[David Horowitz’s new book, Blitz: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win, was released on June 2 by Humanix Books: Order Here.]
The Freedom Center is proud to announce our exclusive new webinar series, “Teach-Ins for the Twenty-First Century.” Join us as some of the leading thinkers and pundits on the scene today discuss key issues related to the coronavirus pandemic and its ongoing implications, confronting the Left, the jihad terror threat, and much, much more. Ask your own questions of our experts!
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Join us Thursday night, June 18 at 7pm Eastern (4PM Pacific):
BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win.
“If you’re interested in debating deranged liberals with facts, you won’t want to miss this latest book.” — Donald Trump, Jr.
David will be introduced by Freedom Center Shillman Fellow, Mark Tapson.
This week’s webinar features the bestselling author and CEO of the Freedom Center, David Horowitz. David will be speaking on his new book, BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win.
BLITZ reveals the attacks made against Trump have been the most brutal ever mounted against a sitting president of the United States. Blinded by deep-seated hatred of his person and his policies, the left even desperately tried to oust Trump in a failed impeachment bid. Horowitz shows that their very attacks—targeting a man whose mission has been to “Drain the Swamp” and “Make America Great Again” backfired, turning Trump himself into a near martyr while igniting the fervor of his “base.”
With the 2020 election upon us, New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz chronicles the brutal battles, bitter backlash, and leftwing lies Trump has faced as Democrats repeatedly try to sabotage his presidency. You’ll discover the left’s terrifying socialist and, in some cases, communist agendas as you’ve never seen them before. Trump’s response? In the meantime, he’s going to steamroll this opposition in November using the same playbook he has used to win before.
David Horowitz is a conservative thinker and writer who has authored dozens of books over the course of his lifetime. He began his political career as one of the founders of the New Left in the 1960s and served as an editor of its largest magazine, Ramparts. As described in his bestselling autobiography Radical Son (1997), Horowitz was forced to confront some difficult truths about the political left after a close friend of his was murdered by the Black Panthers, and ultimately found a political and intellectual home as a conservative activist. Well-known conservative author and economist George Gilder described Radical Son as “the first great autobiography of his generation.” In 2019 Horowitz published a second autobiographical memoir, Mortality and Faith.
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