Leftist billionaire George Soros funneled some $400,000 to defeat Sacramento district attorney Anne Marie Schubert. On June 5 voters rejected Soros’ “social justice” candidate Noah Phillips and more than 60 percent cast ballots for Schubert, who leads the prosecution of Joseph DeAngelo.
He was responsible for 12 murders and more than 40 rapes across California during the 1970s and 80s, the most prolific criminal to avoid capture. Trouble was, the Golden State Killer, as he came to be known, hadn’t reckoned with DNA science.
Police had his DNA from the rape test kits, and a relative’s DNA from an open-source site proved the key to DeAngelo’s arrest in late April. Victims and law enforcement alike celebrated the arrest of the man also known as the Original Nightstalker. Establishment media found a villain in DNA testing itself.
“If there’s anything to be cautious about,” wrote Erika Smith of the Sacramento Bee, “it’s the collection and storage of genetic material from thousands, if not millions, of people.” For McClatchy national correspondent Stuart Leavenworth, DNA matching “has put genetic testing companies on the defensive and raised questions about their ability to protect consumer privacy.”
Leavenworth wrote a series of articles for the Sacramento Bee focusing on Ancestry LLC “the world’s largest DNA testing conglomerate.” Since 2012, Ancestry “has lured more than 5 million people to spit into tubes and add their genetic code to the world’s largest private database of DNA.” Hackers might access that database, and Leavenworth sounded the alarm on other concerns.
He found that Ancestry “is strong in analyzing the bulk of the U.S. population — people of European descent and African-Americans whose ancestors came across the Atlantic on slave ships, particularly from West Africa.” On the other hand, “The company’s analysis is less strong in teasing out the ethnic background of people whose ancestors came from China or India — countries that now comprise 37 percent of the world’s population_._” As Ancestry’s chief scientific officer explained “We are proud of the work we have done so far, yet dissatisfied. We always want to make it better,” but Leavenworth pressed the case.
According to Social Psychology Quarterly, “An unintended consequence of the genomic revolution may be to reinvigorate age-old beliefs in essential racial differences.” The Center for Genetics and Society criticized Ancestry’s television ads during the recent Winter Olympics as a “socially divisive” marketing ploy, and others saw as “textbook racism.” But as Leavenworth learned, there was more to it.
Ancestry built its ethnicity reference panel from a DNA database compiled by the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, whose founder James Sorenson sought to “demonstrate how people of the world are related to each other.” Scott Woodward, who helped build Ancestry’s database of ethnic markers, told Leavenworth, “the whole idea of what is a race biologically is still pretty problematic. We can take all of the humans on the earth, and we are essentially one big species. The amount of variation, the amount of uniqueness from one population to another population is pretty small compared to the overall.”
To spot-weld Woodward’s point, humans beings are essentially one group and the various populations have much more in common than they do by way of variation. Contrast that scientific reality with the dogmas of political correctness.
The idea that “there is only one race, the human race,” is a “microaggression,” according to University of California enforcers. So are statements such as “I believe the most qualified person should get the job,” and “America is the land of opportunity.”
This confirms what has long been evident to all but the willfully blind. Political correctness is a deadbolt for the mind, a jihad of junkthought, and institutionalized hostility to the truth.
By contrast, DNA doesn’t lie or change its story. DNA has solved many cold cases and freed those falsely accused of crimes. DNA could also play a role in solving one of the greatest identity mysteries of all time.
Dreams from My Father, which Pulitzer Prize winner David Garrow proclaims a work of fiction, devotes more than 2,000 words to “Frank,” an elderly poet. He is actually Frank Marshall Davis, an African American Communist who spent most of his life backing all-white Soviet dictatorships. Many have noticed the strong resemblance between Frank and the Dreams author, who went on to become president of the United States.
In 2015, Dreams from My Real Father filmmaker Joel Gilbert asked Malik Obama, son of the Kenyan Barack H. Obama, if he saw any resemblance between the president and Frank Marshall Davis. “There’s a great resemblance,” said Malik Obama, who was willing to conduct a DNA test because “That would really prove whether we are related or not.” POTUS 44 did not express similar willingness but that was hardly his only lapse.
In 2013 the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture released an archive of material from the Kenyan Barack H. Obama. In his writings from 1958 to 1964, including more than 20 letters, the Kenyan mentions nothing about an American wife and Hawaiian-born son.
In 2013 and 2016, on his last Father’s Day in office, the president was invited to review this material but has never done so. Meanwhile, revelations of his destructive actions in office are emerging by the day.
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