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What was supposed to be a presidential debate between former President Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris hosted by ABC News, instead became a debate between the former president, his current challenger, and ABC’s two moderators: David Muir and Linsey Davis.
Even as Kamala Harris lied about her positions on fracking, gun control, and Israel, Muir and Davis repeatedly jumped in to argue with Trump under the guise of ‘fact-checking’ him.
The 3-on-1 debate format may very well mark the end of mainstream media presidential debates. It also represented a new low in not just media bias, but election interference.
The media marks each year by giving the public new reasons to distrust it, and ABC News, Muir, and Davis were clearly so insecure about the performance of their candidate that they repeatedly felt called on to argue with Trump instead of letting Kamala rebut him.
ABC News, Muir, and Davis also had no trust in the voters to decide for themselves.
And so what was supposed to be a debate between two candidates instead became a debate between the establishment and an insurgent. Paradoxically this cut against efforts by the Kamala campaign to brand her an “underdog: and an insurgent candidate swimming upstream.
Her persistent line throughout the evening was to “turn the page” as if she were something new.
“It is important that we move forward, that we turn the page on this same old tired rhetoric,” she insisted. And then, “Let’s not go back. We’re not going back. It’s time to turn the page.”
Kamala urged, “let’s turn the page on this. Let’s not go back. Let’s chart a course for the future and not go backwards to the past.” And finally, “Let’s turn the page and move forward.”
But what was Kamala turning the page from?
The only thing that Kamala brought to the debate that Biden could not was a different style. The incessant smirks, head tilts, and uptalk were the new coat of paint on the same old policies.
The artificial focus group tested the “turn the page” line was an attempt to make an incumbent seem like an insurgent and the establishment seem like the fresh voice of change.
“It’s important to remind the former president you’re not running against Joe Biden, you’re running against me,” Kamala barked during the debate.
But what’s the difference between Kamala and Biden? Does she represent something different or the next phase of his administration? Where does she actually differ from him? And if she does, why was the DNC platform simply copied verbatim from the one Biden signed off on?
Kamala wasn’t actually offering anything more than the illusion of newness.
“So,she just started by saying she’s going to do this, she’s going to do that, she’s going to do all these wonderful things. Why hasn’t she done it? She’s been there for 3 1/2 years. They’ve had 3 1/2 years to fix the border. They’ve had 3 1/2 years to create jobs and all the things we talked about. Why hasn’t she done it? She should leave right now, go down to that beautiful white house, go to the capitol, get everyone together and do the things you want to do. But you haven’t done it. And you won’t do it,” Trump concluded.
Kamala came into the debate with the same approach as her campaign. Unburdened by her past views or her administration’s current positions, she recited contradictory memorized speeches that reflected whatever her pollsters thought the public might want to hear.
That meant accusing Trump of being soft on China, blaming him for her administration’s disastrous pullout from Afghanistan and claiming that crime was down. It also meant howlers like contending that “there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone in any war zone around the world” when American soldiers have been killed in Syria and wounded in Iraq, and just weeks ago took part in a raid in that same country.
None of the moderators thought that needed fact-checking.
Kamala claimed on the eve of 9/11 that January 6 was the “worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” But the attacks of September 11 and the resurgence of Al Qaeda and ISIS in Afghanistan did not come up at the debate since it wasn’t nearly as important as abortion.
Instead, there was time for an extended conversation about abortion during which Kamala falsely claimed that women were being denied IVF procedures because of Trump. ABC’s Linsey Davis did not see fit to argue with that but did argue with Trump about partial-birth abortion.
Asked about whether she supports any restrictions on killing children in the womb, Kamala refused to answer. Davis naturally did not see fit to follow up on that question.
“We’re not taking anybody’s guns away!” Kamala then claimed in what the NRA deemed to be “the most egregious lie in the history of presidential debates”. And that’s understating it. The entire purpose of gun control is to restrict and then end future firearms sales, and then begin the process of taking away existing guns. Kamala had endorsed mandatory gun buybacks.
