On Monday, October 26, Regnery published my new book, A Cracking of the Heart. It’s about my daughter Sarah, a remarkable human being, who died almost two years ago. This is her story, but it also the story of a father and daughter whose paths diverged (as parents’ and children’s will) and found each other along the way. It is the story of parent’s grief and discovery, and I hope it will be a solace to all those who lose loved ones along the way.
Click here to visit out online bookstore.
“David Horowitz’s book is filled with the passion born of love and commitment to
family. It is a guide to family love and the triumphs of a wonderful daughter.”
—Juan Williams, author of Eyes on the Prize
“This extraordinary book is a father’s tribute to an amazing daughter who took on
the problems of her community and her world with no regard to her own physical
limitations. We treasure the time we had with this activist who left the world too
soon and are deeply moved by her father’s determination to tell her story that others
might walk in her path.”
—Ruth Messinger, President, American Jewish World Service
“David Horowitz understands tikkun olam from the inside out. He’s one of those rare
activists who is willing to learn from experience, from doubt, and from other people. I
encourage you all to do the same by engaging with his fine and heartfelt book.”
—Douglas Rushkoff, author of Life Inc. and Nothing Sacred
“A Cracking of the Heart will indeed crack your heart, as it did mine. Rarely has a
parent written so movingly of the life and death of a child as David Horowitz has
of his physically disabled yet powerfully alive daughter, Sarah. It is inconceivable to
me that there is a parent—or child—who will not be deeply affected by the wisdom
and the humanity of this book.”
—Dennis Prager, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, columnist, and bestselling
author of Happiness Is a Serious Problem
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