic model supports the societal model of communism by the central control of the means of production, the expansion of the welfare state, and finally, the goal of equality of outcomes…you know, equity.
Think about today’s political atmosphere. We are being told what car we shall drive–communist. We are being told what type of stove, dishwasher, and other appliances we can have–communist. They are even telling us how we must build our own homes–communist. Just recently, the Mayor of Chicago, the confident Marxist Brandon Johnson, said that instead of private sector retailers fleeing the Windy City due to crime, his government will establish grocery stores! Totally communist. “Line up over here and get yer gubmint cheese, bologna, milk, and bread!” After all, if you control what people can eat, you can certainly control the people. What type of people come up with ideas called Centralized Bank Digital Currency? Yeah, communists. Who tells us that our children are not our own? Communists.
They are flooding our country with illegal immigrants, offering them jobs free stuff (which law-abiding Americans are paying for; just refer to the Marxist quote above), and even suggesting that they should be given driver’s licenses, the ability to vote, and even become law enforcement officers. Yes, people who are in America illegally!
But what should concern us most about this current political atmosphere is the leftist desire to eliminate any and all political opposition. The number of FBI (East German Stasi) raids being conducted against Americans who oppose leftist ideals is disturbing. If you are a parent who wants your child educated, not indoctrinated, then you are considered a domestic terrorist.
The level of imprisoning political opposition by these leftists goes all the way up to a former president. What type of people who, when in power, seek to rule by absolutism, has history evidenced to us in the 20th century? Why, yes, communists. Trust me, if they could line their opposition up against the wall, they would. Hence, these American communists want to do as New Mexico Governor Grisham did and suspend your constitutional right to keep and bear arms. In other words, your ability to defy them and protect yourself.
I could continue, but I think you get my point.
Who is on the other side in the current American political atmosphere? Cowards. Why am I being this blunt? Because, bluntly speaking, they are allowing this to happen. In some cases, such as with the Governor of Texas, regarding the border situation, some are actually aiding and abetting the invasion of our country, a violation of our Constitution. Speaking of Texas, supposedly, there is a majority Republican Texas House of Representatives, but somehow, by a vote of 121-23, they impeached a Republican Attorney General. The vote in the Texas State House of Representatives to impeach the Republican Attorney General was led by 61 Democrats, joined by 60 Republican state house members, including the Republican Speaker of the House. A Republican speaker who appoints leftists as chairmen of key Texas State House committees.
Just last week, the Senate Republicans joined with leftists and supported the nomination of a Marxist US Air Force General as the next Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman. The General, Charles Brown, stated that there need only be 46 percent white pilots in the Air Force, where he was Chief of Staff. He had produced many other disturbing comments supporting DEI and cultural Marxism in the military. The vote was 86-11 in the US Senate for his confirmation. Two GOP Senators did not cast a vote on the confirmation Tim Scott and Lisa Murkowski. Sen. Scott can forget about being our next Commander-in-Chief.
Republicans are scurrying about “gathering more information” for an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. Joe Biden should be impeached for violating the US Constitution and his oath by committing treason with his open border policy, resulting in drug, human, and sex trafficking. You could impeach him for selling off our Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) to our top geo-political foe, China. Republicans cannot even present a budget, you know, pass 12 appropriations bills, and now they will undoubtedly be hammered by the complicit leftist media for an impending government shutdown. Instead, they are lining up the circular firing squad led by a pompous headline seeker, all to the detriment and cowardly fleeing from facing our real and true enemy of the State, leftist communists.
We cannot Live Free in America if our choices are cowards and communists. The leftists, with their totalitarian and tyrannical designs, do not seek unity, but rather conformity and subjugation. An interesting quote floating around says, “You can vote your way into socialism, but you will eventually have to shoot your way out.” Cowards do not know how to shoot their way out from under dictatorial maniacs. I do not want ever to see it come to that, but the communists are emboldened by the cowardice they are facing.
There is a quote attributed to Alexander the Great, “I would not fear an army of lions if led by sheep, but I would fear an army of sheep if led by a lion.” Wolves are currently leading America. A lion is needed to enable us to roar and restore our Constitutional Republic.
Steadfast and Loyal.
David Ray says
As usual,a well thought & reasoned article from Colonel Allen West.
I’d add that Bitch McConnell back-stabbed and undermined candidates in 2022. (Not his 1st time to do so.)
