“The Big Truth: Upholding Democracy in the Age of the Big Lie,” authored by a CBS reporter and a political activist, is the latest effort by leftists to wrap themselves in the banner of truth.
Media bias has shed its protective coloration of neutrality and blares that its side, leftists, represent the truth and conservatives the ‘lie’. The title of the “The Big Truth”, an otherwise forgettable exercise in virtue signaling, is interesting only because it so perfectly encompasses a media feed that is a mad libs game of “X Republican lied, Y Democrat hopes truth will win out.”
The problem is that this isn’t just propaganda distilled to its raw essence so that every media headline now reads like the title of Al Franken’s “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them”.
The problem is that the leftists created the infrastructure of a new truth using the three Cs, credentialism, crisis and censorship, to eliminate debate and the marketplace of ideas.
Credentialism has experts, activists, academics, members of leftist think-tanks and non-profits, wrongly described as non-partisan, and other interested figures with degrees, declaring that a leftist narrative, global warming, systemic racism, transgenderism in children, or election results is a fact backed by studies and research. A crisis is declared accompanied by dire warnings that questioning their manufactured truth will cost more lives. In the final stage, censorship, internet monopolies, allied with the media and politicians, suppress disagreement as misinformation.
Before, in between and after the media serves as the connective tissue, promoting partisan hacks as experts, hammering home the crisis and pressuring tech firms to censor dissent.
While pandemic lockdowns will quickly come to mind, the model was operating before then and has come to be used on virtually any issue from refugees to questioning elections (won by the media party) to crime and school sexualization. Everything the Left believes is now a fact and a crisis, disagreeing with it is disinformation, treason and terrorism. The crackdown swiftly follows.
Facts, we are often told, cannot be debated. And since everything the Left believes is a fact, there is no longer any room for debate. Reasonable and intelligent people of good faith, the media tells us, would never disagree with these facts. Only bigot, trolls and extremists peddling disinformation, dissent. And since they disagree with the truth and the facts, they’re liars.
And censoring “extremists” and “liars” has become the new civic duty of internet monopolies. This is the ubiquitous progressive fascism of cancel culture, censorship and endless battles against misinformation that have come to define what used to be the marketplace of ideas.
Questioning the credentials of the experts is an attack on science, facts and the very idea of truth. Civil society, the experts tell us, can’t exist unless we trust them. Anyone who disagrees is out to undermine society and tear apart the official artificial truth that is meant to bind us in the digital Mordor being built by mighty tech monopolies one server farm and fact check at a time.
Add on the second C, crisis, and there isn’t even any time or space to debate the ethics of silencing political dissent while people are dying from cow flatulence, law enforcement or an inability to speedily sexually mutilate children. Censorship becomes more urgent than ever.
Declaring that their opinions are “truth” and that any disagreement is a “lie” is a crucial element.
The media’s narrative is more than just propaganda. The rhetoric you used to hear from Franken, Stewart and Colbert has become a crucial part of a massive censorship scheme. But by focusing on the negative, the censorship of dissent, it’s easy to miss what has actually happened, which is a manufactured consensus tying together the government, the media, think-tanks and non-profits, academia and internet monopolies in one totalitarian system.
Progressive fascism suppresses disagreement in order to unilaterally impose its official “truths”.
At the heart of the debate is the question of what truth is and how we arrive at it. Media bias and debates over what objective journalism is run up against the “new truths” every time.
A simple bit of factual objective reporting might be that Bob X shot Jack Y in the head in the middle of Main Street. Caught on camera, what went on down is the indisputable truth. The new truth, the one that increasingly shows up in media coverage, is that systemic racism, income inequality and the lack of gun control laws led to a shooting on Main Street. Bob and Jack, like all individuals, are mere bit players in the larger leftist sociopolitical dramas of class and race.
The school shooter is an afterthought in the scramble to call for new gun control laws, the rapist is just a figment of abortion laws and misogyny, hurricane victims have to make way for reports about global warming. The traditional leftist belief that people are just pawns of the academic phenomena pervades the media because it represents the new truth.
The new truth treats a worldview as a fact. Individuals in the media have become types, irrelevant as people, vital only in that they convey the larger leftist worldview. A school shooting victim who advocates for gun control can easily gain a national profile, but one who calls for locking up criminals never will.
Journalists used to think that truths were personal, not political. The new truth has reversed everything with the ultimate truths being political and personal truths relegated to the anecdotal.
Who, What, When, Where, and Why has been reduced to only the last W. Only the ‘Why’ matters and the answers are always political. The ‘Why’ is systemic racism, global warming, a lack of gun control laws, the patriarchy, capitalism, homophobia, colonialism, and the rest of the attacks on civilization. The other four Ws are just there to provide examples to illustrate the fifth.
The media wraps itself in the banner of the truth because it’s retreating from the facts. Its fact checks, a crucial tool for both credentialism and crisis, will often deem things that are true to be false because they lack context. And given enough of the right context, things that are factually false can be made to seem true and things that are factually true can appear false.
