The obvious question is why. The less obvious question is, will Biden offer him the position of Navy Secretary?
Joe Sestak, a former congressman from Pennsylvania and Navy admiral, became the latest Democrat to join the crowd of 2020 presidential hopefuls.
The 67-year-old in a statement posted on his website Saturday said he is running to be the commander-in-chief “who serves the American people the way they deserve to be served.”
Sestak, who ran unsuccessfully for the Senate in 2010 and 2016, acknowledged that he was getting into the race late.
Then why get in at all?
In a smaller field, Sestak might at least have gotten to 4th or 5th. In the current field, the only thing anyone will remember him for is being 25th.
That, and it’s going to bring back flashbacks of an old Senate race mess and Obama scandal.
The White House’s confirmation Friday that it enlisted former President Bill Clinton in an effort to get Rep. Joe Sestak out of the Pennsylvania Senate primary has sent the regular players in Washington’s scandal industry to their battle stations — to pick over the very sort of insider special dealing that Obama had promised to make a thing of the past.
That’s the context here.
Rare is the Washington scandal where both the accuser and the accused refuse to talk about the charges.
But silence has been the norm in the case of Rep. Joe Sestak, D-Pa., who alleges the Obama administration offered the second-term congressman a “high-ranking” job if he would abandon his primary challenge against Sen. Arlen Specter, D-Pa.
In the aftermath of the allegation, Sestak remains a challenger to Specter, the five-term Republican who defected to the Democrats last year, in the Keystone State’s May 18 primary.
“Were you ever offered a federal job to get out of this race?” Kane asked Sestak on an episode of Comcast Network’s “Larry Kane: Voice of Reason.”
“Yes,” Sestak replied.
“Was it the Navy secretary?” Kane followed up.
“No comment,” said Sestak, adding. “I would never get out for a deal. I’m in this for the Democratic principles.”
“OK,” Kane cut in. “But was there a job offered you by the White House?”
“Yes,” Sestak replied.
Asked if it was a “big” job, Sestak declined further comment.
That’s what the 2020 Dems really need, more scandals.
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