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Democrats have civil war fever and lately everything seems to be the Civil War. After Biden spent four years in office constantly comparing himself to Abe Lincoln even though the only apparent similarity was that both men were brain dead (albeit for very different reasons), other Democrats are claiming that it’s all the civil war.
Winning the prize this week is a gentleman from California.
“This is probably the most extreme test of our constitutional democracy that we’ve seen since the Civil War,” Rep. Jared Huffman claimed, in response to the Trump administration’s funding freeze.
Really? The “most extreme” since three-quarters of a million Americans died while fighting each other.
The most extreme since the president ruled through martial law, locked up members of the government, including judges, and a number of states were added on dubious grounds?
I don’t know about you, but I also have trouble telling apart a funding freeze and a war that went on for several years and devastated entire cities.
Making this even sillier is that Dems have used grandiloquent demagoguery like this to describe everything from Goldwater speeches to Iran Contra to the Patriot Act to George W. Bush making fun of reports to Trump enjoying a taco bowl. When everything is a crisis then nothing is and even liberals are exhausted by this level of Orange Man Bad Mania.
But let’s take a step back here.
If the funding freeze is the “most extreme test of our constitutional democracy” since the Civil War, who are the Democrats in this scenario, the Union or the Confederacy?
lol … that gave me a good laugh 🙂
Views in the Civil War were much more extreme. I was just reading earlier a long such letter written early on during the war by a supporter of the South. Actually what struck me the most was that her arguments were based on principle, rather than a correct analysis of the concrete military factors. The South could have won though, if they had used the right strategy.
On a tangent, I finally learned how Ferdinand Ward swindled Grant out of his fortune. It was basically a Ponzi scheme. I guess people didn’t understand Ponzi schemes very well back then.
Ponzi was born in 1882.
Ward was the master swindler of his day.
I bet there were swindlers around during the caveman Stone Age. They probably didn’t live long after their swindles though……………
There were swindlers in ancient Greece and Greek mythology I remember that. They had words for “swindler” “cheat” and “thief,” which they often used interchangeably according the histories. I had to look them up though, because I couldn’t remember them. There’s a reason for the saying, “it’s all Greek to me.” Boy are some Greek words hard to pronounce. It seems like most of them have superfluous and unpronounced vowels. I cant read ancient Greek so there’s no reason to use Greek characters/letters to write the words. I doubt anybody else here can either so I used the modern spellings in English although I got them from a translator from Ancient Greek. “Apateonus” is the pronunciation for swindler and “exapato” is the word for cheat.
Autolycus was a cunning swindler and thief, and Odysseus and Sisyphus were cunning thieves, like Hermes. The characters were probably based on real people and they were human in mythology but their stories were exaggerated fantasy, of course. Some stories said Autolycus was the son of Hermes but you know those Greeks had a bunch of origins and contradictory stories about their characters. They were worse than the Romans and Norse that way.
I know people cheated in the ancient Olympics in Olympia, usually though bribes but some dummies tried to start races early, and some would try to bite, gouge eyes and use the old testicle twister move in wrestling. The Olympic events were closely monitored by officials, so trying to cheat was stupid. They would get whacked with sticks right on the spot during the competition or hauled off and flogged. They would also erect statues of Zeus or the athletes themselves with their names inscribed on the pedestals to shame them for a long time. I guess their cities would sometimes take their houses, too. I’m guessing bribery was the only swindle that it was possible to get away with.
Poor Grant. He was only three years older than me when he died of pancreatic cancer, according to one of those mini bios Netflix plays instead of commercials alot.
I remember hearing it said that the MAGA faithful would get tired of SO much winning after getting Trump back into office.
I’m not tired yet.
Mexico & Canada folding like cheap card tables on border security/tariffs. Democrats have expedited their idiocy displays. RINOs coming out of their costumes. So much winning!
If Rep. Huffman wants a “civil war”, he chose the wrong group to fight with; 90% of veterans and 85% of American gun owners. Bring it, tough guy.
…and who wants to tell him about his “constitutional democracy”? 😆
He’s accomplished more than I can keep track of in just two scant weeks. Just today signed a passel of Executive orders today, had the 88,000 new ARMED IRS agents who Alzheimer Joe’s handlers hired to crawl up the asses of working class Americans choose between assigned to border patrol or be FIRED and allowed Musk to abolish USAID. That last one really warms my heart. No more wasting money for “woke”causes like DEI on hostile foreign countries which just pocket the money anyway.
And he even took the time to field mostly stupid questions three different times and meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. In all three question sessions, he reiterated his intent to have the Psuedostinians relocated out of Gaza and help Israel rebuild it as a valuable and civilized part of the country, instead of the “Hellhole” he describes it as – which it is. It could be another Tel Aviv with the Paleosimian subhumans banished.
No way can the Dirtbagocrat DNC, Congress and Minitrue Media keep up with President Trump’s whirlwind of restoration and improvements of America. He’s hundreds of steps ahead of them so all they can do is screech ad hominem lies while he keeps blowing through them. By the time they choose one thing to whine and lie about, it’s already outdated like USAID, which Inbred Omar, that Ooompa Loompa, Lil’ Jamie Raskin and a bunch of other D-Bags keen to perform for the cameras when they came to the USAID building and were rebuffed. They were sent packing, ha haw!