Credentialism makes narratives seem to resemble facts. But the narrative is a belief system that contends that leftist ideas are absolutely true in some higher sense, despite failing to work in real life. It’s the ‘truthiness’ that Colbert made his career mocking, with activists in expert drag to make it seem as if it’s the product of objective research rather than feelings.
The Left is not a movement of facts, no movement is. People are not passionately driven to fight and die, to uproot lives and transform society by objective facts and research studies. They fight out of love and hate, a desire for independence, tribalism, greed, ego, idealism and a search for meaning and a thousand other intangibles that are part of human nature, not for facts.
Emerging in an era where scientific discoveries were changing the world, the Left has always garbed its prejudices, biases, drives and malice in the veneer of academic theory. Its genius has been to bridge the lower realm of the peasant revolt with the intellectualism of the salon, the mind and the heart, claiming the sanction of both reason and empathy when it has neither.
The new truth is more of the same. Its truth is the conviction that the holistic leftist worldview is factually accurate in all of its details. The expert credentialism deployed to create facts and then fact checks is just apologia for an ideological movement. What used to be propaganda, activists in expert drag, has morphed into full progressive fascism that is out to impose its truth on you.
And to silence everyone who disagrees.
Brilliant, top quality article. Also lays out the practical mechanics of the processes involved. I also enjoyed the sardonic humor 🙂
thank you, we live in the age of utter fascist absurdity
Thanks for all the work you do David
Peace from Australia
Do you accept submissions from outside writers? I have a manuscript for an article about how my blog at a major Jewish periodical was cancelled for allegedly spreading “disinformation.”
I’d suggest using the contact us button, I love front page magazine and all of its excellent writing and that I can listen to the articles when I don’t have time to read
The cancellation was provoked by a submission in which I questioned who reallywon World War II and the Cold War, given the global advance of corporate fascism and cultural Marxism.
“Fascist absurdity” is the perfect phrase to describe this era in which, as in Orwell’s “1984,” truth is whatever Big Brother says it is — and you can’t just say so; you must BELIEVE (or bring out the rats.).
David Horowitz Freedom Center”? This has to be a joke, right? What does a fascist like Horowitz know or care about actual freedom?
Pay attention to Frank: “As a 76 year i’ve been reading political writings since the 1960s certainly way before the Internet which now provides easy access to most authors. .back in the day you had a hunt around old book stores to find unique thinkers. . I think this article is one of the most brilliant articles I’ve ever read .it captured the progressive religion in such a concise fashion and completely nailed it.
Equal to Orwell‘s writings . If I didn’t know better I would think Joseph Sobran came back from the dead.
Like the old days when I would mimeographed great articles and hand them out I will copy this and pass it to all people of goodwill.”
Explain to me how he is a fascist.
He can’t. The idiot probably doesn’t understand the meaning of the word “fascist”. He/she (or it) has probably just heard it spewed from the mouths of his friends so often that he/she (or it) just spews the word reflexively.
For him it’s like saying ‘dumb dumb”, or “poo poo head”. But “fascist” sounds more ‘grown up’, like the angry academics he looks up to.
What polcies does Horowitz support that you don’t, and which policies do you suppOSE would be more conducive to freedom that his?
I suppose, reading the article, that I ought to ask you about your credentials you have to make such a claim as well.
I notice that your Truth has no arguments to support it nor any pointing to the relevant facts that ought to lead anyone to believe as you do.
Daniel Greenfiled noticed the same even before you posted.
Has anyone (or “everyone”) noticed by now, how (along with “credentialism” and the rise of calling anything politcallly uncooperative to one’s own view), a new mode of “debate” has arisen?
It is what I call the “Johnny is a doodyhead” school of debate, because it so obviously is nothing but a return to what some used to try to get away from in elementary schoolyards, and that is “If what he says makes me uncomfortable” (not talking about sheer rudeness, which can merely be ignored once one is out of that age range)….the best way to “debate” him is to call him a name (I believe we used to call that “mudslinging” — accusing one of being something or NOT being something, whichever makes the other guy back down.
If we just went ahead and said what was obviously true, regardless of their “doodyhead” tactics, it would stop working. Ah, but people WILL “protect their image” I(when it really means doing the opposite, making them look childish and immature), but it doesn’t seem to dawn on those who keep right on with the “MAGA? Me? Naw, I ain’t no MAGA! Don’t try to call ME a racist!” (and of course, that’s why they keep right on doing it.
Remember how everyone was saying “we’re like idiocracy now” awhile back? Really, we were way past that point — anytime someone can get away with replying to “what is a woman?” with “Well, I’m not a biologist…” it seems they have forgotten that even in “Idiocracy,” the guy was not ashamed at all to say “I’m not a botanist, but I can see those plants need water.”
