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Four years ago a white man choking a black man in a major city, his death, the subsequent trial and a failure to convict would have led to non-stop media coverage and equally non-stop rioting.
Instead, New York BLM leader Hawk Newsome (pictured above) accompanied by a few pals, some elderly black people and a handful of white girls in keffiyahs hung around outside the downtown Manhattan courthouse like groupies for some band that had broken up years ago. In a city where radical politicians show up to every protest, Newsome’s entourage didn’t even rate a councilwoman.
Newsome, who seemed to have doubled his weight since the heyday of BLM, ranted,
“We need some black vigilantes. People wanna jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud? How about we do the same?” But the only one the BLM leader seemed likely to kill was himself if he didn’t stop eating. And no one except FOX News was covering his antics.
A desultory effort at post-verdict rioting consisted of some light police shoving that was a far cry from the street riots that had wounded officers and paralyzed Manhattan only a few years ago.
As the trial demonstrated, Daniel Penny did not kill Jordan Neely, an unhinged madman who had assaulted elderly women on the subway, much like George Floyd, the fentanyl did that.
But Daniel Penny may have helped kill BLM.
A movement that had terrorized the nation and destroyed countless lives had faded into irrelevance. Not very long ago a trial like this would have put a city through months of violence followed by major carnage after the verdict, but now BLM could hardly muster more than an obese leader making impotent threats to a handful of followers before sulking off into the sunset.
A corrupt radical justice system led by pro-crime DAs had done its best to lynch Penny and the agitprop media had done its part to depict Jordan Neely as an innocent young Michael Jackson impersonator killed for no apparent reason by a meanspirted racist. The trial, during which Penny was repeatedly referred to as the “white man” by an unhinged prosecutor whose specialty was letting actual criminals go, seemed straight out of America’s darkest days.
But none of it worked. The jury did its job, most normal people agreed with the decision, and BLM couldn’t muster up more than a sidewalk scuffle. And Democrats quickly moved on.
What happened to the race riots of yesteryear?
After Trump’s landslide victory and defections across its minority coalition, Democrats have been treading cautiously on everything from transgender pronouns to identity politics.
But, more revealingly, without outside backing, BLM can’t even organize a candy store break-in.
The real question is where did those previous riots really come from? Was it really a bunch of grad students, aspiring screenwriters and posturing activists who terrorized a nation or the much better organized forces wearing them as gloves?
Over the last year much of the energy behind the BLM race riots had been diverted into pro-Hamas riots. The old BLM activists shouting at crowds through megaphones were replaced by Muslim activists with megaphones. But neither group is really capable of holding NYC hostage. The public faces of the riots matter much less than the leftist organizations that provide the street manpower and command structure, and the big foundation that fund the whole thing.
We have been told again and again that the six years of BLM violence were “organic”. The Daniel Penny trial shows that there wasn’t a single organic thing about that spectacle.
The BLM riots were a production from the same people who brought us the Women’s March, Occupy Wall Street, the anti-war riots and now the Hamas riots. The radical street groups and the big money propped up a timely ‘brand’ and the activists who became its public face. The latest outrage is monetized, organized and then retired once its time has passed.
Next week or next year it may be something else, an old cause or a new one, to riot over. For the moment the Left is still deciding what cause to champion after the Hamas riots wind down. And until the Left jumps one way or another, the causes will not catch fire on their own no matter how much Hawk Newsome hyperventilates and jiggles his chins because Penny is a free man.
Newsome, like Sharpton before him, is nothing without the backing of the Left. And that is why the aftermath of the Penny verdict is so revealing. Americans were taught to live in terror of a few swaggering thugs yelling at the camera. But the thugs were front men for the Left. Sharpton, without the backing of the political and cultural establishment, was a pathetic clown who, on his own, never actually had much black support. The establishment made Sharpton a kingmaker and had everyone from Comcast to Obama to Kamala bribing him for his support.
Daniel Penny didn’t mean to kill BLM, but the aftermath of the verdict showed all too clearly that the movement was a facade that was not only built on lies, but whose lies are no longer in vogue. The riots were never about George Floyd, just as it isn’t about Jordan Neely, and just as it isn’t really about Israel, the environment, abortion, or any of the other rotating outrages.
