Suicide rates, overdoses, shooting sprees, gang violence: they’re all different ways of saying that a lot of people see no purpose in going on living.
It’s hitting the youngest generation the hardest.
Deaths of American children and teens spiked between 2019 and 2021, the result of increased car wrecks, shootings and drug overdoses, according to a Virginia Commonwealth University survey of federal data published Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
The death rate of youngsters ages 1 to 19 rose 20% in the three-year span, the largest increase in the past 50 years. It reverses a decades-long trend of generally lower death rates thanks to the prevention and treatment of disease.
Dr. Steven Woolf, an author of the report, said he has not seen an increase like this in his career.
“This is a red flashing light,” Woolf added. “We need to understand the causes and address them immediately to protect our children.”
Some of this, especially among teenage girls, can be blamed on the pandemic and the lockdowns, but this is a trend that way underway before all this and still appears to be underway.
The Left has the usual non-answers. More gun control regs, more mental health therapy, free Netflix for all.
The reality is that this is what happens when a culture is cracking up, when people no longer have any meaning or purpose, and start destroying each other and themselves.
We’re not gonna prescribe or legislate our way out of this. It’s a dark night of the human soul.
The Left gets a lot of the blame for destroying the tradition and heritage of the country while providing a destructive garbage culture that offers nothing except anger and victimhood, teaching people that everything is worthless except their politics. But so does social media whose consequences we’re only starting to see.
The negative though is only part of the answer. The bigger problem is that as a society we are starved of the positive. Our culture has been nuked. We have nothing aspirational worth mentioning. No art, no music, no frontiers, no religion and no future. A generation that has been told to live in digital skinner boxes is going mad.
Click this, buy that, sign this is not purpose.
Bunch of idiots that have no clue. You think this is a game?!!!!!!!!!!!!
They should pay you more than 50 cents a day to troll. I can get you 75.
Oh, please don’t do that.
I would send him to act blue obv. They’ll just replace him.
To translate, I think what Una is saying is that the Globalists are exterminating us.
To be clear if it’s a game you’re losing badly
A dark night of the human soul, indeed. Do you think the work you put out into the world is part of the solution or part of the problem?
Nothing to say or dispute about the article itself, I see.
Yeah it’s the vaccine. The lock downstairs and the suicides as a fraction. Everyone is reporting on it by now, 13 year old kids dying of heart problems and cancer. Its the vaccine, say it.
I disagree. I think the collapse started way before Covid or the vaccine. The Left has criticized and deconstructed almost everything that was worthwhile or that people could rally or unite around. What is left is the condition of anomie. Anomie is a social condition defined by an uprooting or breakdown of any moral values, standards or guidance for individuals to follow.
You can’t disagree with statistics like they are opinions. Kids and everyone weren’t dying at these rates.
The moral breakdown is emblematic here, the old saying the big things and don’t worry about little ones, and the youth burning it all down to make a point.
I was thinking about the lockdown this morning. That in itself had a terrible effect on health, through depriving people of their normal exercise.
Where’s your birthrate at? in relation to Europe I’m guessing it’s marginal sub plus.
The population increase is coming mainly or entirely from illegal immigrants and their kids, if I remember correctly.
COVID-19 shots can kill some kids. too. No other reason to subject them to this except commercial.
They think less people will help the trees and bees. Without the boa hunt in Florida it would be decimated, but these are pie in the sky pedos with excuses.
These is a long list of other reasons why they would want to submit you to mutilgenerational genetic mutilation and everything else in there.
Global warm…oops, I meant to say climate change doesn’t get a mention?
Totalitarian fascists are smiling – their population control efforts are indeed working
You are 100% correct, Mr. Greenfield. Not only on the points you are making, but children and young people are specifically targeted for madness like LGBT indoctrination, or BLM insanity. Taught to hate their parents, their homeland, their culture, taught that everything in foreign lands is better, taught boys are girls and girls are boys, completely interchangeable and not special at all, they are victims to the natural outcome, despair and meaningless living. Taught there is no God, no heaven to look for, to live for, they are deprived of any hope at all.
Good job Marxists.
People have to have a purpose. I see so many die shortly after they retire, and I think that’s why. The one’s that pick up a side job, even if it’s walmart greeter or bagging groceries, and those that have engrossing hobbies, don’t tend to decline and die after they retire. And we have to keep in mind that retirement is a relatively new concept in human existence.