Would it be nice to have civil political debates? Sure.
That would begin with…
1. Not displaying the severed heads of presidents you oppose and fantasizing about their murder (while siccing the DOJ on a rodeo clown who merely wore an Obama mask)
2. Not turning award ceremonies into prolonged obscene tirades about those presidents
Little things like that.
Since rules only apply one way, the Democrat media is deeply upset about, “Let’s Go Brandon”. Here, live from the crypt, is Dan Rather.
I have tried for some time to avoid commenting on a topic that I felt should be so far beneath our political discourse that to give it the oxygen of attention would be to play into the strategic hopes of those who are seeking to debase our democracy. But as Yoda, the wise sage of Star Wars, might say if he was trying to fight those who have turned to the “dark side” of our national polity, ignore it no longer I can.
The issue at hand can succinctly be summed up in three words: “Let’s go Brandon.” If you have no idea what I am talking about, consider yourself fortunate. For reasons too mundane to fully outline here, “Let’s go Brandon” has become a favorite chant and rallying cry for many Republicans as a stand-in for another three-word chant that you may also have heard : “F- Joe Biden,” with F-, for the purposes of decorum in this newsletter, standing for a four-letter vulgarity.
I’m glad that Dan Rather is so committed to decorum. It’s very refreshing to find a principled man of dignity and decency.
Rather was riding in a car in Manhattan with a CBS security guard assigned to him after he’d been mobbed by paparazzi. “I don’t believe what I’m hearing,” Rather told him, slamming his fist on the dashboard. “This is un-f____-believable! You couldn’t have picked anybody who is worse.”
Rather says he told Heyward, “‘You can’t do this.’ And he very coldly said, ‘It’s done.’”…
But the anger was seething just below the surface. The next night, Rather’s last as anchor of the CBS Evening News, he wore a T-shirt under his suit and tie that read F.E.A.—“F___ ’em all.”
For the purposes of decorum, I’ve censored the word in question.
These are stories from Rather’s last days at CBS News after a pre-election story claiming that President Bush had evaded military service utilized a memo that appeared to be written in Microsoft Word.
But Rather acted this way even when his career wasn’t falling apart.
In 1981, Rather decided that he couldn’t occupy Walter Cronkite’s chair, so for his first Evening News broadcast he read the headlines while crouching behind the desk. When a rival TV journalist ambushed him outside of CBS headquarters—a favorite tactic of the 60 Minutes gang—Rather instructed the reporter, “Get the microphone right up, will you?” Then he barked, “F__ you.” The clip played on television for days
There are two Dan Rathers, as there are two medias, one pretends to be serious and principled, devoted to public service, and the other is petty, egotistical, and narcissistic.
Before lecturing America on “Let’s Go Brandon”, Rather could do with an honest reckoning with his own demons instead.
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