It was always about a leftist bid for power through violence, intimidation and terror.
Black people were a means to an end. And so were the black activists recruited to act as fronts for a fake movement. Now that BLM no longer matters, its activists have no manpower, no money and no publicity except whatever conservatives will give them. The only major media outlets that covered Newsome’s tantrum were FOX News and the New York Post.
BLM was a monster that Democrats, their media and leftist activists created. And they were always able to turn the violence on and off at will. From Ferguson to Floyd, they showed us how they could turn the violence on, and with Daniel Penny, they showed how it could be turned off.
From now on they must all be held responsible for keeping BLM violence turned off for good.
Algorithmic Analyst says
They already shot their bolt, as the saying goes 🙂
Emotionalism doesn’t last, it wears off pretty quickly.
THX 1138 says
Emotionalism certainly does last and can last indefinitely in the sense that reason, logic, and rationality (which are the antidote to emotionalism) have to be discovered, understood, formulated, and applied.
Islam is emotionalism par excellence. Magical thinking is emotionalism. Socialism and Nazism are based on emotionalism. Hitler hated reason and rationality he encouraged his followers not to think but to feel and follow their emotions.
Intrepid says
It would seem that emotionalism re: Objectivism lasts a lifetime in your case, because you can’t seem to let it go in the face of obvious failure.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Emotionalism is attachment to favored propositions incapable of rational defense without a specialized vocabulary, i.e. reason = man’s mind.
David Sugarman says
“Now that BLM no longer matters..”. Read differently, that’s, “Now that Black Lives no longer matter…”.
In both cases, if an experienced Policeman or an expert martial Artist who must have known better, would have loosened their various chokeholds earlier, a person would have lived. Now, you might think those lives were useless but really who are you to judge? And worse than that, Cheer?
Intrepid says
Maybe you should ride the NYC subway with your beloved crazy homeless people. Or any other big city subway systems. See how you like getting harassed, have your money stolen, or have to smell them in your face.
But hey, since you are compelled to virtue signal how wonderful you are, the rest of us must suffer. Yeah, I don’t think so.
I hear the subway turnstiles have tickets to make believeland that you can buy, for a dollar extra.
David Sugarman says
You might find inspiration in “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, by James Thurber, Intrepid.
Intrepid says
Thanks but no thanks.
THX 1138 says
Yes, of course, in your perfect imaginary world experts in dealing with 6 foot 4, paranoid schizophrenics are riding on every subway car.
But why stop there? Imagine that Neely’s personal psychiatrist is also there with five orderlies. They rush him and gently take him down. His personal psychiatrist injects him with a knockout drug. Before Neely passes out his mother appears to him and she says to him “I love you Jordan” and he says “I love you momma”..
Then the credits start rolling and you wake up and have yourself a cup of Chamomile tea.
Intrepid says
Sounds like your perfect world, with your usual 5 imaginary friends upvoting you. But obviously you have spent sometime dreaming up your scenario. I didn’t have to dream up anything because it actually happened.
You simply can’t imagine a world where one guy, former marine, takes on a lunatic, puts him in a chokehold and ends the threat. Penny is a hero and you never will be.
Of course you couldn’t take on anyone because you are weak-ass pu$$y. A cup of Chamomile tea sounds like your cup of tea. And I’m not surprised you sided with Sugarman.
Homerette says
THS 138 was not siding with Sugarman. He was being sarcastic about Sugarman’s imaginary world where unreal solutions abound (experts able to handle a raving schizophrenic are to be found on every subway car) and in Sugarman’s world one can neutralize a raving maniac on the train without any harm to the maniac. THX 138’s point was this is fantasy.
David Sugarman says
You are correct. If you look carefully at the boxes, you can see that THX 1138 was being contemptuous of me, not Intrepid. My experience has been different from yours. People CAN calm down. Most dogs are NOT rabid. There are many realities and all are internally generated.