Kamala repeated the myth that there had been some “bipartisan deal” that would have secured the border, when in reality it was a Democrat proposal that would have kept illegal alien invaders flowing into the United States.
All of these lies and myths were not fact-checked, instead, they are the media’s own positions.
The presidential debate just brought home the fact that any interaction between a Republican, a conservative, and the media is a debate. The 3 on 1 debate reflected not just different views, but different realities. The media was desperate to talk about abortion but showed little interest in inflation. ABC News pushed global warming but had nothing to say about September 11.
In this alternate reality and only there, Kamala can be a fresh new voice who is out to ‘turn the page’. But the administration hasn’t changed. Kamala is part of whatever team is running the country now. The only thing Kamala seems to want to turn the page on is all her past positions.
Asked about her past calls to ban fracking and seize guns, Kamala claimed once more that “my values have not changed”. If Kamala’s values haven’t changed, then her real views haven’t changed either. That’s something ABC News could have asked her about it if it was serious.
But the only thing ABC News and the rest of the media were serious about was beating Trump.
The same media pumping up Kamala had mounted the campaign to topple Biden and replace him with her. Kamala is not the candidate voted for by her own party but by the media. This was not a debate with a candidate, but with an interchangeable establishment that could swap out Biden for Kamala without missing a beat.
And as the media’s candidate, ABC News, Muir and Davis tried to prop her up. They got her the nomination. And they did everything possible to try and help their candidate win. In doing so the media showed its hand. And that may be a greater mistake than the media realizes.
Who is Kamala Harris? …no one still knows…but we did get a review of every STANDARD lie the Democrat party has ever launched since
2015…with complete acquiescence from the looney debate hosts whose ignorance of current events prevented them from fact checking the vast unedited parade of disinformation. Trump was “forcefed” failed fake news as nauseum and requested to answer profundities on a level with “why was the earth still flat” during your term in office? It was just an abuse session…a third impeachment and a disgrace to American journalism…I wonder why Trump still cares? Oh yes. There really is an America outside the dem-communist machine that desperately needs rescuing from these fanged monsters of the left…Kamala really does have fangs and horns.
. That is what we learned.
Daniel in this article made the points that Trump should have but didn’t make effectively. Yes the moderators were biased. We knew they would be. Yes, Kamala was vacuous, parroting lines she had learned, but she, not Trump, was always on the defense and, together with the moderators, put Trump on the defense. Trump allowed this and took the bait set by Kamala and the moderators to waste time going down rabbit holes on issues that don’t promote his case against her. His whole approach should have been “are you better off today, after three years of Kamala and Biden than you were during my administration? And then answer with a no and clearly click off why- immigration, crime, inflation etc with examples, some facts. Trump failed to do that despite urging from his people. Harris won this debate, standing up and even bullying Trump into looking whinny and repeating his old schtick about the 2020 election. Just awful. Will it matter in this close race? Don’t know, but I do know every little thing counts and Harris proved she could stand up to Trump and didn’t need a security blanket to force him to look foolish.
I meant to writ that Harris was always on OFFENSE
Yes, Trump could have done better, but it was still three against one. The debate topics, follow up questions, and live fact checks were so biased for Harris as to make the moderators into participants.
Sorry.,,,Harris repeating memorized talking points is standing up to Trump? And if everything little thing counts then her arrogant smug demeanor won Trump this race.
Anybody want to comment on “Israel will be gone in two years if I don’t get elected”? That was a pretty smart thing for Trump to say, huh?
not true
it’s probably like 4-8 years until the DNC adopts that as its platform
probably sooner in Michigan
I believe future Attorney General Keith Ellison will be drafting the specifics of that platform.
I said something along those lines in comments on A7 and got blasted. Some Israelis don’t realize how serious the situation is, or the way the American system works.