In other words, he didn’t NEED credentials to express the information he had picked up here and there, and he didn’t need to back down (and wouldn’t have if someone had hit him with “are you a botanist?” ( Maybe he said “biologist” in the movie, but it doesn’t matter.)
Oh, how far we have fallen. when someone who obviously ,knows less than you do (prob not a reader, who pick up misc info here, there, and everywhere) can make you back down and can “win” the “argument” merely by asking you if you have the proper “credentials” (as if there were no such thing as an autodidact), then I guess we’re doomed to lose all the arguments from now on, as we are the readers, and they — who challenge us with mediocrity and silliness — are those who think “If it’s not learned in school, it’s not real.”
As a 76 year i’ve been reading political writings since the 1960s certainly way before the Internet which now provides easy access to most authors. .back in the day you had a hunt around old book stores to find unique thinkers. . I think this article is one of the most brilliant articles I’ve ever read .it captured the progressive religion in such a concise fashion and completely nailed it.
Equal to Orwell‘s writings . If I didn’t know better I would think Joseph Sobran came back from the dead.
Like the old days when I would mimeographed great articles and hand them out I will copy this and pass it to all people of goodwill
thank you, that’s very kind of you to say
Just stay tuned here,friend.
For some welcome light in dark times.
Hardly anyone today remembers Joe Sobran, but he and his colleagues Samuel T. Francis and Pat Buchanan gave us ample warning that the fascist left was a growing existential threat to the sons of liberty everywhere.
Daniel Greenfield is a bigot, a troll, and an extremist meddling disinformation.
The narrative about the results of the 2020 election, for example, is not the result of “credentialism.” The fact that Joe Biden won the presidential election was corroborated by local officials throughout this country, debated in court over sixty times, reviewed and re-reviewed by inquiry commissions, and confirmed by Trump administration officials, including Attorney General William Barr.
The claim that the lie that the election was stolen from Trump has not been debated is itself a bold-faced, indefensible lie. It has been endlessly debated. Election-denying candidates are on the ballot across the nation.
Donald Trump and his lemmings, including Mr. Greenfield, aim to dismiss silly facts to undermine trust in the American electoral system and thus cripple American democracy.
Daniel Greenfield is a bigot, a troll, and an extremist peddling disinformation. .
Now tell me what you really think
You’re deeply insecure about the 2020 election because you know it’s illegitimate. Republicans shrug off 2016 conspiracy theories even though your side decided to keep claiming that the Russians somehow rigged the 2016 election, all evidence to the contrary, but trotted out a bunch of experts to push that particular big lie. Your side was entitled to tell those lies. It was not however entitled to spy on and target the political opposition using government authority based on those lies.
Nevertheless Republicans have been dismissive about the 2016 lie because they know Trump won.
You’re hysterically insecure about 2020, like your entire faction, because you know it was stolen.
The comparison you make here is complete illegitimate. Nobody argued the 2016 election results were illegitimate because of Russian interference. Nobody suggested the 2016 election results were not valid. No Democrat called star election officials and asked them to “find votes” or disqualify ballots.
Donald Trump, in fact, said before the 2016 election that he would only respect the results if he won. Trump already called the legitimacy of the electoral process into question then (because, like most people, he thought he would lose).
I am not insecure about the 2020 election results. As I say in the comment, the 2020 election results are established fact. I am insecure about the future of American democracy, when it is under attack by people like you: unscrupulous liars.
The fact that you ignore the factual points I make – that local election officials, state and federal courts, the Attorney General (a Republican), the US Congress, and the Vice President all agree that the election was legitimate – shows that you are not interested in the truth. You want to create chaos and undermine America’s democratic institutions.
You should be ashamed of yourself. But you are not, obviously, because you have no shame.
Again you peddle disinformation. Hillary Clinton is on the record pushing Russian interference in the 2016 election. She alleged every single thing Donald Trump did four years before he did, to the point of claiming election machines changed vote counts.
There is no excuse for the level of ignorance you display, so I can only assume mendacity.
The attack on democracy?
That phrase began when your side claimed that the 2016 election was illegitimate because *something something Russians Facebook* and unleashed a massive censorship campaign to fight “disinformation”, and prosecuted the political opposition based on a complete lie.
You should be ashamed of yourself. But you are not, obviously, because you have no shame.
Who on “my side” filed lawsuits challenging vote counts? Where? When? Who on “my side” called local and state officials to pressure them to dismiss cast votes? Who on “my side” called on a mob to march to the Capitol and demand that the election not be certified?
I honestly, truly, honestly, can’t make up my mind whether you believe the garbage you peddle or whether you are completely cynical.
Remember Sidney Powell? The lawyer who encouraged Trump and his lemmings to challenge the election on the grounds that the tallies in the voting machines had been changed?
Sidney Powell was sued by Dominion (the maker of the voting machines) for defamation. Powell’s attorneys argued in her defense that what Powell said could not constitute defamation, since “no reasonable person would believe those claims were true.”
You and I both know, Mr. Greenfield, that your target audience is made up of unreasonable people. The more unreasonable, the more you like them.
