Citing a large and disturbing rise in anti-Semitic incidents on American college campuses, the David Horowitz Freedom Center today announced that it is launching a new campaign to counter Jew Hatred at the nation’s colleges and universities.
On college campuses across America, hatred and bigotry directed at Jews is at an all time high. From swastikas appearing on Jewish fraternity houses to mock “apartheid walls” which disseminate mendacious Hamas propaganda, from anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions resolutions to angry and sometimes violent attempts to shut down pro-Israel speakers, America’s universities have become a new fount of Jew hatred which then leeches into our broader culture. Despite their rush to accommodate other campus minorities, American universities have done little or nothing to protect the Jewish students under their charge.
This Jew hatred is fomented by campus organizations—most notably Students for Justice in Palestine— that support the terrorist regimes in Gaza and the West bank who spread lies about the Jewish state. Chief among these lies is the claim that the Jews “stole” Arab land to create the state of Israel.
The lie that Jews stole Arab land is regarded as a universal truth by many students on campuses across the nation, even though it is a transparent falsehood. Like Jordan, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon, Israel was created on land that belonged to the Turks (who are not Arabs) for 400 years, which they lost as a result of their defeat in World War I. To take just one example of where this lie can lead a person, UCLA student Lisa Marie Mendez, who is also an employee at the UCLA Medical Center, recently wrote on social media:
“F**king Jews. GTFOH with all your Zionist bullshit.Crazy ass f**king troglodyte albino monsters of cultural destruction.F**king Jews. GTFOH with your whiny bullshit. Give the Palestinians back their land, go back to Poland or whatever freezer-state you’re from, and realize that faith does not constitute race.”
This view of Jews as the thieves of Palestinian land is far from rare, and translates into a growing hostility towards Jews on American campuses. A recent study from the Brandeis Center for Human Rights found that more than half of nearly 1,200 Jewish students surveyed at 55 campuses nationwide reported having experienced or witnessed anti-Semitism on campus during the last year.
Stop the Jew Hatred on Campus will confront the agents of this anti-Semitism by refuting the four primary and genocidal lies about the Jewish state spread by Palestinian terrorists and their campus allies which underpin the modern architecture of Jew hatred. These lies include the claims that Israel occupies Palestinian land and that Israel is an apartheid state. These lies and rebuttals to them may be found on the campaign website,
Students at campuses across the nation will participate in the campaign by holding teach-ins to raise student awareness about Jew hatred and anti-Semitism, and to combat the genocidal Hamas propaganda which has become a familiar presence on American campuses.
These teach-ins will feature speakers including David Horowitz, Daniel Pipes, Richard Cravatts and others who can expose the truth about Jew hatred on campus and the steps we must take to thwart it. Participating students may also distribute literature including the Freedom Center pamphlets Big Lies: Demolishing the Myths of the Propaganda War Against Israel and Why Israel is the Victim, organize campus film screenings, participate in postering campaigns, and hold silent vigils outside the campus offices of Students for Justice in Palestine (one of the chief instigators of campus Jew hatred) to raise awareness of these pressing concerns. These events will be concentrated during the week of March 7-11, but may also occur throughout the spring semester.
“In order to win the campus war against Israel and the Jews, our first task must be to subvert the malicious and genocidal lies that form the basis of the pro-Hamas and anti-Israel propaganda on American campuses,” stated Freedom Center founder and chairman David Horowitz. “Campus Jew-haters have been hiding their true intentions behind a false front of humanitarianism by claiming that Israel is an ‘apartheid’ state that oppresses the Palestinians. Our campaign will reveal these lies as Hamas propaganda and expose the baseless Jew hatred, absent all noble intentions, which lies at the heart of anti-Israel activism on campus.”
The David Horowitz Freedom Center, founded in 1989, is a not-for-profit organization located in Los Angeles, California. The Center is a School of Political Warfare whose mission is to identify the enemies of free societies like America and Israel, and devise ways to defeat them. To carry out this mission, the Center publishes, and These sites are visited by more than 3 million readers per month. The Center also operates a website,, which is an encyclopedia of the political left that receives more than 6 million visits per year. The Center operates a number of other programs including, the Israel Security Project run by Caroline Glick, the Individual Rights Foundation and the campaign, The Center is currently publishing a nine-volume series by David Horowitz called The Black Book of the American Left.
Elizabeth Ruiz
818-849-3470, ext. 202
[email protected]
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