There is a big push in Israel to get Israelis to hate America in general, rather than the Democrat Administration.
Hey dumbass. Considering the DNC openly caters to & placates their growing Hamas base, Israel would be abandoned at best; betrayed (more brazenly) at worse.
All the Democrats have to offer is illusions: media spin, laughs and funny faces, focus group tested sound bites, etc. Shallow and superficial.
There is a much more insidious reason they offer this. I assume it has to do with massive foreign interference .
Thanks Judith. Here is a thought. What if DJT actually out foxed all of them? How? By setting his opponent up so their true disposition, injurious administrations, and non-solutions would be laid bare to a candid world. That possibility certainly puts last night’s “debate” into a much different context. Something to ponder.
Last night proved to me that I am correct in no longer watching the TRASH MEDIA SUCH AS ABC ! How fit I know Kamala was lying – her lips were moving!
the only reason to watch the media is to get the Left’s perspective and more often messaging on issues
it’s like tuning in to Russian or Chinese State TV
Tuning into the left is revealing. I used to get Soviet and Chicomm publications. I heard Radio Tirana on short wave.
That’s why the Legacy Media are referred to as Presstitutes.
The goal of these parasitic leftists is to destroy the American foundations to transform America in a revolutionary way into a socialist country. From there, conservatives must fight to preserve what makes this country interesting. As imperfect as it may be, but the problems must not be solved by Marxism, socialism, collectivism, crony capitalism, over-bureaucracy, progressivism. There is a real battle to be fought. On the ground. All the problems have been described by conservative intellectuals, but describing the problems is not solving the problems. And since all these problems have been described, everything has been getting worse, year after year. Conservatives must lead a conservative counter-revolution. And it will happen in the streets, not on the internet, Facebook and company. Not by spending part of your time reading, listening to intellectuals describe the problems. The Bible, which is a book of wisdom, of poetry, is also a book of action. Actions are taken. Actions are taken against Pharaoh for example. Moses and Aaron do not just describe the problems and talk to people.. They take action. And they do it not only for themselves, but also for future generations
May God protect you and gives you strength.
Nicolas Carras
I PREDICTED that the questions would be worded so she could take the basketball to score points when he was constantly on defense. Most of her answers were like the Final Closing Statement, looking at the camera in a scripted, and planned, Red Light, “speaking to the people.”
Was she given the questions in advance, or did she give them the questions to ask? She immediately, and suspiciously, came out with the Canned Answers.
She then repeated “BLOODBATH”, and he corrected her but it’s possible that she, Biden, and America didn’t know the full context of the comment since ALL the media clips I saw said, “He said if he loses, there’s going to be a bloodbath.” CUT. This implying that MAGAS were going on a rampage of revenge. (I called out local media and they didn’t return calls. I also put out a comment on their news line tips, still no reply. They couldn’t.) THE FINE PEOPLE has been debunked too by Snopes, a far-left site. No fact-checking her on that one too.
Were Haitian’s eating pets? If not true, which media outlet put out FAKE NEWS that he then repeated? He mentioned he read about it… BY FAKE NEWS? We’ll see if there is truth to the claim and not FAKE NEWS. Witnesses will speak up today if true… but will the MSM cover that up too?
NOTICE NO QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT and what Biden/Harris are doing about it and ensuring that all branches of the government will investigate! If that happened to KH or Biden… ! Instead, another cover-up by them and the MSM to keep it out of the news cycle.
CROOKED REFEREES who were stealing the ball from him, calling ghost fouls, and even trying to remove points he scored. I was hoping he would challenge the refs and even call them “YOU’RE MORE THAN FAKE NEWS… YOU’RE CROOKED REFEREES AND OBVIOUS ONES TOO!”
“HAVE YOU MET WITH PUTIN?” She then repeats about meetings with Zelensky. Putin endorsed her and so did, SURPRISE, Taylor Swift and that made headlines??? LOL! We’re back to high school popularity contests where the likes of SCREECH WINS FOR HOMECOMING QUEEN!
