Considering crime rates under Soros DA Gascon, I didn’t think any special motive was needed to explain the attempted assault on Dave Chappelle. There are any number of crazies wandering around Los Angeles and the internet. And as attack plots go, this one didn’t seem too well thought out.
But it looks like the motive was political after all.
The Los Angeles man accused of attacking Dave Chappelle said he was “triggered” by the comedian’s jokes about the LGBTQ community and homelessness — as he insisted he never wanted to harm the funnyman.
In an exclusive jailhouse interview, Isaiah Lee told The Post that Chappelle should be more “sensitive” when it comes to the jokes he cracks.
“I identify as bisexual … and I wanted him to know what he said was triggering,” Lee said Saturday at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles, dressed in brown jail garb and sporting a sling on his broken right arm.
“I wanted him to know that next time, he should consider first running his material by people it could affect.”
I’m sure that next time Chappelle will run his bits past random assailants before taking it on stage.
Obviously the story would be very different if Lee had been a white male conservative offended by jokes. We would be having a loud, vocal, and very different conversaion. Instead it took the New York Post to find out his motive. Not because he was holding it back, but because the media didn’t want to know.
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