I just wonder if you lose a wink of sleep over your (admittedly minimal) contribution to the erosion of democratic norms in your own country.
You didn’t file lawsuits because even your people knew you had no case.
Instead you used Big Tech and the FBI to go after your political opponents all the while claiming falsely that the Russians had rigged the election.
As for mobs, the inauguration day riots and the BLM riots come to mind.
You should be ashamed of yourself. But you are not, obviously, because you have no shame.
It looks to me as though Mr. Mickorn has failed to see the irony in his dissent. He’s a perfect example of those who, hook, line and sinker, have swallowed the entire leftist truth about everything. He wants to deny that below the surface of the mud, there’s more mud. Hence, you and anyone “like” you are liars. It’s the easy way out. It makes me wonder why he visits sites populated by “liars” and “deniers”.
we are not a democracy
Attorney General Barr (aka Mr. Magoo) did not agree that the 2020 election was legitimate. He only said that he had not seen evidence that it was fraudulent to the degree that it could be overturned. Of course, he relied on the Deep State FBI to find evidence. Apparently, you the only one in this country who didn’t see and hear HRC complaining of “Russian interference” in the 2016 election? Confess it now: You come here to learn the truth.
Your comments help put the issue in proper perspective, As it becomes more evident that advanced technology might have enabled the CCP to remotely manipulate certain election devices it was not unreasonable to suspect significant irregularities, but not to establish a legal argument to that effect. If Attorney General Barr’s best evidence was based primarily on DOJ legal analysis his conclusion was probably correct. It could not be proven that there was significant election fraud … nor could it be proven there was not.
Is your name “Miknon or Moron? I’ve been reading Daniel’s writings since I found him perhaps six years ago. Hi research is impeccable, he digs deep. I write as well, sourcing is of the utmost importance. Have another shot of Vodka and go back to bed. Make sure you show your progressive buddies, the negative feedback you will receive, not just your rave.. It’s clear you are not a fan of the U.S.. We have no laws keeping people here. LEAVE!
Is this parody? In case it isn’t…
The election was not debated in court over 60 times. Most of those cases were dismissed without hearing evidence. Numerous cases that did go to court show irregularities and outright fraud, resulting in convictions. Examples exist in PA, TX, and WI, if you were even remotely curious and knew how to use the internet.
This doesn’t even address the unconstitutional changing of state election laws by certain governors and secretaries of state. That’s an inarguable, non-debatable fact, yet here you are embarrassing yourself over it.
You are either lying, or ignorant. There is no excuse for this with the internet at your fingertips.
If this was parody on your part, bravo.
In reference to Daniel’s articles. Assertions, depending upon the identities of the promulgators, harden into indisputable facts, rendering debate pointless.
Your failing, also mine, is being the wrong promulgator. God failed to make you infallible.
He saved that for your betters. So shut up.
This is really the only thing that needs to be said.
“This doesn’t even address the unconstitutional changing of state election laws by certain governors and secretaries of state. That’s an inarguable, non-debatable fact.”
This is reason enough to overturn the election. results of these states. The Constitutional remedy in these cases is to have the peoples elected representatives in the House vote for the delegates in the Electoral College.
Not enough of the right people pushed this argument at the time. It’s too late to not have Biden as president, but it’s not too late to prosecute this.
Strongly agree!!!
Why does everyone forget that voting was shut down early on election day, Trump voters standing in line were sent home without the chance to vote, so that democrat poll workers could stay, while kicking out republican poll workers, and “fix” it over night, because Trump was leading by a “dangerous” margin?
That whole shenanigan is evidence that MASSIVE fraud took place AND YOU ALL DAMN WELL KNOW IT. We saw it in real time for Pete sake! Otherwise how do you explain it?
The Left would have FLIPPED THEIR LIDS, burned every major city to the ground, and conservatives would have agreed with them, if republicans had done such a thing, while the democrat was in the lead, then by morning “oh look! We won! Well how about that? Yea for us!”
Maybe when the cows come home someday the desperately over-tolerant Right may just decide to stand up for itself once in a blue moon. We can only hope, I guess. Meanwhile. chronically nice conservatives will continue to bend over backward to always make certain to give the Left any possible benefit of the tiniest, faintest, and most dubious doubt.
Hell we even kow-tow to THEIR standards & definitions of “proof” now.
I remember at the end of a talk by David Horowitz many years ago, I sensed that he knew that unless conservatives grew a back bone, and quick-like, that we didn’t stand a chance. And I’ve only seen things worsen since then, as the Right is still trying to win the “tolerance” contest the Left set them up to play, decades ago.
you are really the owner of a troubled mind with ophthalmologic and audio malformity.
it is one of the brightest lights in this lie-for-all times, from ch. krauthammer i did not read such clear view, and it shows what happens now in unfortunate liberalist countries like france, israel
Mickorn is a bigot, a troll, and an extremist peddling disinformation. You are not fit to shine Mr. Greenfield’s shoes.
