Forget the mandatory Trump hit pieces that now consume 99% of all media coverage that isn’t devoted to viral videos. There’s no better barometer of how the media has shifted into an arm of various political interests than the blizzard of targeted 2020 hit pieces going after certain candidates on behalf of other candidates.
There were the Bernie Sanders hit pieces, probably instigated by Warren’s people. Then there were the attacks on Kamala Harris, probably instigated by Booker. And a recent slam at Joe Biden in the New York Times.
The common denominator is that they appear in major media outlets, but appear calculated to serve specific political interests.
It’s gotten so bad that we now have pre-announcement hit pieces targeting potential candidates. Like Edward Isaac Dovere’s hit piece on Howard Schultz, former Starbucks CEO thinking of a presidential run.
Schultz’s venture is unserious and will probably go nowhere. And you wouldn’t think that it would be worth a hit piece in The Atlantic, even by Dovere, the guy whose job it is to basically write up the talking points of certain politicians into something that looks like an article.
But here we are anyway.
Dovere’s piece is littered with quotes from Dem apparatchiks and Bill ‘Kristol worried that if Schultz runs as an independent, it might take votes away from the Dems and help Trump win. There’s no actual evidence of any of this, but evidence is overrated when all you’re doing is articulating the erratic agendas of the left.
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