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From where have the drones come? What is their purpose? Is it possible the U.S. Government would lie to the American people? The answer to the first two questions is that we in the public cannot be sure, nor can Congress. The answer to the third is an unqualified “Yes!”
Whether they come from another country like Iran, Russia, China, North Korea or somewhere else is a possibility. Much more likely, though, they are U.S. government drones searching desperately for something. There has been vast speculation on what that might be. We are told that there is radioactive material missing but the Biden administration does not indicate that the two occurrences are linked.
Now citizens are asking whether the Biden administration would be willing to use a national emergency, whether contrived or authentic, arising out of these or other circumstances, to declare martial law and refuse to swear in the new President on January 20 as constitutionally required.
We have seen during the last sixteen years that Democrat leaders have quite often accused Republicans of engaging in exactly the sort of questionable or illegal conduct that the Democrats were in fact guilty of themselves. The whole Trump-Russia hoax, we eventually learned, was fabricated by a British former spy in collusion with, among others, the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC. Ultimately, Christopher Steele admitted that the people who provided the fabricated story for the dossier may well have been working for Putin.
President Trump was even charged by the Democrats through impeachment with using his official position to demand a quid pro quo from Ukraine. As it turns out, President Trump did not commit this offense, but Vice President Biden is on video bragging about his doing that very thing.
True to form, Democrats are now accusing President-elect Trump of intending to weaponize the federal government because that is what they did. They have accused him of intending to weaponize the IRS and our Intelligence agencies because they have already misused federal resources in this way. The psychological term is “projecting.”
In 2020, Democrats accused President Trump of intending to declare martial law in an attempt to keep himself in office beyond January 20. He did not so intend. He wanted to have a fair counting of the votes and electors. Yet, he was charged with felonies for wanting to obtain a fair and open counting. President Trump’s supporters followed the process that Senator John F. Kennedy did in 1960 in pursuing an alternate set of electors from Hawaii who would vote for him. However, in that case, Nixon conceded and it was not necessary to fight over the Hawaiian electors.
In 2000, Senator Al Gore was in the process of pursuing an alternative set of electors when the Supreme Court decision came down and it became a moot point. In neither 1960 nor 2000, did Republicans dream of charging Senator Kennedy or Senator Gore with any type of felony. But Democrats certainly did when it came to President Trump in 2021.
Since it is quite clear that some Democrat officeholders are willing to do exactly what they falsely claim Republicans have done or do, we need to take seriously their prior allegations of Republicans’ willingness to delay inaugurating a newly-elected President. If these accusations turn out to be another instance of Democrats projecting their own malicious intentions, we must nip it in the bud before it happens.
Here is yet another instance in which history may be instructive.
On December 6, 1876, electors cast their ballots, but neither Presidential candidate received the required number to win. “Conflicting sets of electoral votes were returned from Florida, Louisiana, Oregon and South Carolina…[On 01/29/1877] An Act, signed by President Grant, creates a Commission to resolve the contested electoral votes. The commission consists of five members from each house plus five Supreme Court justices. The commission would decide contested electoral votes by a majority vote of the Commission. [On 03/02/1877] Congressional Commission awards disputed electoral votes to Hayes…”[1]
The result was that Rutherford B. Hayes was elected President. There were significant concerns that there might be riots or threats that would prevent Hayes from being inaugurated. The appointed day for the inauguration was to be on Monday, March 5, 1877, but to be certain that the newly elected President would take office timely in case violence prevented the public inauguration, President Hayes was secretly sworn in on Saturday, March 3rd, in the White House, by the Supreme Court Chief Justice. It turned out that the fears were unfounded and the public Inauguration went as planned.
Even though the dates have been changed by the 20th Amendment to the Constitution in 1933 and the outgoing President’s term expires at noon on January 20, there is absolutely nothing that prevents the newly elected President from being sworn in privately by the Supreme Court Chief Justice. As President John Adams established in 1801 when he left town before Thomas Jefferson was sworn in, the outgoing President need not even be present for the transition of power. President Trump knew that when he left before Biden’s inauguration in 2021.
As President Biden established when he finished taking the oath of office at 11:48am on January 20th, 2021, subsequent to the 20th Amendment, it is still permissible to be sworn in earlier than noon on January 20th. If that is done, the new President simply takes over officially at noon.