Gabrielle says
Some people seem incapable of learning. I guess you never learned the information in the autopsy report provided by the defense for Penny. The leftist medical examiner blamed the chokehold but there was additional evidence that showed he died from a sickle cell crises, being on synthetic marijuana (K2), and a diagnosed Schizophrenic. Without these mitigating factors, the chokehold would not, singularly done, have caused death. Like the George Floyd case where the evidenced showed he died from a Fentanyl overdose and Officer Chauvin was the scapegoat for a country and people (Blacks) being emotionally blackmailed by the supposed underlying “racism” that had nothing to do with either of these men’s’ deaths.
Those in NY who daily commute on the subway are the one’s knowledgable about how the soft on crime, catch and release idiocy has thoroughly disrupted the safe travel of both residents and visitors. The additional knock out game and other predatory violence by Blacks against whites and Asians during this Soros-gifted nightmare in New York only added to the reality-based concerns. That a jury deliberated the facts and gave a verdict leaves people like you in a moral conundrum because your ideology and demonization of Penny was laid bare by reality. May you never experience the fear of being in a closed, moving subway car with a ranting madman and no one like Penny around who was a Good Samaritan who took action on behalf of others!
David Sugarman says
Other factors might have caused them to die SOONER than a normal person would, but that doesn’t negate the Martial Arts RULE that, as soon as the person becomes unconscious, you stop. Continue to hold him to be sure, but stop choking him! They NEEDN’T have died – that’s my only point. Why kill if you don’t have to? Or do you want assigned people to “take out the trash”?
Peter Schneider says
Mr. Neely ignored THE RULE; the rule of the street which say;. when you go out looking for trouble, sometimes you find it.
Maha says
Would you even be objecting to the verdict if Neely was White?
Tionico says
if an experienced Policeman or an expert martial Artist who must have known better, would have loosened their various chokeholds earlier, a person would have lived.
You either did not read or ail to comprehend the meaning o he testimony given at trial. Daniel Penny did NOT use a “chikehold”. that is a lie generated by thecomplicit press. Nor did Oicer Derik Cahvin use one on loyd.
In both cases a “head resraint” was applied to neurlaise the violent actions o the subjec, and to prevent physical harm to the one being resrained, particularly in the case o loyd.
In the Penny case, the violent oender was still alive as Penny releaseed him into the custordy o the police. The tox panel provided lter had him on deadly quantities o ilegal drugs, suitable to cuse death on their own regardless o any physical encounters. Same with the loyd case. Chauvin was properly applyig the precise physical restraint to loyd that he had learned in training some twoweeks prior o the loyd encuinteer, speciically designed to limi the physical motion o he overdosed subject who was, as Cahvin correctly assessed, the classic etiology o a entanyl overdose. The tox paneltaken by the hennepin COutny Coronor (which I have read and understand) had a 4 times lethal dose phentanyl and a 2x lethal dose o meth. You can ind and read that report or yoursel. I’d advise you do so beore popping o and revealiing your ignorance. George phloyd would have died at almost exactly the same time i he had remained sitting in his car having swallowing his lethal cocktail. CaChauvin wasPhloyd’s victim, not the other way round.
Ask any martial arts practitioner to explain the contrast between a chokehold and a head restraint. Nor Penny nor Chauvin used the chokehold.
David Sugarman says
You spelled the quote quite accurately, Congratulations! [and I understand how hard it is typing with your elbows]
Spurwing Plover says
Have Hawk Nuisance held totally and Financially liable for any violence commited by mobs of Uncivilized Heathens Sue his Panties off and Jail him for Life and No Movies from Spike Lee or the rest of their Hollywood Ilk
Mo de Profit says
“We need some black vigilantes. People wanna jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud? How about we do the same?”
That is incitement to violence, why wasn’t he arrested?
If I were to post that on fakebook in Europe and the UK, and I was Caucasian, I would be in prison within a week.
David Sugarman says
He wasn’t arrested because in the United States a threat must be SPECIFIC, otherwise it’s free speech. That’s our system. You might not like it, but, on the other hand, you rely on it a lot in your own writings.
Maha says
In that case Neely’s father should have been arrested, because he reportedly threatened Penny with death in the courthouse.
Intrepid says
As a white guy I want to know where I go to sign up to be a black vigilante, so I can be “loud”. Maybe Fat Hawk Newsome meant to say obnoxious instead of loud.
