It’s a great time to be a leftist.
No insane policy is too extreme. No horrible proposal is too off limits. Ban cows? Sure. Let the Boston Bomber vote? Allahu Akbar! Ban cars? Why not?
This one comes from Governor Jay Inslee who is running on a dual platform of single issue green energy and hopeless despair. This is one of those campaigns that exist only to raise the profile of a forgettable politician and to solicit money from correctly motivated donors. After Inslee loses miserably, he can double his speaking fees because he was once a presidential candidate. An honor shared by only every other Dem elected official in America.
Anyway, Inslee has a bold proposal whose time has come.
100% Green Energy for everything by 2030. Shut down all the coal plants. Go to solar, wind and unicorn dreams by 2030. And then laugh as everyone outside the South and Southern California freezes to death.
And then there’s the car ban.
Inslee’s platform calls for, “Implementing a new standard for clean cars – requiring robust annual improvements in vehicle emissions for light, medium – and heavy-duty vehicles to help break America’s oil addiction. This standard will accelerate the deployment of ZEVs, reaching 100% ZEVs in light- and medium-duty new vehicle sales by 2030.”
ZEV is a fake term used in California. It means zero emissions. That’s obviously impossible. Electric cars still pollute.
But the real genius of ZEV was that, like all environmentalist boondoggles, it was a rent seeking gimmick for getting car companies to pay others to make electric cars. That’s where Tesla comes from. California is full of Teslas. More so than any other place on earth because of ZEV credits.
Inslee’s plan in real life will no doubt involve either forcing you to buy an electric car or forcing you to buy ZEV credits for somebody’s else’s car.
And the future 2020 loser also proposes reviving terrible Obama gimmicks like Cash for Clunkers and getting into the car business.
“Dedicating significant new federal investments to support a diverse and robust American ZEV manufacturing base, including a critical materials strategy, as well as the creation and recycling of advanced batteries and component parts.”
It’s bound to work half as well as it did last time.
Solyndra 2. Here we come.
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