Thanks Steve! Even if she didn’t have the questions in advance, her intense debate preparation could have prepared her for all the likely questions.
it’s not as if the questions were any harder to guess at
inevitable questions about J6, democracy, abortion
easy enough to pre-script speeches for
Exactly. Thanks Daniel !!!
Frankly, I believe this “debate” is just one more brick in the road to hell for our republic. The bias was so obvious, the camera work so manipulative (every eye-roll, every smirk of Kamala’s was on screen as Trump spoke, while none of Trump’s were), that this was just one more infomercial masquerading as “news”. But then, what should we expect?
These DNC cheerleaders pawning themselves off as moderators stunningly managed to surpass Candy-ass Crowley’s coordinated set-up on Mitt Romney in 2012.
The vicioys slut told around 25 bald-faced lies, and was not “fact checked” even ONCE!
One would think they’d have at least called the bitch on the debunked “good people on both sides” lie.
Especially since Jack Tapper & Snopes had previously done that debunking already.
The famous “both sides” lie stands as the most thoroughly debunked, yet most repeated lie in history.
The moderators decided to maintain that lie – afterall, they have a democracy to save!
It was an infomercial, like nothing-down real estate. We don’t need no stinkin’ fact checking!
We are screwed beyond belief as the prime focus should be our collective genocide via 3 methods: Bioweapons and killer “cures”, Net Zero (deaths from shorrgaes and inability to stay warm) and Nuclear Armageddon. If this is new info to you, you havent been paying attention.
How those two ABC News moderators conducted themselves during last night’s debate was despicable. They should be banned from ever getting involved in Presidential debates again, and frankly so should ABC News. Also, no moderator should ever take it upon themselves to ‘fact-check’ a candidate. That is the purview of We the People. That action also begs the question: Who is fact-checking their fact-checking? One of the candidates also appeared very condescending and passively aggressive. They attacked, but never offer any facts or explanations concerning their past and current actions, non-actions, positions, etc. We the People are entitled to know all that. Finally, that same candidate was void of word salads. For us, that should be ‘silent evidence’ (N. Taleb) that candidate probably knew ahead of time what questions were going to be asked. What a “Soviet style” sham trial!
Thanks TJ! Fact checking during debates should be banned. For one thing, real fact checking would require a lot of research, at a minimum internet lookup would be required. Noone can check all that stuff out of their head in real time.
They didn’t even fact check Kamala. She stood there and lied with her sardonic smile the whole time. It was Trump who told the truth, and he gets credit for that and accomplishments. We aren’t voting for people who have been placed in government instead of elected. They are appointed by Obama, not elected by the people. Thats the verdict of it all. This country has been taken over by the elites and oligarchs.
Like in Ancient Rome, a covert Oligarchy rules.
It’s been rumored for a long time that we are in fact a people ruled by the MIMIC (military-industrial-media-intelligence complex). I think last night’s debate was obvious proof.
Coupmala presenting a sardonic smile should be an alert to “imagine” (one of her repeated word salad ingredients) its cause, which would be disease or poisoning.
I have to give her one thing: she is well-schooled in the Goebbels method of propaganda and character assassination. She even repeated that old debunked saw about Charlottesville, which was left unchallenged by the moderators.
Didn’t think these cheerleaders could debase themselves worse than Candy Crowley, but they did.
I heard a clip of their questions, and they couldn’t have been more loaded in favor of Kommie “I’m not Willie’s daughter” Harris.
Harris should have been sitting with the “moderators.” They were the tactical team. On the other hand, MAGA people already know where the legacy media stands …with ABC the worst…so this is going to backfire on the “assassins” from ABC.
Trump knew this would happen but went ahead with it anyway. That took courage. Something not a single democrat anywhere in this country possesses.