Most Americans are well aware that the world has become a powder keg, and the United States is much worse off than it was four years ago. The last thing we need is for the Biden administration to hang around beyond noon on January 20th. Even if the D.C. leadership and the Biden administration have provoked the city and nation into turmoil, all we need is for President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Vance to quietly meet the Chief Justice in an undisclosed location and be sworn in. President Trump will then have full authority to do what is necessary to bring about law, order, and a little peace beginning at noon on January 20, 2025.
Former Congressman Louie Gohmert is a Senior Fellow of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
[1] The American Presidency Project, U.C. Santa Barbara.
That’s a great idea for Trump and Vance to be secretly sworn in with
nobody the wiser. Then on January 20th, they can be publicly sworn
in before the nation. That way no matter what treacherous stunts the
Democrats pull to block President Trump from assuming command –
he will have already done so.
And hopefully the White House doors will hit them all in the ass as
they are compelled to exit on Inauguration Day.
Absolutely! Gotta stay ten steps of these lawless, corrupt Democrats, who fully embrace Machiavellian principles.
Hopefully as they exit our White House doors they’ll enter Gitmo’s doors.
Yes! Faster please. The current regime has done enormous damage. President Trump – and we – have a nation to save.
A SUDDEN INFLUX OF DRONES? To the Coup conspirators, they had to think of something since their bullet missed and the other man in the bushes was discovered by a rouge agent. They want one to take down A PLANE… “OOPS, we didn’t know Trump’s plane was in the area?” Yes, out of hundreds that flew into and out of that runway… “Trumps was the lucky… wait unlucky one. Tragic I say… TRAGIC! Now we need to find out how this happened so it never happens again!” Then they spend all their committee time covering up what happened.
We’ve all the Com-Left Protesters scream: “JUSTICE NOT REVENGE!” By a new DOJ and FBI going after the Conspirators, the coup-plotters, the Lawfare actors, IT’S NOT REVENGE…. IT’S JUSTICE and Lady Liberty demands it or they’ll do it again! OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE that History will agree with. Hopefully too… investigations should take months… NOT YEARS! Hannity alone has figured it all out so why does it take years… “and no responsible prosecutor…. !” “NO JUSTICE NO PEACE!”
THE BIDEN’S MUST PAY! So corrupt and obvious. And then there is BILL CLINTON… who is really behind what people are blaming on Hillary. Bill desperately wanted back in the WH, so he used Hillary’s government email to negotiate with her counterparts to make her look good since he knew she was incompetent. He said in an interview that he had only used two emails… and then The Clinton Laugh which is the sign they are lying. SHE DESTROYED the emails because Bill’s fingerprints were all over them… then what? BILL HATES TRUMP and surely he, and his contacts are PLOTTING ANOTHER ONES to bog down Trump with HOAXES that take years to disprove.
“DEMOCRATS DRAG TRUMP to the Public Square to stone him with the Scandal of the Week written on the stones. For over two years, it was the Russian Collusion stones, but in the end, nothing was found, so Democrats walked away from the Square LAUGHING because Trump was still lying there beaten to a BLOODY PULP! ‘NEXT SCANDAL… _______ BRING IN THE STONES AND MAGIC MARKERS!'” sc
“The DOJ, FBI, and MSM, look at Trump under an Electron Microscope while they look at the Biden’s, Obama’s, Clinton’s, and Democrats, with a BACKWARDS HUBBLE TELESCOPE!” sc
“IMMIGRANTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD leave their Country due to the Crime, Corruption, and the lack of The Rule of Law, to then come here, a Country envied for its Rule of Law. LEGAL IMMIGRANTS stand in line to do it The Long Way, The Hard Way, The Right Way, and they’re very bitter at all the help given for THE ILLEGAL WAY when there was no one there to help them do it THE HONORABLE WAY! (Their Right Hand raised as they say the Pledge of Allegiance with tears in their eyes. “It was all worth it!” What’s the Honor of coming here illegally and using false asylum claims with many groups (ACLU) teaching them what to say and what not to say to Immigration Authorities.)—– ILLEGALS, and their supporters, including the government, DEMAND that we overlook our Laws for them making us exactly like the CORRUPT AND LAWLESS COUNTRY THEY JUST LEFT!” sc ———(Legal Immigrants need to stand up and speak up!)