Lee Ann says
BLM didn’t spend one dollar on any destitute black people. They bought mansions in exclusive white neighborhoods. Just as in Animal Farm, the leaders lived the good life blowing it all on the very things they called evil. As Trump’s victory shows, nobody insults black peoples intelligence more than other black people.
Tionico says
Thomas Sowell spoke out oin very much the same lines when he blasted the “black” populattion having just voted the kinyun into the presidency the irst time. He doubled down upon the second coronation…….
And Sowell is about as black as anyone can be, born o a single black mum and raised without a male in the home, in the projects in a poor black section in Baltimore. So he had nearly every bad card in the deck stacked against him. His writings ib any subject are well worth reading and studying.
Madame DeFarge says
Al Sharpton began public life as James Browns’ bag boy. Not much has changed. He and his ilk are the paid help to their betters and on call when needed. The reason there was no gathering or riot was that the leftist powers are still in shock and directionless after the election. The street help are on hold waiting for their next summons.
Steve Chavez says
GREENFIELD: “The BLM riots were a production from the same people who brought us the Women’s March, Occupy Wall Street, the anti-war riots and now the Hamas riots.” BINGO!
My exact thoughts that I was going to write, but what was left out, THE COMMUNIST ORGANIZERS, with some open while others are in the shadows, like OWS, as Pelosi said, “The Grassroots LEADERLESS organization.” BULLLLL SHIT!
There was an article on Human Events about The Day of Rage on Sept. 17, 2011. I automatically went to the CPUSA DOT ORG website, and there was the Communists, Judith Leblanc and Leslie Cagan organizing the event WITH MEDEA BENJAMIN OF CODE PINK. I then linked it and wrote about their connection…. WITHIN HOURS, THE ARTICLE ON CPUSA DISAPPEARED! The Day then turned into OWS, encampments all over the country, again on college campuses, and the old Commies Cockroaches crawled out from under their rocks. REMEMBER MARK RUDD??? He was advising UNM students how to protest, takeover the streets, and how to act when confronted by police.
ALL THESE PROTESTS HAVE ONE MISSION: TO RECRUIT VOTERS and that they did and to win elections…. EXCEPT THE LAST ONE WITH THE JEW HATERS, “From the River to the Sea.” YES, the usual suspects.
AS AN EXPERT ON PROTESTS, I have labeled many of them, “Same Producers. Same Directors. Same Script… just different actors. Who are the Producers and Directors? (Their signs prove it.) A.N.S.W.E.R., The Party for Socialism and Liberation, The Revolutionary Communist Party, and the Mother-of-Them-All, but who hide in the shadows, no signs, since “COMMUNIST” IS A BAD WORD, THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA! They are professionally trained and if you research that… it leads to the SOVIET KGB, and now those people are training THE NEXT GENERATION OF COMMUNISTS!
DetroitOtaku says
I’m willing to also bet that all of the funds BLM received from the Communist Chinese is running out fast. Maybe the CCP thinks BLM has outlived it’s usefulness.
Rob A says
In simple and concise terms, BLM was and is an extortion racket. It’s not that difficult to see that in America, loud mouthing, stirring up trouble and being a public menace to peace and order very often leads to a big payday or in today’s lexicon it’s called “getting a bag.”
It worked for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others and now today’s generation are muscling in on the action and getting theirs. And for street cred, good PR and votes, politicians and their donors willingly pay. It’s no skin off the politicians back because it’s other people’s money they’re doling out and for the political donor class, they get their money back via government grants, contracts, etc. It’s win-win all the way around with the only suckers being the American people.
And then “we the people” show our ignorance, naivety and stupidity by reelecting those same no good dirty rotten conniving bastards who throw “we the people” under a bus every time. How sweet it is for the politicians and their donors.
But don’t mind me. I’ve been around the block a few too many times and have become cynical as hell.
danknight says
LOL. I share your view of going around the block too many times.
But I assure you, whatever you and I think of the problem; it’s a lot worse.
The Left is fully funded. They enjoy access and ‘privileges’ that none of us can imagine. When one has seen it in operation, it’s breathtaking. Like watching a skyscraper burn to the ground.