From what I’ve seen of democrats they’re a bunch of fat, pompous, self righteous, sniveling, snot nose, soft & squishy cowards and sissies.
Along with the RINO’s.
RINOs are the most contemptible breed in Washington DC.
…who serve their masters well.
No. That took dumb. His ego is so monumental he thinks he is always the winner. And he said as much to Hannity after debate (heard via other sources as I quit Hannity years ago).
Corporate ABC is clearly in the Democrats camp, and the director of the news is a personal friend of Harris.
But, how is this biais going to work against them when the other Fake News outlets have the same alignment?
The critical thing is to win undecideds and change people’s minds. It looks like they almost guarantee an election close enough so that they can use their fraud machine to count to victory without worrying that an audit could detect it.
Debate ? What a debate! Harris has parroted like a good parrot that has been hammered into her head over the last 2 months by the invisible fascist influencers, even if it was the exact opposite of her real position, compare her statements from the last 4-6 months where she rarely enough said anything political in public. So she lied to the camera with a smile without a wink and responded to Tramp’s fact-based answers, mostly meaning he was lying (?!). The “moderators” let her get away with it 90% of the time, but with Trump they tried to upset him several times with distorted facts.
She had the questions ahead of time. All msm
Debates are rigged for democrats. It is evil and she is a evil witch.
Something interesting to know would be to find out if they practiced together before the show.
You gonna comment on this asshole, Greenfield?
Awwww, is wittle mickey upset? Undies in a bunch? Sensitivities rattled.
Well, too bad.
Greenfield tells truths! Listen to the messenger.
Trump should have known what he would be dealing with and been prepared. But Trump doesn’t believe in debate prep, and it showed in his very sloppy performance, Lots of missed opportunities and own goals. Yes, ABC brought up the questions Democrats thought would stir up their base while putting Trump in a bad light – abortion obviously, but also January 6, the 2020 election, and climate change., but also brought Harris’ racial identity into the debate, which he didn’t handle well.
A primary strategy for Harris, it seems, was to get under Trump’s skin, to get him to look and sound unpresidential, and in that she succeeded. I suspect Harris deliberately injected known lies about Trump into the debate – none challenged by the “moderators” – specifically to upset and anger him. She brought up Charlottesville, insults to the military, “bloodbath”, his aspirations to be “dictator”, cops “died” on January 6 – all lies. And one could see Trump reacting to them as he stood silent, and then he wasn’t.
Lost opportunities abounded, but he doesn’t prepare, he wings it. Despite immigration being one of his strongest issues, he badly flubbed the chance to challenge Harris on the “bipartisan” border bill, instead ranting about illegals killing people’s pets. Even a simple one, with Harris repeatedly referencing growing up “middle class”, deserved a reference to her very upper class Montreal neighborhood. And no reminder of her claim to be the “last person in the room”.
I wonder if it wouldn’t have been better to skip the debate altogether, rigged as it surely was and as unprepared as he was. He managed to win the primaries without them but, while he may have thought he’d prevail over Harris as he did over a weak Biden, I don’t think he did so last night.
Thanks Raymond! Excellent analysis of the debate preparation issue. I would have had intense preparation for several days at least.
From now on the RNC should insist on one conservative moderator for real balance. And not a mealy mouthed RINO like Romney. And zero sponsorship by the likes of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS or NBC.
You might not get the enemedia or the Communist candidate to agree but at least we wouldn’t have to put up with BS questions and obvious bias.
Better no debate than having to always go through the charade pretense that everything was fair.
I couldn’t stomach watching last night. Why bother. But I heard that the mods dragged Commiemala over the finish line, declared victory, and basically treated Trump like a disease. Anyone surprised?
” for real balance.”
Do they know what a balance is?
