If only we had gun laws the leftists said, while pushing pro-prosecutors who refuse to enforce them.
And then when one of their pets shoots up the place, they mock thoughts and prayers, and demand the gun laws they refuse to enforce.
A gunman who killed three and wounded five others at Michigan State University on Monday would have been barred from owning a firearm at the time of the shooting had he not had felony gun charges dismissed by a progressive prosecutor.
Anthony McRae was charged in June 2019 with illegally carrying a concealed handgun without a permit, but later had those charges dismissed by the office of Ingham County district attorney Carol Siemon (D.). Her office instead let McRae plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor gun charge, and he served a little more than a year on probation, which ended May 2021. He initially faced up to five years in prison for the felony charge, the Detroit News reported.
Siemon was more interested in fighting systemic racism than crime.
Ingham County Prosecutor Carol Siemon said, when she was elected in 2016, one of her main goals was to reduce systemic racial bias and racial disparities from law enforcement, but not everyone supports the policies she’s put in place to do that.
“I was raised here in Lansing, in a diverse community,” Siemon said. “I’ve always had an interest in civil rights, all aspects of civil rights. As a woman, I’ve been a feminist all my life. LGBTQ Rights, racial disproportionality, immigrants rights. So, when I was elected as prosecutor, my goal was to try and create a more criminal and equitable legal system.”
In the past month, Siemon has pushed out two policies meant to decrease the number of Black people behind bars.
“We look at the data and that statistic shows that racial disparity is so unambiguous and so extreme that I couldn’t even justify,” she said.
Sometimes fighting systemic racism requires sacrifices. Three dead people at Michigan State are just one of those sacrifices to the cruel idol of equity.
Massive number of clueless Democrats who have no idea what is really going on in the streets, in the criminal underclass. I just read the comments in an MSM article, and hardly any had a clue, they were just passionately repeating MSM narratives demanding more gun laws and blaming Republicans.
No doubt some are clueless, but the clueless inflict the destruction of stupidity upon us and are without excuse:
Most are not clueless, but are using these racist policies to destroy us. A pox on all the blacks who go along with this – they should know better, and, if they don’t, they are unfit for western civilization. A pox on all the globalists who seek to plunder and rule us.
Just curious. Did he have anything on his rap sheet besides exercising his Constitutional right to carry a weapon? He told the police he had the gun (why did they ask him?), and he was trying to obtain a carry permit. For that, he spend a year and a half in jail? Did that embitter him? Maybe the violation his constitutional rights drove him over the edge. Not justified in what he did of course, but I am curious.
Anthony McRae was charged in June 2019 with illegally carrying a concealed handgun without a permit (a felony), but later had those charges dismissed by the office of Ingham County district attorney Carol Siemon (D.). There was no violation of his constitutional rights.
He didn’t have a “constitutional right” to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. The “gun control” laws only work when they’re enforced. A “progressive” prosecutor declined to enforce them.
McRae did not spend any time in jail; he was given probation. Reread the article, please.
As well as being an ideologue this Siemon person is an imbecile. She sees that there is a higher percentage of blacks in prison than their percent in the population and assumes that is the result of racism. Did it ever occur to her that it is the result of much higher rates of criminality in the black community? The latest FBI statistics indicate, for instance, that blacks (12.5% of the population) commit something like 57% of all homicides in the U.S.. “Racism” – the all purpose explanation for inconvenient facts.
I believe this nonsense about blacks being disproportionately incarcerated due to racism, not criminal behavior, was first propounded by Coretta Scott King, beginning in the 1970s. This view was preposterous on its face, but few dared to challenge her because of she was the widow of recently assassinated MLK. Eventually, as we see, this view became mainstream. Goebbels was correct – if a lie Is repeated incessantly, no matter how absurd, it will, in time, become accepted as truth.
Homicides are the most useful for statistical purposes, because they are hardest to cover up, and there is clearly a victim. So hardest for government to fudge the statistics.
We don’t need anymore useless Gun Control Laws we need repeat offenders given longer sentences in prison
Remember the mass murder of students at a high school in Parkland, Florida a few years ago? “Anti-racist” policies were responsible for that, too. The murderer, Nikolas Cruz, was never flagged for his psychopathic behavior (e.g. torturing and killing cats,) or his disruptive classroom activities because, even though he is white, his surname is Hispanic and he was deemed a member of a minority. As a result, reports of his behavior were suppressed, and he was consequently allowed to buy multiple firearms, which he used to slaughter seventeen individuals. This suppression of information was the result of the implementation of the Promise Program, launched by Barak Obama, supposedly to prevent non-whites in schools from feeding the so-called “school-to-prison pipeline.” Robert Runcie, school superintendent of Broward County, along with then-sheriff Scott Israel, were enthusiastic supporters of this policy. Both have blood on their hands, as does this Michigan prosecutor.
N.B. Daniel Greenfield covered this extensively at Front Page Magazine when the Marjorie Stoneman H.S. massacre had just occurred.