All that to say, I’m sure we’re not cynical enough.
Richard says
If you remove the L from BLM…what do you have? A BM! 🙂
Philip Arwood Byler says
danknight says
BLM may be mostly dead. But the Left isn’t.
They’re just confused by the fact that their ability to shape narratives with propaganda and to steal elections failed a few weeks ago.
Went they catch their breath so to speak: They will be back with fury.
I just hope our side will finally get ready for it.
Maha says
When the Left gets ready to speak, or more importantly, to act, laws need to be in place to dampen their enthusiasm for chaos, or at the very least, use long standing laws. City and state leaders who choose to allow chaos need to be arrested themselves as provocateurs.
Annie45 says
It’s clear from this article why there were no BLM riots after Daniel
Penny’s well-deserved not guilty verdict – and why other causes
and protests have fizzled away. What is puzzling though is why
the Hamas Palestinian protests fit into the Marxist flavor-of-the-
month causes and protests.
Muslims are taking over Europe. It’s true that the Left has let
them in in droves and that Western European governments have
persecuted their citizens while leaving Muslim illegals alone. But
Muslims on their own are relentlessly oppressive and destructive
and are determined to dominate Israel, all Jews and Christians and
indeed the rest of the world. They are a truly dangerous foe. So
how do Hamas Muslim protestors fit nicely into just another expendable
cause of the Marxists?
Maha says
The Left seems to have some lurid attraction to totalitarians. They always find an excuse for their butchery, Islamic jihadis should COMPLETELY repel the Marxist-feminists, and “LGBTQ” individuals, but they either remain silent or campaign FOR the terrorists.
I suggest when arrested for blocking sidewalks and streets in pro-terror demonstrations, they be sentenced to live in a largely immigrant neighborhood in Dearborn. Many will change their minds as a result and become recruits in the MAGA movement to save the country from their former associates.
Kasandra says
Both the Red (i.e., Leftist) and Green (Islamist) components of the “Red/Green” alliance are united in their desire to destroy Western Civilization. Won’t the Reds be surprised, if successful, when they discover Islam isn’t interested in sharing power. And it has 1400 years of experience in destroying rivals in its favor.
Walter Sieruk says
Those violent and vicious Marxist thugs of the entity ,Black Lives Matter, that masquerades as a genuine civil rights organization, are terrible. By them being so angry that Daniel Penny was found “Not Guilty” as he should have been, does reveal that men of a criminal mindset will always side which a hooligan, especially when its comes down to a race issue. Those lawless ruffians stick together like glue.
Furthermore, that those BLM members be are having such a fit and likewise caring on so much in a rage because the court ruling didn’t come out like that wanted to only exposes that immature childish mindset. So let them have a temper tantrum, who cares ?
Walter Sieruk says
That very good news and even a relief that Daniel Perry was found “Not guilty.” Nevertheless, since in really Mr. Perry was actually a hero, he should have been found “Innocent.” Still that good ruling a for the corrupted politically correct court system.
What more, Perry should have never had charges filed against him in the first place. Instead being arrested sent to court he awarded a medal for the heroic he tool by protecting all those people from that dangerous thug.
Walter Sieruk says
It has been rightly said that the letters BLM should really stand for “Burn. Loot .Murder.”
Birder says
When the right/conservatives/republicans are STRONG, the leftist commie Dems stay weak!!
Let’s stay STRONG!
Robert L. Kahlcke says
Daniel Penny, is an AMERICAN HERO. Period
God Bless you SIR.
Kasandra says
So this Newsome jerk said, “People wanna jump up and choke us and kill us for being loud? How about we do the same?” Uh, someone should tell him that 85% of interracial crime is committed by blacks (12.5% of the population). Looks to me that they’re already doing much more than “the same” in regard to hurting and killing people of other races.
Spurwing Plover says
Hawk needs to be Parachuted Out over the Amazon without a Parachute lets see him Fly
Dave Hay says
If only the terrorized subway riders had requested Neeley do the entire 17 minute M J “Thriller” video impression, none of this would happened. That seems to be the POV of some.