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You may have seen this video or this story of the latest leftist eco-terrorist attack on classical art.
Climate protesters have vandalised the display case of Edgar Degas’ Little Dancer sculpture at the National Gallery of Art museum in Washington, D.C.
Two protesters… smeared red and black paint on the display case of the small wax sculpture titled La Petite Danseuse de quatorze ans or Little Dancer Aged Fourteen, which was created by the French impressionist artist in 1880.
Kaywin Feldman, the director of the museum, “unequivocally denounced this physical attack,” she said in a statement. She called Little Dancer “a priceless work of art”. The sculpture was taken off display while museum conservators “assess potential damage,” Feldman said.
On Twitter, video footage posted by the Washington Post shows a man and a woman dressed in black suits daubing the case with paint before then staging a sit-in protest in front of the vandalised case before being handcuffed and forcibly detained by security… The Federal Bureau of Investigation is assisting in the investigation, Feldman said.
I’m sure we can expect a lot from the FBI when investigating the political allies of the Biden administration.
The two eco-vandals were named on social media as being with Declare Emergency. The environmentalist activist group’s own tweets suggest that this is the case.
Photos from today's action. Check our Facebook or Instagram for live feeds. @DecEmergency is the handle for both of those, too.#declareemergency #StopWillow #A22Network #Degas #nationalgalleryofart
Three people detained atm as far as we’re aware.
— Declare Emergency (@DecEmergency) April 27, 2023
Declare Emergency is a 501(c)(4) which means that it’s registered with the IRS. The donation site states that, ”
Even though we’d really like to be able to tell you your donation to this very important cause is tax deductible, we regretfully cannot. The IRS says our 501(c)4 non-profit is not set up that way.”
A group engaging in illegal activity should not be able to have 501(c)(4) status, but despite that, the IRS has done nothing. That’s not surprising as Front Page Magazine has spent months chronicling the IRS’ role in allowing leftist illegal activity from BLM to pedophilia to continue.
Declare Emergency fundraises through Action Network which is also a 501(c)(4). We did our own digging into the Action Network which serves a spectrum from Antifa to the DNC.
The Action Network was set up by Senator John Kerry’s digital director during the Occupy Wall Street riots, is emblematic of the relationship between the Democrat establishment and the most extreme elements of the Left.
Beyond the DNC, the Action Network is the fundraising platform for the AFL-CIO, Black Lives Matter, the Women’s March, the DSA and Communist Party USA. The spectrum reflects the growing extremism that the Democrats have become complicit in and even directly support.
Connected by a shortlink titled ‘DefendAntifa’, the International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund, its fundraising page flying the Antifa flag and bearing a banner “Free All Antifa Prisoners” describes itself as providing “direct, immediate support to anti-fascists” including medical bills, legal defense and an “antifa prisoner fund”, uses the Action Network: a leftist 501(c)(4) and (c)(3).
The Action Network boasts that “after three months of using Action Network the DNC shattered all sorts of fundraising records.” The Antifa defense fund, which claims to have dispensed $75,000 in three years, is apparently also doing well with the overlapping DNC donor base.
All of this is wildly illegal but the IRS has failed to act. And the result is more vandalism going unpunished.
Mindless Morons. Tragic.
“The Marching Morons.” That story was the basis of the movie “Idiocracy.” Both are hilarious although Kornbluth’s story is darker.
And it is a tragedy. We’re stuck with these destructive morons.
Galaxy – April 1951, just downloaded it. Thanks!
You’re welcome 🙂
You can expect a lot from institutions dedicated to your memory/legacy. Speaking financially
We failed to implement Utopia.
We have no excuse. And the Utopia-deprived are the victims here and have every entitlement, nay, mandate to strike out.
Destruction of civilizational artifacts, like school shootings, are cathartic, grassroots celebrations of inevitable indignation.
It’s who we are.
That’s a good point. They are protesting that we failed to deliver Utopia.
They are to be applauded for their demanding standards.
I’m surprised their appearance wasn’t presaged by astronomical displays and the echo of distant trumpets.
Maybe they ought to try building it themselves. But that’s too hard.
These miscreants need to get a life. Make no mistake, they do not have a cause. They use “eco” as an excuse to behave this way and just want the rush of getting away with vandalism and criminal behavior. Since they are not held accountable and punished severely (government condones them) they will become even more brazen and destructive and get even more addicted to the rush of getting away with it.
On an individual level, yes. But the connections Daniel points out are the more important point here.
There will always be some young, easily brainwashed and aroused to rebellion pranksters. The hands pulling the puppet strings are important to note. The same hands are running our country.
I wonder why they bother with fake eco pranks. Why not go full Nazi? These pranksters would probably love to join in on that.
Full Nazi is on the way. God help us.
Good point KH. I was thinking about that last night. Nazism = strict conformance to the official worldview, no matter how absurd.
From the picture, these people did not look young. Not at all. They looked as if they just drove past the last exit to a meaningful existence and are staring longingly in the rear view mirror, knowing that their time is up. In fact, their whole, meaningless, hedonistic existence is up. The next generation after them will be sensible, intelligent, religious, and often home-schooled.
Good point Steven, peculiarities of an adrenaline/testosterone high. I wonder if that kind of high has been scientifically studied.