“When, not if, the Com-Left controls SCOTUS, they will rule that the Constitution itself is unconstitutional!” sc
“Using the Freedoms granted in the Constitution to overthrow the Constitution!” sc
Cory Booker: “Our Founding was rooted in White Supremacy!” They’re going after our Founding Fathers now… tearing down their Statues. but in the end, they’re going after the Constitution! The Rise of Black Supremacy!
“What do We the People Want?” sc
“WE want Jobs not Mobs!”
“WE want Educators not Indoctrinators!”
“WE want Journalists not Propagandists!”
“WE want Workers not Freeloaders!”
“WE want Flag Wavers not Flag Desecrators!”
“WE want Family and Friend Unions not Political Exclusions!”
“WE want our Founding Articles not The Rules for Radicals!
“WE want Capitalism not Socialism!”
“WE want America First not the World who Hates Us First!”
“WE want Praise America not Blame America!”
“WE want Love it or Leave it!”
“WE want the Rule of Law not Mob Rule!”
“WE want Honorable Legals not cheating the System ILLEGALS!”
“WE want Guiltless Wealth Accumulation not Forced Wealth Distribution!”
“WE want ALL Colors United not Divided!”
“WE want Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for ALL!”
Nice telescope analogy. 🙂
Just keep the Inauurgation on thew same date its always been and and ir The Bluder Twns Joe and Kamela disagree its way too bad but the Voters have decided and and the Democrats Lost
17 military bases that drones have infiltrated are adjacent to Chinese-owned farmland.
Mayorkas will say that those were commercial aircraft looking for the airport.
Try a search (not Google) for Hivemind Autonomous Drone deployment System.
For sure…Biden and his criminals that surround him have talked about it. They are scared to death that the political grim reaper is coming. And they are right.
“They”, at the highest levels, are also plotting ways to take him out.
The ACLU is bragging that they stopped Trump’s many EO’s with their Judges,
who were planning to retire but are staying. Remember all the Judges
who ruled “unConstitutional” for almost everything he did? It stops everything,
then years to settle, sometimes all the way to the SCOTUS. They’re laughing
because they stop him with activist Judges.
Surely, the ACLU and Democrats are plotting something to stop his deportations. Many mayors and Governors claiming to “we need to protect our citizens.” Illegals aren’t citizens? The ACLU, and many of their groups, La Raza, Somos Unidos, will even protect the criminals who are fleeing their country and the crimes they committed. And yes, many were let out of prisons.
While in Chiapas, the most southern state of Mexico and bordering Guatemala, a newscast showed a large soccer stadium parking lot filled with white unmarked buses. “The Army will be escorting this caravan to the U.S. border!” So, this proves that Mexico is helping them. Also, the clips of people walking is NOT them walking from their countries… there is a buffer zone of about a mile between borders. They get off the bus at the Guatemalan border, then WALK with their kids to the Mexican border. I wanted to travel to Guatemala, and everyone told me I wouldn’t make it and would be robbed, kidnapped, or thrown over a cliff, which I’ve seen with a thick jungle below. Hopefully they’ll all be stopped when Trump makes his demands!
It’s good that Trump and his professional team is replacing the Biden/Harris political clown show.
Problem: ,,,,what could be done to save the Titanic with a 300 foot long tear in her side? How badly is the American body politic broken? Can the general population over come the amoral chaos by returning to common sense Judaeo Christian ethical behavior?
51%+ divorce rate is a socially collapsing marriage mortality rate. The insecurity sown into their children will yield a terrible crop. 49% of New Orleans hurricane refugees (Katrina) in 2005 were functionally illiterate.
Does anyone really believe the Democrats are going to give up power. Oh, hell no!
The drone spectacle and the torrent of disingenous reeeeasons for their sudden appearance have all the hallmarks of Democrat shenanigans: panic, chaos, fearmongering just prior to Inauguration Day. Unless of course, they really are US military drones searching for nuclear materials….will the public ever be told the truth? Oh, hell no!
Good post, Onzeur Trante.
Martial law and there would be no inauguration.
It’s a slapstick cartoon ! That is totally not funny and totally demonic,
Mr. Gohmert, why did you leave Congress? You were one of the very best and are dearly missed.
Small error: Gore was VP in 2000.