You leftists are all alike. I call you “projectives” – projectors hiding behind a phony facade of progress.
I will not engage with you. I have to deal with haters like you all the time at the college where I teach.
Go back to the Fakebook echo-chamber. Bye
BS!! Go back under your rock with the other suckers! 🙄
BS!! Go back under your rock with the other suckers!
Terrific article and tells us all what MSM has done for years to control us! We can’t let that happen!
An earlier reply I made was printed twice, which I find odd. But if it came out twice, that shows how irritating the comment it was made to happened to be.
Either way we’re damned. If Trump really did not win then the American people are either so dumb and blind as to have elected a demented corrupt empty shirt (Joe Biden) who sold us out to the Chinese Communists and Globalists, is destroying our prosperity and our freedoms, or the leftist Democrats have so perfected the multi-faceted art of stealing elections that our Constitutional Republic, our Bill of Rights- are no longer operational and we are now a tyranny.
You are correct on all points……….sadly!
Is that all you’ve got? The election. There is a currency in danger, borders which are open, green policies which have and will continue to create poverty and starvation, an under-subscribed military, serious enemies who see their opportunity, under-performing school systems, religious intolerance, un-policed violence, increasing lack of sanitation, massive unfairness in women’s sports, an ethic which supports biological impossibilities, and all you have is an old chestnut on the election which, in the light of the current massive failures, we have all moved on from.
Here, here, trying to mask the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity since the actual insurrection, when Michael Angelo was under life time house arrest for claiming the earth rotated around the sun.
Lies half truths and deception clothed in good deeds are easily camouflaged. This isn’t about an election that’s just a small part of it. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
You must be thinking of Galileo.
The irony, which is lost on you, is that your rant provides a complete corroboration and piquant illustration of Daniel Greenfield’s thesis above. This is exactly the style of overheated, but undeveloped, appeal to credentials combined with name-calling, along with more than a hint of threat, that the left has always substituted for rationality. Leftism truly is a mental illness, and humanity needs a cure for leftism as urgently, perhaps even more, than we need a cure for cancer.
Was wondering when someone would say that.
Democrats have been cheating in elections as far back as New York’s Tammany Hall. Biden cheated his way into the WH. Trump draws 50,000 supporters to his rallies, while Biden draws around 100-200. Democrats are the wrecking ball on America.
“Democrats are the wrecking ball on America”. And it wasn’t at all hard for them to do, as there was/is virtually no resistance from Republicans or Conservatives. They didn’t have to fire a single shot, put on uniforms, or even declare war on us.
All they had to do was adopt a spoiled brat attitude toward their “parents” the responsible Conservatives, and challenge us to a ‘tolerance’ contest, and we let them do the rest without a fight, to prove that we are actually more tolerant than they are.
And they continue to use our decency against us, knowing we would rather lose than fight them on their own level, and with their own tactics, against which no one can really ever win. There is always only one purpose in not playing by the rules, and that is to insure that you win no matter what else happens, or how wrong you might be.
I would say that when leaders of a political party that has lost an election call for the impeachment of the winner before he has even been sworn it, it is very clear who, and where, the “fascists” are.
The 2020 election was illigitamate because of the fascist measures taken to combat that whole COVID scam. Mail in voting was created under the false narrative of people being too afraid of a cold virus to actually show up and vote!
Mail in voting caused a record number of votes to be cast. That meant any idiot who wouldn’t bother to take an hour out of his day to vote, just could mail a ballot in.
And we know that when a record number of idiots like people who think ‘Canada is another state’ cast their vote, that benefits the dems. That is a fact.
Sir, you are extremely misinformed:
1) Local officials did not corroborate election results in any states. Many election workers filed affidavids citing numerous discrepencies and failures to follow election laws, such as thousands more ballots cast than registered voters, etc., etc..
2) While many lawsuits were filed citing serious irregularities, NOT ONE court in the allowed the plaintiffs to present actual EVIDENCE. All the cases were dismissed for lack of “standing” or other technical (made-up on the spot) reasons. They were never “debated” in court.e
3) The Trump administration was filled with people who “resisted” President Trump during his term in office and they totally resisted even the very idea the of election fraud. AG Wm Barr was only one of many in the “resistance”. Documents prove he had not even looked into any claims of malfeasance in the 2020 election when he declared it free from any fraud.
4.) There is documented proof of election fraud. Video show people stuffing multiple ballots in drop boxes, multiple times. There is tangible PROOF the machines can be tampered with although the manufactures claim it impossible. There is video of election officials running 100’s of ballots through the counters multiple times.
Sorry, there isn’t enought space in this reply to prove the election was stolen. but stay tuned, SCOTUS may hear a case this year.
There we are. The “Johnny is a doodyhead” school of debate. How many name-calls can you find in that?