Has the National Gallery gone woke and reassigned the security guards?
The guard appears to be smiling.
Thanks KH, I noticed that too. Maybe smiling at the absurdity of it? I can’t read him better than that.
He’s probably a retard.
Thanks Jeff, that could explain it. I didn’t think of that 🙂
Good point. Many years ago my father and I were admiring one of Monet’s Waterlilies paintings at the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh. My father was an artist and he was interested in Monet’s technique, particularly his brush strokes, so he held his finger a few inches away from the painting and made the motions that would most likely have created those brush strokes. A guard was next to him within seconds, and after a brief friendly explanation the guard left. How long did it take a guard to get to that exquisite, fragile piece of sculpture? Thank Heaven it was encased in plexiglass. That work belongs to the little dancer who posed for it, to the artist who labored over it, and it belongs to every generation following that appreciates the beauty of ballet and of the plastic arts. Nobody has a right to touch it.
Total idiots these people are they should be made to clean it all up themselves and buy the materials with their own Money here we have Stupid and I’m with Stupid for real
M. Scott Peck wrote a book about evil called “The People of the Lie.” In it, he describes different kinds / levels of evil. The stupid people are the “bank tellers of evil.” They do not contemplate anything much except their ministerial tasks. The deeply evil are the ones who know they do evil and know whom they serve by doing it.
But, at all levels, evil is being perpetrated and being stupid becomes inexcusable at some point. And these two are WAY past that point. Yes, on some level they are stupid and should wear the t-shirts. But they know these objects of art are beautiful and of great importance. Therefore, “stupid” is not the best word for them. They are evil and enemies of what is good, cloaked in malice and envy. In a sane world, they would be arrested and charged with a crime and made deeply to regret what they have done.
They know enough aesthetically to dress up like they are respectable people. Yet they damage a priceless work of art. I can’t fathom it.
We can only hope that the work was well enough protected that no harm came to it. It was not apparent that any did. It is a beautiful, beautiful piece!
Attacks on art are attacks on civilization. Look at these clowns and tell me why the expense of a trail or incarceration is necessary or can deter future acts. Just shoot em and dump em in a landfill.
It’s time for Republicans to realise that the Stupid Party dynamic is correct. It isn’t correct because the average Democrat vs. the average Republican is stupid. It’s correct because the Republican Party is stupid. And they’re not going to fix it with Trump.
It really is the Stupid Party vs. the Evil Party. Given the history of Rome we know what results to expect. Then we have Crassus Trump. More crass than Trump we do not expect to get.
Would you stop it with the TDS? It’s unhealthy for you, babe.
Crassus, the richest man in Rome. Perhaps the richest man of all time. Tough looking guy. Made an alliance with Caesar and Pompey, Crassus being the money man. Then in a colossal display of hubris and arrogance and military cluelessness, marched his army into Parthia (modern Turkey) and was annihilated by the different strategy and tactics they used.
Leaving the field open for Caesar and Pompey to go to war against each other.
The Parthians were good with their bows and arrows, weren’t they? Crasssus fucked up. One of the worst Generals in history.
And from what I read, those arrows were practically the size of spears, like the one which killed Alexander.
Yeah, those Parthian tactics. Mounted archers, retreat to draw the enemy forward into a trap, firing arrows in the meantime. Someone came up with the idea of having camels carrying baskets of arrows so the mounted archers could restock their arrow supply.
You sure it was modern Turkey and not something closer to Afghanistan? I’ve read that the Parthians were the Latin name for Pashtun, though that could be wrong. But if they were Pashtun, nothing changes and nobody can touch them.
Even if we win elections we lose. Not that we’re going to win elections. What stupid person doesn’t realise that?
No, because everything we’ve been doing up until now has malfunctioned and the first malfunction is that Trump idiot. It doesn’t a genius to realise that. It takes Democrat.
Even from the UK perspective you’d hear people talking. They’re like, Trump is going to fix this. Trump is not going to fix this, dude.
The GOP: They don’t know what they believe, They don’t know what they’ll be compelled to believe next week. It doesn’t matter they know Newt. Newt says Dems are compelled to overshoot. Well, that’s perfectly correct.
First you need to get rid of Trump. He’s thick. Then you need to get of Newt He’s been there way too long. That’s if you want to fight. Probably you don’t want to fight and that’s what we’re seeing.
GOP hasn’t had a good strategist since Lee Atwater.
How is Anne Marie Waters doing?
Would you please be quiet and stop telling us how to run our country? You might not have noticed, but we beat the crap out of the world’s greatest military power — twice — in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. We’re a sovereign nation now. Deal with it.
Trump has very few ideas. That’s why he’s always trusting the expert factory. They have expert ideas.
We need them all gone. They should have been gone a long time ago. :Like Rome.
They should have been gone a long time ago. Like the media which is all they really speak to.
I think very few ideas enter his reality TV show brain except ideas about how he is going to have a new Bush style political dynasty. That is the most charitable explanation I can come up with.
Very deeply regretful for ever entering into this farce nobody needs to enter into. They will sort themselves out. Actually, they are not very different.
You’re obsessed with Big Don Trump. Think about something else, for your own health.
A whore? Seriously? Your TDS is very serious. You need some therapy, babe.
Whores get paid.
Who pays Trump?
Oh, shut up, buttercup.