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[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]
Editor’s Note: On Friday, August 16th the Freedom Center hosted a very special event to celebrate David Horowitz’s 85th birthday and to honor his lifetime of work fighting the Left and defending liberty which continues on today through the work of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Over 100 people attended the event in Colorado Springs, Colorado, highlighted by talks given by such friends of the Center as Fox News stars Guy Benson and Monica Crowley, former Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, and the Center’s own Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield.
Below are remarks made at the event by David Horowitz himself.
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I missed you too, and am grateful to be here tonight. In our collective heart, all our culture warriors are keenly aware that without you – our supporters – we would not be able to do what we do. So, for us, you are family. And we miss you when you’re not around.
About 25 years ago, I was watching an event similar to this one featuring the comedian George Burns who also said, “I am grateful to be here tonight,” but added, “At my age, I am grateful to be anywhere.”
When I told this joke to my wife, she was not amused. Bless her heart, she believes that life is so precious, it’s a waste to dwell on the negative and be constantly depressed that it is inexorably headed toward its end. She immediately demanded that I promise her that I would live to the age of Methusaleh, and just as quickly I promised her I would. Happy wife, happy life.
Over the years, my wife’s attitude turned out to be gold for me. Without her dedicated devotion and love during these last difficult years I don’t think I would be here today, and I certainly wouldn’t have been able to look back so happily on the journey we shared. Thank you, sweetheart.
I am touched by today’s tributes and only wish our great country could share my joys and satisfactions. Instead, it is besieged by the forces of darkness and hate with such ferocity and ignorance that it is unclear whether this free and generous land as we have known it will survive.
The Freedom Center is a unique institution with a unique mission. It was founded in 1988 by two ex-radicals who were alarmed by the way American conservatives and patriots underestimated the malice of their opponents whom they insisted on referring to as “liberals” even as it became more and more obvious that there was nothing liberal about them, beginning with their hatred for their country and willingness to betray it.
Unfortunately, there is much still to be done to restore faith in our Constitution and our people. The upcoming election will be an acid test of the strength of the destructive illusions of the Republican Party, whose leaders still refer to the anti-American, anti-white Democrat Party as merely corrupt, soft on crime, and wrong-headed liberals. But all is not the same as when Peter Collier and I launched the Center thirty years ago. Patriotic America now has a leader in Donald Trump who calls out anti-American Democrats as the fascists and communists they are. He has created the first mass movement of clear-eyed conservatives in American history, naming the true motives of their assault on America, which is already a major blow against their treasonous intentions.
This evening marks a generational transition for the Center. The average age of the Center‘s current team which includes the brilliant and prolific writers Daniel Greenfield and Robert Spencer, is about 42, which is half my age and why I have moved myself to the Board transferring all my administrative responsibilities to Mike Finch, who has been president and chief fund raiser for the Center for 20 years. You have a seasoned and brilliant team here, with a crucial mission to pursue, who need your support.
In closing, I would like to review some of our achievements in advancing that mission. We were the first conservative institution to describe the unholy alliance that American leftists had made with Islamic terrorists, an alliance that today can put 100,000 supporters in American streets and on college campuses calling for “Death to America” and a second Holocaust for the Jews.
We were the first conservative institution to warn that begining in the 1970s, an anti-American, Marxist left had infiltrated and then taken control of American universities and turned them into indoctrination and recruitment centers for their sinister agendas. We did this in five books, innumerable articles, and a dozen Islamo-fascism awareness teach-ins on major college campuses.
Twenty-five years ago, we published a best-selling book – Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes – the only publication of its kind at the time warning that the race war that had been declared on white Americans was an attack on America itself.
Currently we are focused on the otherwise overlooked fact that the IRS is the chief funder of the anti-American left, beginning with the criminal Black Lives Matter organization, whose riots and race-hating rhetoric has led to the deaths of scores of people. It also funds the armed Marxist militia, Antifa and the NGOs aiding and abetting the illegal invasion of our country. In other words, thanks to the efforts of the anti-American radicals in the White House, the American taxpayer is underwriting their country’s suicide.
The little book – America Betrayed – that we put in your bags today is a historical vision of America which shows that a multi-racial society, which respects all individuals equally, is entirely feasible within America’s Constitutional framework and was almost achieved in 1963, with Martin Luther King’s historic march. But shortly thereafter it was sabotaged by the “Black Power” left who ushered in the era of Identity Politics, a throwback to the racial divisions and conflicts of the segregationist South.
With your help, we will put a copy of America Betrayed in the hands of every Republican in Congress, and everyone able to exert pressure on the political process.