PETER Putnam: “…the professed long range political aim of the two major social forces of the day, which at once unite and divide mankind, Marxism and Christianity, is precisely the same. All Christians as well as Marxists must believe in communism as an article of faith. (and both finding it much harder to reach than they expected). They differ only in the tactics they regard essential to achieving it. Linkage of Syntax, Oct 3, 1966 pg 54
DIFFERENT TACTICS: Marxists use brute force to change minds: the hammer and sickle. Christians rely on the Cross: a personal and painful inner struggle for truth.
So wrong.
Christians do not advocate Communism. Else-wise there would be no commandments to not steal other’s property or commit adultery for all things would be held in common.
Communism would also require Christians to deny God יהוה which is of course forbidden in the first commandment.
No, Communism is Not a goal of Christians. The occasions in which it was tried proved it faulty and caused death. I’m thinking of the fact that Ananias and Sopphira lied about their capital gains; the colonists in America who tried it and died of starvation; Mao who killed millions; the Soviets and so forth.
Consider this – compare the symbols of the two religions-
Christians wear a cross to identify with their group – and ward off evil (keep sin at bay)
Marxists (wokeists) wear the mask to identify with their group – and to ward off evil (germs)
Mickorn, you can write here anything that you want without being cancelled. That freedom of expression doesn’t exist on the platforms that you defend.
If you try to write something on Facebook that Zuckerberg secret police disapprove, they will eliminate your account without even telling you what post they didn’t like.
That is straight from Kafka’s book “The Trial.” Like in Stalin’s trials, they just accuse you in supporting violence ant terrorism.
The very fact that you can leave here your comment with all cursing proved that you are wrong.
Lol! Mickorns ad hominem screed has been eliminated! Screw him if he’s going to irrelevant and personally insulting.
Reputiated and silenced?
Any chance the rascal can be persuaded?
Closing in on eighty, I’d prefer avoiding the rough and tumble of endless insult exchange.
If there is precisely nothing to the assertion that the election of 2020 enjoyed orchestrated irregularities intended to bring about a specific conclusion, the tragic one we are witnessing, then how did Dinesh D’Souza produce a movie about it? And why are the heroes from True the Vote sitting in jail for contempt?
There is precisely nothing dishonest about revisiting previous opinions and appreciations. Because revelation is an ongoing process. Ronald Reagan did observe that people who refused to change opinions risk dooming themselves to being wrong forever. Reexamination can attenuate such a condition.
Thanks to the Left and its media handmaidens, the United States now has its own “Pravda.” It’s not tangible, as the Soviet version was, but it’s just as unsparing.
With the release of Twitter Files we now have proof the U.S. “Pravda” is tangible, insidious, and a real threat to our democratic republic.
WHAT HAS THE PROGRESSIVE Ideology ever brought anyone? Nothing but serfdom, ideas that have been shown to repeatedly fail. Let’s start with Wilson’s bolshevik buddies who met secretly at jekyll island bringing us the FED and the federal income tax.
I wanted to cross-reference your article with “Marketing Genius” and my textbooks. Specifically this creates overpowering emotion that eliminates thought, the enemy of sales, and all that remains is to convince the customer or victim that your product resolves the pain from his emotions and the sale is made. Then you have buyer’s remorse and to maintain the perpetual inferiority complex that the promotion of your 4 Cs result in keeps the emotional state going so they never question if the ideology they pirchased from the left was worth the price.
great points
Daniel, please. These are invaders not refugees. Right words pinpoint reality.
Check out Edward Bernays 1928 book “Propaganda”. You might see some interesting similarities.
Quinn Hilyer wrote a great article in 2008 called Saul Alinsky Takes the White House. He described everything the radical left would do to criminalize political dissent including show trials based on manufactured process crimes.
Then he went over to the left when Trump was nominated.
look how in israel the PM nathaniahu was “releved” from his functions by a leftist putsch organized by the progressist media, A>T> , the justice system, police and some moguls with hundred of accusations in 4 separate trials that are more that are 4 years already with 315 witnesses on the roll. until now all accusations were proved as fake, the accusation witnesses transformed by the defense lawyers in defense withesses or proved liars. meanwhile, at crucial points like elections, the DA put on the table new “news” about the “guilty” PM.
not a kafka version, but worse with fake witnesses with fake facts. the media continuously broadcasting fake analyses from identified fakes manufacturers
One must fear for the future of the Jewish State if Netanyahu is removed from office. But perhaps that’s the whole point of the exercise. Somebody’s out to destroy Israel, and Netanyahu is in their way. Just like Trump taking flak meant for Americans.