Chief Mac says
West is no prize either
Michael says
It’s LTC West. And, his solutions are falling on deaf ears. However, I’m sure he’s well spoken of in certain circles.
aristotle cam says
WOW- great article!!!
Algorithmic Analyst says
Excellent analysis, thanks Allen!
I would also say there are a lot of brainwashed sleepwalkers.
Mo de Profit says
I attended evensong at York cathedral last night, it was beautiful.
However the final prayer said something like “let those who have too much help those who don’t have enough”
Whilst I have no objections against helping those who deserve our help, I ask, who decides what “too much is?”
We then went to a community event where a terrific local band played rock music, Bang Bang Bang was the name of the band. Children collected money for a charity and women were serving food and drinks and everyone had a great time until a young smack head arrived and proceeded to disturb everyone with his obscene behaviour, eventually security encouraged him to leave.
Should those who have too much pay for his drug addiction?
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, that is a curious situation, how much is too much? Even the richest people in the world are often greedy for more, never satisfied. The spiritual theory as I understand it is that worldly riches can never satisfy for long, only God.
Just as a silly example, Kevin Costner’s wife. Even the very first time I heard she was divorcing I thought she was crazy. The logic in what she said convinced me even more. Anyways, she is living the high life with unlimited funds at her disposal paid for by her loving husband. And she throws that all away?
THX 1138 says
Money must be made, EARNED, PRODUCED, before it can be inherited, won in a divorce settlement, stolen, begged, mooched, confiscated, or taxed.
There can NEVER be a thing as “too much money” that is PRODUCED, EARNED, MADE because the needs and desires of mankind are limitless. Because achievement is limitless. Because desiring more and more life, more and more happiness, more and more achievement, climbing higher and higher, is what a healthy human life is all about. The day a man gets sick and tired of productive effort or work, on any and every level, in any and every way, of climbing higher and higher, is the day he is ready for the grave.
Life, a proper and healthy human life, is STRIVING. Striving to move upward and forward, through productive effort.
“Most people lump together into the same category all men who become rich, refusing to consider the essential question: the source of the riches, the means by which the wealth was acquired.
Money is a tool of exchange; it represents wealth only so long as it can be traded for material goods and services. Wealth does not grow in nature; it has to be produced by men. Nature gives us only the raw materials, but it is man’s mind that has to discover the knowledge of how to use them. It is man’s thinking and labor that transform the materials into food, clothing, shelter or television sets—into all the goods that men require for their survival, comfort and pleasure.
Behind every step of humanity’s long climb from the cave to New York City, there is the man who took that step for the first time—the man who discovered how to make a fire or a wheel or an airplane or an electric light.
When people refuse to consider the source of wealth, what they refuse to recognize is the fact that wealth is the product of man’s intellect, of his creative ability, fully as much as is art, science, philosophy or any other human value.” – Ayn Rand
THX 1138 says
“Why Altruism Is Evil” – Ayn Rand
Beez says
This moral “wisdom” comes from a woman who cuckolded her husband. And you still equate Xianity with the social gospel .
Truth2Btold says
The real problem is with the Government deciding who gets help and who doesn’t while using your money to give out. If it was up to individuals to do the giving, we would be blessed in our giving and we would give to those who truly have need. Government redistribution of resources and money was never intended to be the policy of a free country.
THX 1138 says
“Republicans — even the minority who may be good guys — don’t have that kind of courage. The longer they’re in D.C. (4 years or more), the truer it becomes. They want the cocktail parties. They want the perks. They want the social climbing schools for their kids. They want the connections that — in the shadows — lead them to become almost as rich as Democrats. They want to be IN.
And nobody who wants to be IN will challenge the Establishment. Nobody wants to end up like Donald Trump. God forbid!” – Michael J. Hurd
THX 1138 says
Here’s the problem 90% of the Republicans in Congress are cynical and corrupt Establishment RINOs like Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney, and the 10% who are not don’t have a clue as to how to fight communism, socialism, or even the welfare state. Above all they don’t know that they’re supposed to be fighting for CAPITALISM, they don’t understand what capitalism is precisely or that capitalism rests on the moral foundation of RATIONAL SELFISHNESS and that selfishness, properly defined, is the highest and most noble virtue.