This is not a happy note on which to end this reunion, but it is a necessary one if we are to arm ourselves for the battle to help our nation survive.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Happy wife, happy life.”
Boy, is that true.
It applies to girlfriends, too. You don’t want to piss them off because they’ll make your life miserable if you do. And we know it’s better to be with a happy woman than an angry one.
And you know women. Any stray word can set them off. I had one of my girls get mad at me yesterday for I don’t know what. I had to apologize and give her some sexual persuasion to appease her.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I think the “happy wife” saying is a feminist accretion – where women are the bosses and men must appease.
In reality, I think a happy wife is one whose husband lives with her in an understanding way, who provides confident, loving leadership, and whose trust is safely placed in her. That woman’s worth is above than rubies. Lots of bible references.
Jeff Bargholz says
Sounds good to me!
I wish I had that. I’m single and live in downtown San Jose though, so I date all kinds of crazy chicks and I figure it’s easier for all of us if I make them happy and don’t anger them. Angry chicks are a pain in the ass. They do weird things when they’re angry, like steal my food and toiletries. Actually, they do that stuff even though I’m nice to them. It’s a San Jose thing or tart thing I guess because it’s never happened to me before and I’ve lived in seven states and two foreign countries.
They steal my stuff but I give them credit for leaving me gifts. Greeting cards, a watch, food and some weird contraptions I don’t even know what they are.
The leftists are bad enough. I’m not going to fight a chick. I’m not married so it’s easier for me to just smile and be nice.
I wish I could be like you but until I get my regular girlfriend back, I can’t.
And boy, did the lefties destroy MLK’s dream.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Jeff, you have good instincts. I do hope you will one day find a woman who is deeply good, wildly into you, with whom you can share your life.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, me too. I had one recently but she went crazy and said I “ghosted” her and cheated on her when my cell phone stopped working. I need to get her back but I’m stubborn in a jackass way. Eventually. I never loved a chick the way I loved her. She’s the one in my avatar photo.
danknight says
Love David’s optimism …
truebearing says
He fought hard when he believed in leftism, but once enlightened to the left’s evil, fought harder to defeat them. I believe he felt that he had to do more to stop them then he did when he promoted leftism. He serves truth that will someday destroy an incredibly insidious ideology of lies.
truebearing says
David, if there is such a thing as a political saint, you are it. It matters where one starts, but it matters most where one ends up. You have been an irreplaceable witness to the left’s mission of evil and the backbone of the resistance against them. You have served the Lord courageously and with considerable self-sacrifice. May the Lord Bless you abundantly for your compassion and wisdom. May this nation never forget what you have taught us.
You have taught us all how to understand the left and their methods of operation. We all owe you endless gratitude. God Bless you, David.
PS. Something occurred to me this afternoon that is disturbing . As bad as Kamaal Harris would be for this nation, Tim Walz would be even worse as the president He has made at least 30 trips to Red China and has acted as their ambassador in every way he could. He is a traitor and a clear and present danger. All leftists are, to some extent, but most haven’t been indoctrinated and groomed by the CCP like Walz has been. If Harris wins but is subsequently assassinated, or dies from some sudden illness, China would soon be running this nation through Walz. Your warnings and attempts to wake us up have never been more essential. Thanks again.
LBsky says
This is my first time ever responding on this site after 25 years following Mr Horowitz. I usually keep very quiet but now is not the time. I live in an extremely left wing part of the country and have been so enlightened about the evils we now face and shifted from super liberal in 70’s to conservative. Following FP has been so educational. I also want to thank Truebearing whoever you are for some of the best comments here. I pray for our country that the light will shine on us all.
The Freedom Center the Target of one of Americans biggest Hate Groups the SPLC
Mo de Profit says
Keep up the great work guys you are unique.
I’m lucky to have a wonderful wife like David too.
Nancy Faught says
“God puts the kings on the thrones”
(but He does it to bless us or punish us)
Always On Watch says
If we live long enough, we “age out.” That has happened to me, and I wouldn’t have believed that possible a few short years ago.
God bless David Horowitz and the entire FPM team.
Judith2 says
Mr. HOROWITZ. I make it a point to purchase all your books to support your work…you have been an inspiration to all realistic people.. and you’ll are loved by millions who maybe cannot afford to give you the adulation you deserve…I thank God for your wise voice.
LBsky says
Thank you so much Mr Horowitz. First time comment here after following the hard truths on FPM for 25 years. G-d bless you and wonderful wife forever.
Tom says
Thanks for all you do to preserve and strengthen freedom, David. I think one of your contributing writers, Danusha Goska, is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.