Trump needed to correct Kamala when she said “2 Capitol police officers were killed on Jan 6th”-not true
plus Kamala said she was there at the Capitol that day-not true she wasn’t there. Trump did successfully mention that he asked for 10,000 National guard troops, and that Nancy Pelosi is on tape admitting that she was responsible for the security failure (Interesting how the moderators didn’t follow up with Kamala if she confronted Nancy Pelosi on her admitting her security failure once the many tapes came out with Nancy saying that). This whole debate was not run by an independent media but an arm of the DNC. Disgusting and blatant election interference. We need to expose the Marxist revolutionaries or we will be like Venezuela like Trump mentioned.
No police officers were killed on Jan. 6. The police killed four civilians.
It was sickening to watch. It will be even more sickening if Harris gets elected. Did America see through Harris’ fraudulent self? That is the big question today and going forward. Trump 2024 more than ever.
Turning the page on the same old book.
This helps no one. How about:
Pardon me but uh… You might want to take your Swastika armband off and tuck your sheet in before you make a comment like that.
Despite the 3-to-1 odds, President Trump emerged largely unscathed. The only damage done was to the principles of fair debate and free speech.
How many other people were screaming at the television when the Commie Comrade Cackling Kamalalala
The Witch Whore of Babylon was spewing her lies?
Commie Comrade Cackling Kamalalala
The Witch Whore of Babylon would never accept a debate on Fox. It was 3 on one and Commie Comrade Cackling Kamalalala never answered the question if she met Putin , she said she met the President of Ukraine and if she felt responsible for the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan, she said there are no soldiers there now.
Like she did with Lester Holt who asked her if she ever went to the border Commie Comrade Cackling Kamalalala said, I’ve never been to Europe either.
I knew the fix was in the day ABC was announced as the moderator of the debate. Then the completely blue set. Kamala had the list of debunked hoaxes all lined up knowing no pushback was forthcoming. Tired vacuous bromides at the ready. Then the ultimate endorsement for Harris. Tailored Swift right at the end. The phony baloney, plastic banana, good time rock n Roll*
Charade was complete. . *(hat tip to the late great Rush Limbaugh.). Now the sirens of propaganda can burp up.a victory parade for komrade Kamala. Was this predictable or what?
Yeah, the idea that we should take political direction from an Airhead like Taylor Swift is quite irritating.
You rail against anti-semitism and yet here you are being a complete racist.
What the hell is wrong with you.? We are one people, one race, made in God’s image.
What should the idiotic Trump team have expected? They could have called me because they – and to some extent DJT – are clueless. Here is your wake up call. ABC is worst of MSM, because of Disney ownership. Disney is run by Atheists so they are first to do Gay Day in Corp America. as the firsts “officially” woke Anti Christian organizationm. They do this for the children. Thank you Mr Eisner for being such an early progressive Communist Atheist. Megyn is spot on.
With so much at stake, ABC probably forwarded the Harris Campaign advanced copies of the debate question format Muir and Davis were going to ask, as anyone could see that her answers were rehearsed and scripted to the ABC debate format. Her plastic facial gestures and especially that nauseating smile, which resembled the front grill of a 1956 Cadilac became almost intolerable to bear. Trump knew he was going into enemy country by agreeing to this debate and you can’t possibly come out a winner, much less break even when you’re debating not only the opposition candidate but the moderators as well. IMHO Mr./ Trump should have never agreed to debate Harris in a public news medium that was ideologically already on her side and was going to do everything it could to script the debate format in her favor.
I watched the 3 to 1 “debate” here in Dublin, Ireland, very early this morning. To sum up my feelings, they are VERY anxious. If Harris happens to squeeze in, the whole world will be in grave danger. It is not only the USA who NEEDs PRESIDENT Trump; it is the whole WORLD who needs him. For the sake of Western Civilization, you guys in the USA who have a vote need to use it and vote MAGA. God Bless Us All.
Mr. Greenfield’s analysis and the comments after are well stated and accurate, but miss the perspective of the debate’s message.
Most of the audience have probably made up their minds on how to vote. The independents and other undecided people are the true audience? Most of them likely don’t fact check or are skilled at doing it. The politician’s ad users are fantastic at avoiding, changing or disguising the truth.