Take for instance Marjorie Taylor Greene, I think at least for now that she’s not a RINO and sincerely wants to fight for freedom, liberty, and maybe even capitalism. But she claims to be a devout Christian, if she is a devout Christian she will not be able to fight for capitalism, not if she’s true to her religion in the deepest way possible. Not if she’s true to the deepest, most fundamental, moral doctrine of Christianity. What is the deepest, most fundamental, moral doctrine of Jesus Christ? Altruistic self-sacrifice for others. You are your brother’s keeper, love your neighbor as you love yourself, love your enemy, the meek shall inherit the earth, the love of money is the root of all evil, it is better to give than to receive, pride is a sin, turn the other cheek, etc.
If you are truly a devout Christian than you truly and devoutly believe the following, and if you truly do there is no way you can defend freedom, liberty, or Laissez-Faire Capitalism,
“In the same way, those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples.” – Luke 14:33
“As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.
Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!”
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” – Mark 10:17-24
Beez says
Apparently, you think Christianity is a giant soup kitchen.
Beez says
The ‘social gospel’ (19th/20th centuries) was warmed over Marxism, i.e., materialism.
THX 1138 says
You are mistaken, you have it in reverse, Marxism comes from Judeo-Christianity. Marxism is religious mysticism, religious magical thinking, dressed up in secular pretentions.
But let’s put that point of contention aside for a moment. The crucial issue is that freedom, liberty, and Capitalism cannot be defended on the foundation of altruism and self-sacrifice. Freedom, liberty, and Capitalism are THOROUGHLY selfish and secular values for living life on earth. They can only be defended on SELFISH grounds.
“All rights rest on the ethics of egoism. Rights are an individual’s SELFISH possessions — his title to HIS life, his liberty, his property, the pursuit of his own happiness. Only a being who is an end in himself can claim a moral sanction to independent action. If man existed to serve an entity beyond himself, whether God or society, then he would not have rights, but only the duties of a servant.” – Leonard Peikoff
aristotle cam says
THX you’re always quoting someone. Don’t you have any thoughts of your own?
Beez says
Adam and Eve’s mistake was to substitute their definition of good and evil for God’s. Same as yours.
Gordon says
Accurate and concise. I may suggest, though, that these Republicans are not cowards in the sense that they are afraid to stand for their own convictions against the radical left, but rather they are playing their role in the fundamental transformation of America.
Capitalist-Dad says
Yes. Political opportunists is a better word choice than cowards.
Chief Mac says
It is way past time that we start over. We have a totalitarian feral government backed by unconventional judges bowing to unelected and uncountable feral civil employees that answer to nobody.
We need an Ucle Billy to treat Washington D. C. like Atlanta
-diane french says
The Communists rule with FEAR- anyone who speaks against their evil agendas faces dire consequences- all of our once-trusted government agencies FBI- CIA- STATE DEPARTMENT- JUSTICE DEPARTMENT have been infected with hard core Communists and are now used AGAINST US. Trump is the visible example of what can happen to YOU be afraid- be very afraid and stay in your house- another varient is on the way to kill you. we are in the continuing battle between GOOD AND EVIL- going on since the beginning of time- Evil always morphs into something shiny and new for the people to follow and for the useful idiots to believe in- Destroy Christianity- destroy God if you believe in “nothing” there is a good chance you will believe in “anything”
Kasandra says
Excellent column. Spot on. These people are leftwing wannabe totalitarians. They can call themselves whatever they want but at heart that IS what they are. Their theoreticians were communists. Their theories are communist. Their heros were communists. And their policies are communist. And that makes them communists. We need to call them what they are.
internalexile says
Slightly differently stated, but every bit as pithy and economical as Victor Davis Hanson’s recent short essay about what the left has done to America.
ed says
We have incompetents on both sides
Beez says
You mean like the TWO octogenarian candidates?
Walter Sieruk says
Karl Marx with his COMMUNIST MANIFESTO an long with his three volume THE CAPITAL in which he explained his economic political/philosophical scheme for a “classless and stateless society “ in which “Everyone works according his ability and receives according to his needs.’’ has many times over by refuted and discredited by genuine economists, sociologists and historians. These scholars have thoroughly exposes the many economic fallacies and flaws of Marxism way before the collapse of Communism in Russia and the Eastern bloc nations in 1992. Therefore even the recent history of the early 1990’s disproves Marxism as extremely erroneous. So it’s Adam Smith with his THE WEALTH OF NATIONS that is valid and in contrast Karl Marx with his written nonsensical a full of folly and invalid.
