There is a bit of sage advice that warns, “Look _before_ you leap.”
Motorists are also warned to not attempt to drive through a flooded street because it may be impossible to know the depth of the water.
Those warnings certainly apply to any politician, President Trump included, who may be inclined to reach a compromise on DACA.
It has been estimated by the DHS that about 800,000 illegal aliens have enrolled in DACA. The media and advocates for legalizing these aliens repeatedly describe them as having been brought here as children who, supposedly, had no control over their situation.
Most folks are not aware that in order to qualify, these aliens had to _claim_ that they entered the United States prior to their 16th birthdays but could have applied to participate in this program if they did so prior to their 31st birthday. Today those aliens may be as old as 36 years of age.
Now, reportedly, the administration is seeking a compromise to deal with these aliens who will begin losing their temporary protection from deportation on March 5th.
However, in the parallel world of Washington, DC, what you see may not be what you get.
On January 18, 2018 USA Today reported, “There are 3.6M ‘DREAMers’ — a number far greater than commonly known.”
That estimate, according to USA Today, was provided by the Migration Policy Institute.
Advocates for legalization of DACA aliens, who enrolled in the Obama program, are also now demanding that any aliens who _claim_ they would have qualified as “DREAMERS” and _claim_ they entered the United States before their 18th birthdays be granted lawful status as well.
Durbin is seeking a massive legalization program through extortion, holding the U.S. government and Americans hostage.
The December 4, 2018 Chicago Tribune report, Durbin rallying support for Dream Act, included this sentence:
The Dream Act would grant “conditional permanent residency” to an estimated 1.8 million immigrants who arrived in the U.S. before age 18 and can meet requirements similar to those under the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
According to the article Durbin, the second highest ranking Democrat in the Senate, is steadfast in this demand, stating,
We have to assert ourselves in the minority and make it clear that we are not going to vote for certain legislation — and our votes are needed — unless this is included as part of the package,” Durbin said.
Even as negotiations are underway, and a supposed “compromise” is being sought, the amnesty advocates have already greatly increased the number of potential participants.
In point of fact, the number of potential applicants would be so great as to overwhelm and implode the legal immigration system and the entire adjudications processes conducted by the division of the Department of Homeland Security known as USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services). With such huge numbers, no interviews or field investigations could be conducted to verify the claims made in the applications and to seek to uncover fraud.
As you will see shortly, immigration fraud threatens national security.
We must learn the lessons history teaches us. Consider that when President Reagan signed the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) into law the original estimate of roughly one million participating aliens was greatly eclipsed by the ultimate total of more than 3.5 million aliens who “emerged from the shadows.”
No one has ever explained that huge numeric discrepancy. Was it because of undercounting? Was it because a huge number of illegal aliens ran the borders after the cutoff date and then lied about their dates of entry?
Both are possible but unknowable.
Here is the issue that no one has addressed. There is absolutely no way to know the true date of entry for aliens who enter the United States without inspection. There is also no way to verify whether or not they ever left the United States since entering the United States and then, once again, entered without inspection. This is critical because in order to be eligible for DACA in the first place, these aliens had to _claim_ that they entered the United States prior to their 16th birthdays and must have _claimed_ to have been continuously present in the United States since their entry.
This is why DACA (Deferred Action-Childhood Arrivals) should actually be referred to as DACCA (Deferred Action- Claimed Childhood Arrivals).
There were a number of other problems with the DACA program that I enumerated in a recent article, DACA: The Immigration Trojan Horse. One of the most serious problems is that DACA was an effort to bypass the Constitution by enacting the failed DREAM Act without legislation. The goal was to pass a massive amnesty program for unknown millions of illegal aliens, by “hook or by crook.”
The DREAM Act is an acronym for Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, ironically legitimizing the use of the term “alien,” the very same term that would normally invoke outrage by the immigration anarchists if it was ever used in any other context except for linking it to the American Dream – for illegal aliens.
Given all that is involved, efforts to reach a “compromise” on DACA would compromise national security, public safety and the integrity of the entire immigration system. And now it would appear that the 800,000 aliens that advocates for DACA amnesty are demanding that the number of potential participants be increased by more than three-fold.
There is absolutely no justification for any illegal alien who failed to have already registered for DACA to be considered for any benefit other than a trip home unless such alien has another means of gaining relief from deportation.
DACA amnesty makes a mockery of the legislative process and of our immigration system as it now stands. Nevertheless it would appear that Durbin and company are determined to hold our government hostage for the legalization of a number of illegal aliens that truly has no limit.
Immigration fraud undermines the entire immigration system. It is entirely possible that aliens who have yet to enter the United States could easily run our borders and successfully defraud the system by _claiming_ to have been residing in the United States for many years.
As I noted previously, immigration fraud has a direct nexus to national security and terrorism.
Consider the case of one of those aliens who participated in the 1986 Amnesty, Egyptian national Mahmud Abouhalima, who was described as the “field general” behind the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bombing which killed six innocent victims and injured more than one thousand people and inflicted an estimated one-half billion dollars in damages.
On March 25, 1993 the Los Angeles Times reported: ”Alleged Leader in N.Y. Bombing Flown to U.S.: Probe: Mahmud Abouhalima was seized in Egypt. Fifth man is also arrested in World Trade Center attack.” The report continued:
NEW YORK — A suspect believed to be the “field general” behind the World Trade Center bombing was brought back from Egypt under tight security Wednesday to be formally charged today in one of the worst acts of terrorism in the nation’s history.
Mahmud Abouhalima, who was the focus of an international search by the FBI, was seized last week by Egyptian police in his hometown on the Nile delta as part of a crackdown on proponents of an Islamic state who are blamed for a wave of violence in that country.
The LA Times report went on to note:
Abouhalima first came to the United States in October, 1986, with a German passport and tourist visa. Four years later, he became a permanent resident by claiming that he was an agricultural worker under a special exemption for such workers in the 1986 Immigration Reform Act. U.S. officials said this exemption has often been misused.
The official report “9⁄11 and Terrorist Travel“ had this to say about Abouhalima:
“Once terrorists had entered the United States, their next challenge was to find a way to remain here. Their primary method was immigration fraud. For example, Yousef and Ajaj concocted bogus political asylum stories when they arrived in the United States. Mahmoud Abouhalima, involved in both the World Trade Center and landmarks plots, received temporary residence under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) program, after falsely claiming that he picked beans in Florida.”
Senator Schumer was a key architect of the agricultural amnesty provision of the 1986 amnesty when he was a member of Congress and is now a prime mover of the push for a massive legalization program under the guise of DACA.
The World Trade Center attacks of February 26, 1993 and September 11, 2001 were only possible because of massive failures of the immigration system.
Other terror attacks in NYC and elsewhere have also been facilitated by multiple failures of the immigration system.
Senator Schumer and NYC’s mayor have demanded more money to protect New York from terror attacks, declaring that New York City is a prime target for terrorists, while blithely ignoring the findings of the 9⁄11 Commission.
Simply stated, “those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”
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