First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people…
EVERYTHING that has happened is now a LEGAL PRECEDENT! The RAIDING of a past PRESIDENT’S HOME, the PERSECUTION of that PRESIDENT’S advisors, and the LAWLESSNESS of a PARTISAN and ILLEGITIMATE Congressional “INQUISITION” are ALL now available for the NEXT Republican President, that I hope and PRAY will be DONALD J TRUMP! Our Nation is in dire need of a CLEANSING of the corrupt! The only way to do that LEGALLY is through our POWER OF THE PURSE and our LEGAL SYSTEM! With all the PRECEDENTS set by the DEMOcrats, there should be practically NOTHING that PRESIDENT TRUMP could do that SHOULD be considered vindictive! A RAID on the Bidens, Obamas, Clintons, and MANY in the media should fall under the scope of an investigation into the COUPS against PRESIDENT TRUMP. And I don’t want to hear ONE PEEP about “executive privilege”! Biden KILLED that! OH and that pesky little “between my lawyer and me”? GONE!! NO MORE!! The DEMOcrats opened that Pandora’s box of Political Persecution so – just shut up!! The ONLY difference now will be that the RAIDS, ARRESTS, Investigations, and CONVICTIONS will be JUSTIFIED based on REAL EVIDENCE! And NO TRIALS IN DEMOCRAT DC!!!
Unfortunately I don’t think republicans and conservatives have the nerve to do anything like that. I have watched them virtue signal their righteousness for too long to believe that it could turn into anything other than a sheet-show of who can be the most noble, Christian-like, forgiving, ‘let’s-put-the-past-behind-us’ and “let’s-not-sink-to-their-level” peacock feather demonstration of “I’m-more-virtuous-than-you” that we have ever seen.
Many conservatives-bless their hearts – can be hard core individualistic when it comes to anything political, and will even vote for a guy they know cannot win, just to prove they have the right to. It happens every election, after all, as hoards of them can’t stomach some small flaw they feel compelled to virtue signal over, that is far more important to them than keeping the absolute worst person out of the white house.
See, for the Left it’s about winning, taking as much power as they can, while for conservatives it’s more about making a public statement as to their personal righteousness and integrity, while the future of their country takes a back seat to that. They aren’t really patriots in any sense, even though they like the word. I’m not talking about a majority here, but the majority of the outspoken ones, the pundits, etc. the ones who like to toot their own horn and make a living out of doing so, like Andy Klaven, Ben Shapiro and Glen Beck.
These people will scream bloody murder if we ever attempt any form of real justice to what democrats have done. It won’t matter how the dems treated certain Jan 6rs, or the over-all consequences of the stolen election, in terms of the suffering of so many in poor quality prisons, and even the extension of child trafficking due to losing the election, not to mention accounting for murders due to illegal aliens entering the country.
So living by principles is virtue signalling now? No dear, virtue signaling what openly evil people do to deceive…problem with moral people who will not cheat to win is that good people will NEVER be in charge and a democratic republic cannot continue with the Democrat Party, Islam, Communism, or any other pathological fascist ideology.
According to Jung, those with the P or “perceiving” trait care more about fitting in/getting along, while those with the J/”judging” trait care more about authenticity…Seems to fit.
Even when there are kernels of fact in Leftist reporting they are carefully curated to support a narrative. They are never complete. That does not lead to an objective report on what actually happened and why. (See, e.g., Rashomon.)
yes, picking and choosing selective facts that are convenient to the narrative
Yes, yes, yes Daniel, but remember one of Biden’s more quotable quotes, “we believe in truth not facts.”
indeed, that’s the point of my article
it’s all higher truths now
First of all when someone disagrees with you by first hurling insults i.e. bigot,troll and extremist, just move on. You are never going to change the thoughts of an ideologue. Such as it’s in the Constitution that only a state legislature can change an election law. Not a Secretary of State nor a Judge. The Supreme Court did not want to get involved maybe cause they believe they got burned in 2000 or they did not want the mobs in front their houses, which they got after the Dobbs decision anyway.
Frankly, I think SCOTUS chickened out because they did not want to be the ones blamed for what would have created a real insurrection over what was, obviously, a corrupted system. You are right about the mobs but they would not have been limited to the residences of the Justices. They would have been nationwide and they didn’t want that to be their legacy.
Leftists and truth….trying to stick like poles of two magnets together. We see it every day with JB. When you hear him utter the word hyperbole you know a lie is coming, or you’ve just been told one.
The same media that labelled the murder of 6 innocent people in Waukesha as an ‘accident’, and called Kyle Rittenhouse a premeditated murderer and white supremacist for defending his life, and, sadly, killing 2 attackers in the process.
The legacy media is useful in that thoughtful people usually can deduce the truth be assuming the facts are the exact opposite of what they ‘report’
Someone needs to take Daniel Greenfield’s articles to a school for material to teach kids public speaking, and his comment responses to commie trolls to teach them debate.
One fact: every nation that has turned left, approving of homosexuality, putting away its morals, turning away from commonsense, etc, soon collapses!
One question: I have been trying to figure out why the Supreme Court chose THIS time in history to make a decision about Roe v Wade. Why now? When our country was already so divided, why choose this time to decide on something that would divide us even more, especially just before an election. What was the reasoning behind this?
Great article Mr. Greenfield! I wish I could express my thought so eloquently!
