It’s no secret that Governor Andrew Cuomo viewed his dad’s old job as a stepping stone to a presidential campaign. But he’s never had the opportunity to break out into a national contender. And, even while his policies of forcing nursing homes to accept coronavirus patients, killed thousands of grandmas and grandpas, he never stopped promoting himself. Now Cuomo is doing a victory lap, selling posters praising his mismanagement of the virus, and going on tour. Seriously.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo went down to Georgia Monday to advise local officials there on how to curb the coronavirus pandemic — but critics said the trip was nothing more than an ill-conceived public relations stunt given all the deaths that New York suffered.
New York was the hardest hit by the COVID-19 outbreak in the early spring and more than 25,000 residents have died from the killer bug — more than any other state. And Cuomo has come under heavy criticism for his early edict that may have led to more than 6,000 nursing home deaths.
The three-term Democratic governor insisted he wasn’t visiting Savannah as a public relations offensive to toot his own horn.
“I feel compelled to go because I know a little bit about this,” Cuomo said.
“It’s not me who’s going: It’s the people of New York that’s helping the people of Savannah and Houston … We’re in a position to help. We have knowledge.”
It’s utterly insane that Cuomo is taking a publicity trip to Georgia, and violating travel guidelines. There’s no actual contribution he can make in person that he couldn’t do over Zoom. This is a blatant political trip for purpose of building up his image for 2024 and everyone knows it. The media is just pretending not to know it.
He said it was important to provide support for officials in other states now grappling with the pandemic after 30,000 Americans from other parts of the country came to New York’s aid in March and April — many first responders who toiled in hospitals overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases.
Oh right. Here’s how Cuomo paid them back.
As New York State’s pandemic was winding down, Governor Cuomo had a heartwarming message of thanks for the 21,000 volunteers who had traveled from around the country to help save lives.
Pay me. Now.
Men and women who had come to help, and had made the mistake of helping for more than two weeks, would now be liable for New York taxes, not just for the money that they earned in New York, but even back home. A paramedic from Wyoming whose employer gave him paid leave would have to pay New York taxes on his earnings to subsidize the corrupt administration of Cuomo and his Democrat cronies.
“We’re not in a position to provide any subsidies right now because we have a $13 billion deficit,” the governor weaseled at one of his innumerable non-essential press conferences. “So there’s a lot of good things I’d like to do, and if we get federal funding, we can do, but it would be irresponsible for me to sit here looking at a $13 billion deficit and say I’m gonna spend more money.”
Georgia should thank Cuomo for his help by applying an instant tax on him, for the equivalent of whatever tax bills his administration sent to Georgia volunteers.
“This virus, it preys upon the weak and the vulnerable,” Cuomo said. “It’s the weak body that has trouble resolving the virus. The American body is in many ways, weak, right now. The body politic is weakened.”
He’s running. And he’s doing it on a pile of corpses.
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