I’m a Trump donor and supporter. Take this comment in that context.
The President gave a presentation that showed a lack of good preparation, in my view.
He missed many chances to expose Harris for the fabricator she is.
ABC had a clear bias but everyone knows that. The President had a bad exchange at a Black journalists event with the female moderator and knew what her approach was going to be..
The split screen was a gift to President Trump. Her. body language showed her arrogance and painted a good picture of whom she really is.
President Trump knew he was the only one who could hold her feet to the fire. He was inarticulate and juxtaposed against her looked like a weak opponent. She was well prepared except for body language and artiulated well, with the lies that may not have been appreciated by many viewers.
Thank the Lord she helped Trump with her visual arrogance.
“inarticulate and juxtaposed against her looked like a weak opponent”
Exactly, unfortunately. I fear age is taking it’s toll.
“We will have to ‘correct’ Donald Trump
And give Kamala Harris a bump
While acting quite pious
And disguising our bias
So to make Donald look like a grump.”
If Kamala has changed, she is either disloyal, opportunistic or both. After all, on what basis does a VP not act on her concerns, or at least bring it to someone’s attention that she is being blocked from doing so, if indeed she is, during her incumbency, rather than waiting until she is seeking election to the number one job? And if she hasn’t changed, then she’s hopeless anyway. Just more decoratively hopeless than Mr. Biden.
She had the questions beforehand and had her responses memorized. She cannot speak contemporaneously at all, she’s just not very bright and cannot respond cogently in real time. But in this instance, she had canned answers to every question, no hesitation (but her answers were vapid bromides, nothing more).
I’m convinced Kamala knew the questions and her answers were previously rehearsed.
Kamala Harris is a Trojan HORSE for the Marxist Party. Plus, she lies a lot.
She’s also a horse’s ass!
Anyone with an I.Q. larger than their shoe size could see that this was clearly the Kamala show, both in softball questions and camera angles. I wonder if viewers came away with the impression that Kam is an empty, cliche-spewing hack with no visionary center, like I did. I’d like to think this “victory” was more pyrric than not. Donald, it ain’t over yet.
How did Kamala survive her debate?
Screenshots: Kamala Harris’s Interesting Choice of Earrings During Last Night’s Debate—They Look Identical to the Nova H1 Audio Earrings – Right State Nation
“During last night’s presidential debate, Kamala Harris’s performance wasn’t the only thing raising eyebrows. Her choice of earrings caught the attention of many viewers, with sharp-eyed observers pointing out that they appeared identical to the high-tech Nova H1 Audio Earrings—a gadget that functions as both jewelry and a wireless headset.”
Please watch this brilliant analysis by Caroline Glick of last nights debate. Please take the time to share this important commentary with your friends and family. We can also allow this red witch to become the president of our country. If she does, it really will be the end.
They say President Trump was ill-prepared; would it change much if he was perfectly prepared? The goal of the so-called “debate’ was not to demonstrate that Kamala’s “plan” was good. It was to utterly and publicly humiliate Trump and the republican party. Might makes right. Do they care if Kamala looks untruthful? No, they are proud of their omnipotence, including the ability to lie in your face and get away with it.
President Trump, on the other hand, no matter how righteous in the eyes of his adherents, looked as if he was on the defensive, an outcast. The Republican establishment was not even able to organize a level-ground debate in a neutral, not even speaking of a favorable, setting. The idea was to present him as an accused person on a Moscow-style show trial rather than a former US president who achieved so much despite the totalitarian obstruction on the part of the Deep State.
So the problem here was not Trump. It was the republican establishment that betrayed him before, during, and after his tenure as president. And continues to be impotent facing the democrat Leviathan.
As with all from the leftists M.S. Media Gutter Dwellers the Awful Broadcasting Company(ABC)favors the Demo-Rats