So it’s highly unlikely that Communist rulers [dictators] really believe in the obvious flawed economic fallacies of Karl Marx. Nevertheless, they all still need to publicly stand firm on the teachings, principles and precepts of Communism as laid down in the many writing of Marx. This is because evil is always looking for an excuse. Therefore, Marxism is the excuse to set up and up hold tyrannical red regimes. As if those Communist dictators actually believe that in the future a “pure perfect Communist society “ will come from their tyranny . As in the saying “Being cruel, brutal and deadly for the greater good” What nonsense! Thus to uphold the ideals of Marxism, Communist tyrants as Kim Jong Un of North Korea cruelly persecute Christians. For Christians believe in the Bible and Marxism is so very weak and fragile in its nature and because it lacks sound logic and rational arguments based on reason to uphold it , the whole Marxist system collapse down to the ground In the light in information of the Bible. Since Communists don’t have a firm foot based on reality and reason to base Marxism on in which is the foundation for the heinous rule. They resort to extremely harsh severe, malicious and murderous persecution against Christians and burn their Bibles.
Walter Sieruk says
Most historians agree that Karl Marx had good intentions when he labored so many hours writing his books .Such as the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO along with his long volumes which are entitled THE CAPITAL. Those volumes and his other written works were intended to remedy the terrible social conditions of the oppressed and exploited working class. The reality was the only further tyrannical oppression and cruel exploitation came upon humankind as a result of his error filled philosophical economic political thesis. First, this awful disaster is what may be called “The law of unintended consequences.” Second, as already mentioned above Karl Marx had “good intentions.” So this serves a proof that the old saying must actually be true. Which is that “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Beez says
“Most historians” are wrong. Marx was a malignant narcissist who found his narcissistic supply in demeaning those who disagreed with him.
Cleanse The Temple says
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, Allen, for calling out my Democrat Party for what they have truly become – Communists . Back in the 60’s, when we still said the Lord’s Prayer in our public schools, those who would take away our guns, free speech and religion were called Communists. And upon being drafted into the U.S. Army and before being shipped out the Salvation Army gave us a Bible, I still have today. GOD BLESS.
Patriotliz says
WOW! FINALLY—a Conservative leader who has the guts to call out the Democrats as COMMUNISTS! Hooray!!!!
I’m so fed up with the nice labels of Marxism, Progressivism, Liberalism, Socialism, Far-Radical-Extremist Leftism, etc. and yet although prominent conservatives make frequent comparisons to well-known Communist and Fascist dictators past and present (see Victor Davis Hanson and Mark Levin’s writings and speeches), they refrain from crossing the line by pinning those labels on the American hating, Fascist, Commie Democrat Party.
Why isn’t Allen West running for POTUS?
At least Trump occasionally refers to the Democrats as Fascists and Communists.
Jan VI says
Very good article, except that West accuses Gov. Greg Abbott of “aiding and abetting the invasion of our country” without elaboration. A short web search found no corroboration of this.
Similarly, someone above said West is “no prize,” but a web search didn’t reveal whatever the commenter was talking about.
Patriotliz says
Whose picture is that?
It doesn’t look like LTC Allen West.
commonsense says
You’re right – it’s not Col. West. I believe it’s Brandon Johnson, mayor of Chicago.
Patriotliz says
I guess the Mayor of Chicago is representative of the classic Democrat Commie.
Fred A. says
The author may think we need a lion to help us, but I do not see anyone who fits that description. Besides, the American people may not be smart enough to notice a lion when they see one. Remember, millions voted for Biden and he is no lion.
Howard Nelson says
Allen West is the best /
Speaks the truth at Honor’s behest./
Praise him now or then or not /
In him a noble yeoman is what we’ve got!
Howard Nelson says
Ghouls who weave their rectal leavings/
From their spool of specious believings/
Will discover now and forever/
Truth you cannot ever t99ether.
DC says
The US is committing suicide……….literally.
Millions of middle class Americans will soon be impoverished and become desperate.
The DEM/Communist revolution was always a SUICIDALIST cult.
DEMS are possessed by the spirit of ancient pagan gods like Baal and Moloch.
America will have millions less people within 5 years…………which is the goal of the Left.
DEMS will kill you……..but you won’t kill them.
Dr. Don Rhudy says
Without wasting a whole lot of words on baloney this fellow has it one hundred percent right.