Our Civil War like all wars was about money. It takes a little bit of research but it is quite interesting compared to what we hear today. The US government was funded by tariffs and alcohol taxes from 1789 until 1914. The South hated paying up to 48% tariffs when 85% of those taxes were spent in the North on road improvements etcetera.
Slavery provided the funding for our country. Most people take care of a tractor at their farm because it is expensive. So were slaves. Slaves also were not thrown out when they were old. They continued on the food and housing sheet an early form of Social Security.
The source of much of the slavery info we regurgitate today, came from the 1864 Presidential campaign. The Republicans were desperate. They had seen the New York riots against the war and rich men buying their way out of the draft and lynching negroes after Gettysburg on Wall Street. Lazy “historians” do not bother to do any research and the winner writes the history.
Only a very small percentage of Southerners owned slaves. And the Democrats didn’t form the Confederacy until they were prevented from expanding slavery to all the new Western Territories so they could use the half a person status of slaves to pick up seats in the House, the way they did in slave states.
I think the creation of agencies like USAID, Department of Education, the hiring of 87k IRS agents, and the spending of the money is a greater threat to our republic than the spending freeze.
I do too. The good news is that President Trump is having or allowing Elon Musk, the head of the new Department Of Government Efficiency (DOGE) abolish USAID, and he’s also having those 87k IRS agents choose between border patrol or being fired.
The department of education is a huge problem though, and a tough one, but he’s already off to a great start. He’s replacing a “woke” DEI hire with Linda McMahon as the Secretary of Education. The current scumbag only got the job because he’s “Latin.” He also outlawed DEI in education and you can bet students and parents are going to inform on teachers who try to keep pushing that stupid, anti-white, racist poison. And students can record teachers with their cell phones so they can’t lie their way out of it.
Oh spare us the faux outrage Huffman. More stupid talk meant for the all the stupid people.
Huffman? I bet he’s a Peter puffer. Or Huffer, I suppose.
“our constitutional democracy “….. can’t even get that right… somebody should tell him the US is a republic.
The constitution doesn’t say the working people and businesses must pay the lazy and useless government employees.
That is theft, not democracy.
A hyperbolic statement if ever there was one, or does the fool really think the freeze is as deadly as the Civil War was? Either way, it made the stupid statement of the day list.
Government slush funds gotta go!
At risk is the fed spending to NGOs to Dem campaign contribution coffer money. Consider all the money Biden sent to environmental groups that exclusively donate to elect Dems. Without that money, Dems face a harder road back into power. I’m not saying money is the only factor or even the biggest factor, but it does contribute. Even USAID which is supposed to be for foreign aid often gets routed through US NGOs* which skim some more off the top.
* In some cases, strings of US NGOs which launder some money into political activism. I.e. Fed gives money to NGO1. NGO1 gives to NGO2. NGO2 gives to NGO3. Eventually, any pretense of accountability and official purpose is lost.
More mindless banter from a Liberal Demo-Rat with Sawdust for Brains too much Booze and the Brain and we get nutballs like this
Union or Confederates? Neither. They’re all slaves.
Huffman’s comments are outrageous. And I enjoy Daniel’s take on this.
But anyone who thinks Huffman would NOT murder us to restore funding, he’s a potato.
Democrat leadership hates us with a passion. That’s why they’re willing to fund policies guaranteed to create death, rape, horror, and suffering. And blame us for the results. And accuse us of killing children – if we want to stop their slaughtering.
The D-Bags used their USDA operatives to threaten chicken farmers too, so the farmers would raise the cost of eggs and they could blame the $7. to $30. carton prices on Trump. The Chicken Littles were screeching about bird flu when Alzheimer Joe was doddering around lost in the White House because nobody is afraid of the Wuhan Flu anymore, except a tiny minority of tardmos. The D-Bags want us scared and easier to control and fleece like under the Wuhan scamdemic. But they didn’t bother Tardmo Joe or his handlers.
Now that Trump is President, all of a sudden bird flu is supposedly a dire emergency. The USDA has been threatening to force chicken farmers to kill all their hens if one gets the flu, which is unnecessary and illegal. So the farmers got scared and raised egg prices sky high. Bad move because nobody seems to be buying them at those ridiculous prices. The shelves are untouched in the supermarket near my apartment.
A commenter told me about this the other day but I don’t think he knows the USDA is run by Dirtbagocrats, as so many government agencies are. And we all know Dirtbagocrats tend to be underhanded and dishonorable – and afflicted with toxic TDS.
Newsmax and Real America’s Voice confirmed this on TV today. I KNEW the D-Bags had to be responsible, although I’d figured it was a holdover from the Alzheimer Joe regime, not the deep state bureaucracy.
Too bad. I usually eat eggs and potatoes every day for breakfast but not for now.
Odd, no? That an authority NOT among those delegated to the federal government – redistributing American tax dollars overseas – is a hill the Dems want to die on? Foreign Aid, USAID and other, simply is NOT among the enumerated powers and therefore unconstitutional and illegal. Doesn’t matter if the swamp likes it or not – the feds ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DO IT. So arrest and prosecute them ALL….