Three distinguished guests recently joined The Glazov Gang, Frontpage’s television program, to discuss finding a balance between religious freedom and national security.
In terms of Mosque-building in America, the issue is made somewhat complicated, to say the least, by “The Explanatory Memorandum,” a Muslim Brotherhood strategy document seized in the FBI’s 2004 raid of senior Muslim Brotherhood officer Ishmael Elbarasse’s residence, which revealed that the role of “Islamic Centers” in America is to recruit and train battalions for jihad.
David Yerushalmi’s peer review study also raises serious concerns: based upon a representative sample of all US mosques and Islamic Centers, it found that approximately 80% were preaching Muslim Brotherhood jihad literature.
Our guests to discuss this problem were Eric Allen Bell, a writer and filmmaker who was recently fired from the “Daily Kos” for telling the truth about Islam, Ben Shapiro, Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and Doris Montrose, President of Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors. Below is Part II of a three-part series. To see Part I, click here. We will run Part III in tomorrow’s issue.
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