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Joe Biden decided to turn on Israel over pressure from Dearborn, Michigan, also known as Iran’s base in America.
Heavily populated by Shiites and some Sunni Islamic terror supporters, the place is notorious for its open and overt support for Hezbollah and Hamas. It’s a fact that the media used to report on before it began covering it up.
When the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed by MEMRI counterterrorism researcher describing Dearborn as “America’s Jihad Capital”, everyone from Biden to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (who has her own terror associates) as “Islamophobic”.
Biden’s condemnation had been prompted by Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud who had claimed that the WSJ op-ed was “Islamophobic” and endangered Muslims. CNN and other media outlets uncritically repeated Mayor Hammoud’s claims that the op-ed was a threat.
“In response to an Islamaphobic, Anti-Arab, and blatantly racist opinion piece published by the Wall Street Journal today, we have increased the presence of law enforcement throughout Dearborn,” Mayor Hammoud had claimed. “This is more than irresponsible journalism. Publishing such inflammatory writing puts our residents at increased risk for harm.”
What Mayor Hammoud did not mention was that he had spoken at an anti-Israel rally convened by the same pro-terrorist group.
The rally had been organized by New Generation for Palestine: a local anti-Israel group that has defended Hamas. Amer Zahr, the president of NGP, had previously stated, “we say very proudly, that we stand with every resistance against Israel and every resistance against the occupation … whether it’s called Hamas, whether it’s called Hezbollah.”
And while the media won’t report it, here’s the real face of Dearborn at another ‘Al-Quds’ rally at which Muslim supremacist colonialists lay claim to Jerusalem and the site of the Jewish Temple for their occupation mosque.
Along with “Death to America” because it’s ultimately not about Israel. The entire non-Muslim world is a target.
Screams of "Death of America" and "From the River to the Sea"
This is Michigan. The mob is doubling down on genocide – they want to destroy both Israel and America. pic.twitter.com/9OZ3Ap77yl
— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 7, 2024
This is Islam. And this is Islam in America.
At an International Al-Quds Day rally in Dearborn, Michigan, held on April 5, 2024 and streamed live on Dearborn.org on Facebook, protesters chanted: “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” Michigan activist, who is affiliated with the Hadi Institute, Tarek Bazzi said that it is not “Genocide Joe” that has to go, referring to President Biden, but it is the entire system of the United States “that has to go.” He Quoted Malcolm X, saying: “We live in one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this earth.”
A serious administration would denaturalize and deport every single one of these Islamic terrorist supporters.
Surely this is insurrection! How can anyone who seriously threatens the country he lives in and its government go investigated and unpunished?
How ? it’s easy. Just be a member of the correct political party that completely controls the judiciary, and media, and faithfully vote for that party.
One of the rottenist, huh? Well, for goodness sake, what made you leave your “little slice of paradise on Earth” for this “dive”? Darling, that just doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
I’d like to see him say that in front of me.
According to the terror org CAIR, it’s islamophobic to prevent muslims from killing Jews. It’s in the koran.
As we all can see, the government has allowed the enemy to come within our borders.
Excuse me but the indigenous people of Michigan are the Algonquin nation. Imperialist settler colonialists like Rachida Tlaib ought to go home.
“Death to America” is a popular Demo-rat bumper sticker in Dearborn… and Tehran. No sane American actually votes for Demo-rats!
And the sad, harsh fact that I keep reading is that Muslims who merely want to get along and prosper here are, by definition, not being good Muslims.
Biden courts the “Death to America” vote while the J6ers rot in jail. That is what the country has become.
Seems to me that, according to the Constitution, these elected officials representing foreign enemy terrorist interests against America are guilty of two crimes: 1)TREASON. They are inciting murder of Americans and clearly intend to overthrow the US government, which, some might say, has already been overthrown.
2) FORMING A STATE WITHIN THE STATE of Michigan, like a virus within a cell that eventually takes over the entire cell.
I’m originally from Detroit. For decades a Jew could not purchase a house in Dearborn. Well, I hope they like their new residents. Dearborn spared itself having those pesky Jews lighting Shabbos candles, or walking to shul on Saturday. But they do now have plenty of people calling for jihad. Excellent trade.
They’re moving into West Bloomfield now too.
This is just more reasons we don’t want Hamas period we want a Border Wall not a Bridge we don’t need Biden at all and we want those Hamas scum kicked out and the UN as well
Obama Biden bowed down to the Muslims in Michigan and worldwide over the last few days and affirmed that they stand firmly with Hamas, and want Hamas to survive to terrorize the Jewish people another day. Will American Jews
turn away from Obama & Biden in November ? I have serious doubts.
Oh no not again. It doesn’t matter unless you’re an anti-Semite blaming `Jews again for everything from capitalism to Marxism to voting. Give it a rest. Our numbers are way too small to sway elections.
No one in my family votes for this democrat horror.. No rabbi Ive had votes for it. I have no friends that vote for it. Are there a few elderly `jews still reading the `new `york `times? Maybe. But it’s the hateful Christian left that does have the numbers and is taking this country down.
I’m Jewish. I completely share “theam says’s” sentiment. Notwithstanding what Chay says, 65-70% of Jews vote for Democrats and provide a large portion of individual contributions to the Dem party and its candidates. Indeed, my former rabbi strongly suggested in my presence that congregants should vote Democratic because they are for “justice.”. I wish it was otherwise, and hope it will be this year, but the overwhelming Jewish vote for Dem candidates has disturbed, and even enraged, me for decades. It’s just blind devotion to a political party whose platform is, and for years has been, antithetical to objective Jewish interests.
Of course this only applies to America and Israel, not a whisper about Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iran. In the Islamic world view killing is the norm.
Ban Islam and deport all Muslims. Or just deprive them of citizenship and residency permission and then arrest and deport them whenever they come in contact with law enforcement.
These protesters should be jailed and then deported.
Sounds like Insurrection Talk to me. When will the FBI descend on him ?
They’re only saying out loud what Biden says in his heart.
Dearborn Muslim idiots get out of thh This country!! Chanting death to Americans and America…. Welll you and your followers hopefully don’t have certain people hear you because it won’t go good 4 ya!