A certain Illinois Republican whose statues were toppled over the summer once said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
The media believes otherwise which is why it responded to its defeat in Virginia by continuing to insist that critical race theory is a myth and that banning it is racist.
If critical race theory isn’t in public schools then what possible harm can banning it do?
And the entire lefty defense splits down to the schizophrenic contradictory argument that CRT doesn’t exist and that banning it is racist.
Virginia parents and those all over America know better. They know that when their children are being told that they’re racist for their skin color, that America is, has always been, and will always be racist, when they’re handed racist texts by Ibram X. Kendi and Ta-Nehisi Coates that scream hatred for white people, they’re in the presence of this ugly and hateful racial indoctrination program.
Gaslighting them by assuring them that critical race theory is only an issue in academic settings isn’t working.
It falls to Jonathan Chait, a veteran lefty hack, to try and talk fellow lefties off the cliff, after first insisting that Republicans and opposition to CRT is racist.
It became much easier for liberals to focus all their energy on the underlying racism of the critical race theory backlash and the fact it employed an imprecise term to deflect from any internal probing. Yes, CRT is a term to describe a family of academic theories that are not being taught to schoolchildren. But many school administrators are embracing its theories as the basis for their anti-racist practices. Some of these lessons are reductive, employ shaming, and are ineffective. Repeating over and over that these lessons are not, strictly speaking, CRT is a way of shutting down any channel for identifying and correcting errors.
Which is a polite way of saying that Democrats are living and losing in an echo chamber.
Democrats have committed to a meme that any opposition to CRT is motivated by white men waving Confederate flags who refuse to teach the evils of slavery. In reality, most schools already teach the evils of slavery and about the civil rights movement.
CRT insists that America was and always will be evil. And that white people are inherently evil. As is anything they touch.
It may be easy to fool Twitter activists about the difference, but parents, including liberal Democrats, who are seeing this show up in the classroom have no trouble telling apart the difference.
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