Dear Nell,
I believe that the answer to your question could be that it’s never too late to do the right thing. And maybe by doing the right thing, one can encourage more right things to be done. For example; overturning Obergefell and other injustices pointed out by one of my heroes, Justice Clarence Thomas. I don’t assume that everyone agreeing on something is necessarily a good thing and I doubt that the Left will get onboard with virtue anytime soon so we shouldn’t hold our breath. As a Constitutional Conservative, I can see the right path, bright and easy to read.
May God bless America and may we finally end the current Slaughter of the Innocents.
Mr. Greenfield:
As an avid reader of your columns, I believe this one is at the top pillar. Well said!
Also, as shown in the above dissent(s), many have forgotten that the real decline of honest debate began in the 90’s with President Clinton’s infamous statement of “It depends upon what the definition of is ‘is’ “. This mantra currently describes exactly what today’s fascist Democrats say.
So ultimately, the attorneys have won…
Wonderful article Mr. Greenfield. Nothing bothers the left more than being defined as the corrupt entity they have become over the last 60 years or so. You did it eloquently with facts and truth that reason tells us cannot honestly be denied. Thanks and keep on writing.
Mickorn, It appears you accepted the 2020 election misinformation without doing any personal research. There is overwhelming evidence the election was rigged by corrupt politicians, our intel agencies, and foreign entities. Our courts are too biased, corrupt, or afraid to hear the evidence, so they didn’t! Legacy ‘journalists’ to this day omit the fact that Trump supporters never got to present their evidence in a court of law.
Covid-19 brought forth credentialed experts who were compromised and corrupt with government and Big Pharma money. They created a man-made crisis with a man-made medical bio-weapon. They censored all opposing opinions. They controlled all the data. Millions have been injured and have died because government-controlled information is the most dangerous “misinformation” of all.
Anyone who believes the 2020 election was legitimate should view the movie or read the book “2000 Mules,” and visit Dr. Robert Epstein’s website mygoogleresearch.com to see how Big Tech is able to sway millions of undecided voters through ephemeral images, such as manipulating search algorithms so that the top results favor only one side.
Plain and simple Liberals don’t think Conservatives should have any rights in their small minds Freedom of Speech is only for them alone
You are correct on all points……….sadly!
As BO said to McCain when he tried to make a point after the presidency was decided in his (BO’s) favor: The election’s over, John. I won.”
Whatever. These pretty words mean nothing. The election was stolen, and no one has the balls to stand up to it.
Here is the truth, the leftist is a bacteria, it is a vermin. Its purpose is to consume that which no longer has life so that life can arise elsewhere.
American and the West in general have lost their integrity, their balls. The slow descent was started years ago when the vote was given to women, gradually the ruin built until now the country is on a precipice of imminent destruction, the constitution already torn apart, the youth debauched, all the institutions completely corrupt and lacking any integrity whatsoever- to the point where they lie and pride themselves on lying about basic biology.
Once upon a time a wee Nazi prick said… ”Tell a lie, tell a big one and tell it often and it will becoming truth by itself”…
See a connection to today’s MSM ?.
They are actually using the playbook of a racist, angry, two bit Nazi called Goebbels….
Go figure..
Despite what the liberal ‘left’ would have everyone believe, Nazis were leftists (not “far right”).
In fact, the U.S. Democrat Party mirrors the policies and tactics of German national socialism.
Linked to this article at:
Twitter Free Speech Platform? You still can’t post this link to a stunning map of Israel because it tells a huge story the UN, Far Left & most of the world don’t want you to know!
Have you ever noticed how some people respond when you are disagreeing with them and you ask if they’d like you to prove your point it to them? They say, “no,” and walk out on you muttering that you’re wrong and nothing will make them change their mind. They say, “you’re destroying our democracy” when you are really exercising your democratic right of opinion, decent or any freedom of speech. They don’t see the forest for the trees. Therefore they can not be trusted and they should not trust others like themselves, but they don’t see it. They are always subjective thinkers and have twisted ideas of justice. They believe it’s progressive when it it regressive.
There are just too many tress in the way to see the forest.
458432 76471The Spirit of the Lord is with them that fear him. 778519
Don’t worry, the truth shall set you free, free to actually. Believe that 2+2=5 and you will Love Big Brother. No worries any more!
So living by principles is virtue signalling now? No dear, virtue signaling what openly evil people do to deceive…problem with moral people who will not cheat to win is that good people will NEVER be in charge and a democratic republic cannot continue with the Democrat Party, Islam, Communism, or any other pathological fascist ideology.
One of the best articles I have ever read!
Absolutely right on!
I’m a Canadian, and the Libtards here are just like the CCP. I Hate Liberals.
This article is spot on! The PrOgs of my local online paper do this on literally every single issue. I reached a point where I stopped even responding (occasional trolling excepted) because it’s maddening.
Reminds me of trying to have a conversation with my borderline personality mom where she simply will not address the actual issue…